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c6b57 No.64418

I tried to appeal my ban but apparently my email won't send. Got something saying it had been trying to send it for more than 12 hours unsuccessfully. Please check to see if there is an issue with the server.

In the meantime, I would just like to address my ban here. Some guy came into an anime thread to heap his sick hatred against trannies. This happens in all sorts of threads. I decided to try and push back on this vitriol and I was banned for "thread derailment". So the message the mods are sending is it's fine to rant about jews trannies or any other minorities in any unrelated thread but if you try to push back against that hate, that is a banning. Bigotry is fine, anti-bigotry is a bannable offense. It's a straight up fascist tactic used by cowards who know they can't defend their own position. Shameful.

ea3b0 No.64448

wtf I hope you get unbanned justice for wizzies!

edbd5 No.64450

File: 1701533568524.jpeg (194.57 KB, 545x515, 109:103, 58354D20-FD2E-4A42-97C8-3….jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

The reason is that whenever trannies are brought up, the mods’ transgender girlfriends are inevitably brought up, so they have to pretend to be anti tranny in order to impress the wizards.

6f119 No.64452

>Bigotry is fine, anti-bigotry is a bannable offense.

0ba73 No.64455

File: 1701609930417.gif (2.84 MB, 480x366, 80:61, fortress-of.gif) ImgOps iqdb

We have to come to terms with the reality that tranny obsession is legitimately a core part of chan users identity in 2023.
It really needs to be put in perspective, an 18 year old today was 10 when the new generation of completely retarded /pol/ was born around the Trump campaign in 2015, 8 years ago. The average 18 year old poster here has spent their entire conscious waking life posting about trannies. With some crappy estimations, these kinds of people have been lurking new 4chan for around 2000 days (5 - 6 years).
They've probably mentioned trannies at least once a day on discord or 4chan, so they've mentioned trannies thousands of times, probably called people trannies and posted tranny memes thousands of times. They've read others mention trannies probably hundreds of times a day browsing these places for hours a day. 50 times a day would be hundred thousand, and it's really 10-50 times a thread on 4chan now. There are 18 year olds here who have thought about trannies hundreds of thousands of times.
People who have browsed for 10 years would have to see around 300 tranny mentions a day, to have thought about trannies a million times. A million, and I bet that would be easy considering discord and 4chan. There are possibly people here who have thought about it a million times.

I barely think about these things apart from reading the news, I don't encounter them, and the most of my thoughts about the concept is from this imageboard. We live in different realities, trannies being mentioned so often is legitimately just the future of chan culture, we can't hold back the tidal wave of these people who just see it as the normal way to talk.
Anyone who finds any of this unpleasant or abnormal is part of the old world, the zoomer age is one of undirected emotional meltdown, raging about trannies while you peel carrots is just how things are now. The way people are is diverging from a nice reality, even the places they call "norrmie" like reddit has turned in to people congregating in subreddits to rage about people they don't like. The degenerate ragey agey is upon us.

636ec No.64456

>I barely think about these things
>by the way, here's an entire paragraph of me seething because people refuse to just shut up and respect my pronouns
You're fooling no one.

0ba73 No.64458

File: 1701641035839.jpeg (34.68 KB, 250x204, 125:102, IMG_4566.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

I’m a certified wizard alpha male with a big long posting history 😎 sorry bud

aa7ff No.64460

The email link is broken I think.

Admin posted a working email in one of the meta threads.
Why they can't just fix the default link is beyond me. It should be a 5 minute fix.

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