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File: 1720090810331.gif (142.69 KB, 220x163, 220:163, wiz-dance.gif) ImgOps iqdb

7198e No.64825

At first I thought the expiration would drive away retards and keep intelligent posters. But it turns out the vast majority of wizards were retards just like normies and therefore will not return to the site.

Which has lead to some boards getting less than 5 posts daily.
Where do you strike the balance between driving out tech illiterates and getting more posts?

I think it would be nice if the site was at least a bit more active. And it doesn't seem like old users who are scared of an expired certificate are returning any time soon, if ever.
On mobile devices, the stupid browser says "your financial information is at risk if you continue" which is also complete bullshit, but scares away low IQ's.

e5c36 No.64826

File: 1720092152844.png (1.83 KB, 526x65, 526:65, Captura.PNG) ImgOps iqdb

I bet that of those 5 daily posts I am 3 of them, and you are one, plus another post from someone else.

8b6d9 No.64827

Wwhy is your 4chan French.

1ab90 No.64828

I think it's portugus or spinash

e5c36 No.64830

When I try to make a post the message "you look like a bot" appears, and if you add the privacy error to that, no one will want to post here.

8b6d9 No.64831

Another case of
>I deliberately use the same IP obfuscators, cookie denialers, JavaScript disablers, and browser agent hiders that bots typically use, and now this website thinks I'm a bot. How could this be happening to me?

e2769 No.64837

I'm too old to bother doing all that, but you'd think wizards are in general much more privacy conscious than normies.
There is no need to be completely trackable 24/7, which is an Orwellian dystopia.

e6be9 No.64838

I am known to browse the internet without a condom handy.

8b6d9 No.64854

Even without a valid certificate of security, Redditspacers still get through… Sad!

5d3e9 No.64863

File: 1721692871923.jpg (9.08 KB, 184x184, 1:1, c6f77547d74e078f5dee1899fe….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

>At first I thought the expiration would drive away retards and keep intelligent posters
Yet here I am, a proof of it. The former, naturally.

63bfc No.64880

File: 1722738804535-0.png (16.46 KB, 514x671, 514:671, b.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1722738804535-1.png (57.04 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, post.php max threads.png) ImgOps iqdb

bruh put a limit on how many threads someone can make on a board in a time span

add this if-block in post.php before the "//Check if thread exists" comment

8b6d9 No.64881

it's /b/
You type like how a black talks and you use communist software.

63bfc No.64882

It's the only good board on this shitty site. But if someone can just bump off all 500 threads with gibberish with a script then it makes posting here pointless. Thought about making a comfy wiz/b/ competitor on 8chan.moe but they refuse to fix their board creation email verification thing.

8b6d9 No.64884

You are a very whiny newfag who can't comprehend the value and necessity of a spam board.

e6be9 No.64888

Admin, are you getting emails? Basically I'm asking if the email address in the FAQ works or not.

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