2dce7 No.64850
>>64849The admin doesn't give a single fuck about this website.
89c4c No.64851
The admin kicked my little sister and fucked my dog
>>64849Can you link these outsider memes? There's been about 3 or 4 Pepes posted in the past week and all were deleted.
89c4c No.64856
>>64855>>64855That's it. Admin just doesn't care any more. It's over.
5cf9b No.64857
>>64856its still up lamo they dont give a fuck
5cf9b No.64915
I reported lot of outsider memes (pepe) and they're not removed, do your job
41eff No.64918
>>64915At this point does it really matter, especially if it's on /b/ or a isolated case?
The mod might be using discretion and reserving action to things that are actually disruptive to the site overall instead of nit-picking things to the letter of the rules.
5cf9b No.64919
>>64918it was on main boards, not on /b/
89c4c No.64920
>>64919That is so fucked up then…