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File: 1682729431281.gif (242.2 KB, 360x270, 4:3, reaction nobody knows.gif) ImgOps iqdb

d854b No.63957

For me, I'd say a 32 post bump limit. I like to read entire threads, and a thread with more than ~30 posts is too long to keep my interest.

64965 No.63958

File: 1682731444055.jpg (169.27 KB, 1125x1077, 375:359, Ft3e14lWIAAd9eM.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

I'd make it so all normalfiends were banned and everyone who enjoyed manga and anime posted about it in /jp/ everyday

5d76d No.63959

no more jannies

2181b No.63962

holiday and temporary boards

bring back wizbux
wizbux reward system
post embellishment using wizbux (text borders, flashing lights, marquee text, font sizes, etc)
traps and pranks using wizbux (blind next user to open a thread, randomly divert them to another thread, send their next post into /b/, etc)
mod actions using wizbux (spend big bux to instantly send a post into limbo where it's hidden from everyone but mods)
wizbux lottery threads (every post in the thread costs wizbux in exchange for a chance to win the pool. if you dont win you add your post to the pool. lottery prize pool resets to a few hundreds wizbux every time someone wins and it continues forever)

random names instead of random IDs within meta (ie ID:John Smith instead of ID:lam3g4y)

i would make things more fun, vote me mayor i promise to do this and more

fd77b No.63963

Even though this site is dead don’t allow auto bumps to pg.1 after a single post. Anyone can just attention whore and samefag easily and it happens especially on b

64965 No.63964

>and it happens especially on b
Being mad at spam on /b/ is like being mad that someone on the other team is scoring goals against you. Just score goals back by spamming more of what you'd like to see.

fcb48 No.63969

>complaining about them leaving child porn up for 8 hours
you sound like a huge pussy i would ban you too if i could

fd77b No.63971

nah. just put up a IP counter at least. so every one can laugh.

55d8c No.64005

Ban porn. Ban racial slurs (already should be as it's inflammatory speech which is banned under rule 5).

082d8 No.64006

My dream would be for Wizchan to be reinvented from Ground Zero. All that matters is being virgin, volcel and neet-friendly. The Wiz without the Chan. And all the leftover cultural baggage from 4/8chan dumped.

Love the Wiz, Hate the Chan.

9a752 No.64007

If you hide the threads from the /wiz/dep/lounge/ horror show you're pretty much set.

ba30c No.64009

Your "dream" is attainable with a $9.95/m VPS rental and 3-click BBoard installation and yet all you can do is daydream about it on /meta/. Sad!

082d8 No.64013

I could have just taken r/volcels back when it was free

d854b No.64151

Many good ideas here.

Just because niggers are more prone to inflammation (due to higher levels of C-reactive protein (CRP)), and faggots are more prone to inflammation (due to copius amounts of buttfucking) doesn't mean calling someone a niggerfaggot falls under "inflammatory speech"

d854b No.64153

File: 1687674242763.png (126.52 KB, 398x255, 398:255, ClipboardImage.png) ImgOps iqdb

Hate the Chan

83a77 No.64159

Why don't we take a step into modernity and present day technology, and limit the maximum character count per post to 70

When you go above 40, a warning text appears informing the author of imminent boredom and distractibility of the reader

a76a2 No.64160

there's a billion self-help, diet and exercise websites out there. the role is more than filled.
wizchan doesn't need to be one of them, but since 2017 it certainly has been.

f77d7 No.64165

Maybe on /lounge/

43bbc No.64166

it doesn't help that the most vocal posters advertising this kind of content are into fringe pseudo scientifical nonsense like naturopathy

>Objecting to this means you are a Jewish female

i don't know why jewish specifically but this is rich calling anyone a succubus when you have an interest in something so commonly associated with them as a demographic. they are like 90% of the target audience for this wellness kookery

787b2 No.64170

I vv second ban porn. It doesn't have a place here, and you guys post some of the most disgusting shit.

2181b No.64181

File: 1688834441683.png (51.12 KB, 682x737, 62:67, Oekaki.png) ImgOps iqdb

082d8 No.64192

a rule34 of wizards banning pornposters, turned into a porn scene

2a680 No.64196

>means you are a jewish female

you clearly have an excessively low ability to think rationally

6ba68 No.65033

Forbid mods to ban users under vague reasoning of schizoposting.

69de6 No.65036

>What is the biggest change you would make to wizchan
update the FAQ and rules to include the current features as well as explain the rules the mods enforce but aren't officially listed because no one has bothered to update the rules page in like 6 or 7 years.
Also some way of finding out what is going on when the site is down would be nice.
Also fixing or removing the shit that has broken for years would be nice. Like the dead links to the textboard and wiki, or the comically busted user activity counters on the front page. My vote is just remove the dead links already.

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