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434e2 No.65246

How long does this website keep the IPs? Do IPs also get deleted if you request a post removal?

80a6a No.65248

not a mod but you probably wont like this answer. From a coding perspective, its far easier to never have the ips expire. I dont know if thats what this board does. But usually, this would be a specific feature outside of a basic board functionality. ie. it probably doesnt expire.

299e5 No.65249

Not a mod as well just a tech guy.

>How long does this website keep the IPs?

That depends on the web server configuration(NGINX or Apache or whatever they use). The moment you access the website it gets a HTTPS or HTTP server response logged into a log file, but after a while it goes away if you haven't visited the site in a while because of other people and scrappers and bots visiting the site. The log file gets filled and most likely restarts or it might keep the old log file for a while before automatically backing it up for a multitude or reasons. (Their configuration or maybe they need it for Law Enforcement if you post illegal content.) Also vichan and NPFChan are able to see your IPs if enabled. I've used NPFChan and it has the possibility of hashing your IP if enabled but who knows what the staff here has it configured.

>Do IPs also get deleted if you request a post removal?

No they do not. Just depends on their configuration. If they ban and remove all posts then maybe but who knows what other files they keep on you.


>How long does this website keep the IPs?
Indefinitely as far as the mod panel suggests. Pages to view an IP's post history are generated on the fly as we visit them, so technically there's already a post history page for every possible IP.
>Do IPs also get deleted if you request a post removal?
Successful active posts are visible on this IP page so long as they're up. Posts deleted by the staff are visible on the IP page until we superdelete them. Posts that have expired by normal means are archived and then they no longer have IP data attached to them. Posts deleted by a user are completely wiped from the system, minus the temporary rolling master log file which is required for floodgating. Posts rejected as spam show up as a footnote on the IP page marking the time of the rejection. Upon loading the IP page, the IP is checked against a list of known VPN IPs which is displayed to us if a positive result comes back. There is a native system in place for checking the general country of origin of an IP that would appear on this page (for /int/ flags), but we have that disabled.

If you have a post you'd like superdeleted, you can request so by mailing ayydmin@proton.me . You'd have to convince me it was really you who made the post however.

>The moment you access the website it gets a HTTPS or HTTP server response logged into a log file, but after a while it goes away if you haven't visited the site in a while
This is our case. I'm not sure how far back the log goes, but its size is capped to be tiny and what is recorded is concise. Really just enough for the floodgate to operate and see if the server is being cyberbullied.
>Also vichan and NPFChan are able to see your IPs if enabled. I've used NPFChan and it has the possibility of hashing your IP if enabled but who knows what the staff here has it configured.
Wizchan does not hash IPs. Our ruleset and arbitrary moderation prohibits truly fringe subjects from being discussed so we have no cause to protect anyone from anyone else. A lot of moderation these days is preventive which is made possible by seeing the IPs of violators and connecting them to similar IPs. We're not dancing to the tune of those who believe IPs are anything personal to autistically cover up, but we're not hoarding logs either.

Post from a VPN if you want us to not see your secret number, and find one that hasn't been flagged as a proxy if you wish to add files to that post.

490f2 No.65252

thanks for your honesty. I remember 8chan mods posting IP's of users for shits and giggles or because they didn't like the poster. I still dislike though I gotta let Google in my browser to fill your captcha. But I guess these days you can only be a Luddite so much before cutting off your internet completely.

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