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File: 1687559157239.jpg (126.72 KB, 1080x1238, 540:619, 20220417_104804.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

5a975 No.64141

Is Admin rich? A guy in /dep/ suicide general said he's going to give all of his Cardano to the admin and that he already did before. Can you please use the money to fix the site and make it so we can post on meta with VPN's again?

Or did admin get trolled? Is he crying? Needs a hug? ^_^

07c5c No.64142

If Admin posts his Cardano address, I'll send him all my crypto.

Seems like the only sure way to make sure it's going to the right person, seeing there are trolls that are going to create multiple Cardano addresses and it's impossible for me to tell.

4fdb0 No.64144

If this all goes ahead etc, I hope admin will post a retrospective analysis afterwards. See how many of the replies in the thread were authentic users, see how many were /b/ trolls, how many had 0 posts on the boards, how many were samefagging.
It'd be interesting. There's so much shitposting these days it's hard to get a grasp of the actual userbase here.


Well I gave up on "post address and anon will give you crypto" joke 8 years ago but if you're serious about contributing to Wizchan's existence beyond what you've sent already, I opened a Cardano wallet here


Any amount will help to persuade a trustworthy developer in to fixing our many broken assets and back-end issues. On the extreme end of what bux can do, it would be cool to just rent a physical dedicated server and be done with the limitations and vulnerabilities imposed by modern VPS providers. I don't know what I'd do with any leftovers aside from extending the life of the site in whatever way possible.

>See how many of the replies in the thread were authentic users, see how many were /b/ trolls
We've had this issue in the past with users giving out Steam keys, and some mischievous wizards tried to samefag an extra game. I glossed over the users who posted addresses in the /dep/ thread and they all appear to be genuine unique users with post histories.

>Or did admin get trolled?
Even if our wizard friend never breaks the magic seal on his vault, it was still interesting to see such polar reactions from a bunch of users over the prospect of accepting blood money. A merry ruse.

a4fb9 No.64148

you posted your address in the /dep/ thread already, don't be a panhandler

cee27 No.64149

We have no guarantee of you being one of us

cee27 No.64150

4chan at least has the option of signing in.

05f37 No.64154

LoL thought you were gonna say "hope you change your mind about killing yourself"
But no, you're a nigger

5a975 No.64156

Okay, happy to know you're doing well! ^_^ Please bring Wizchan far in to the future!

Please share it! Admin-sama means well, but many wizzies just need that little bit of security to bring them out of depression! You are a saint Wizzy!

2b17c No.64162

If crypto anon spares me some in that other thread, I'll give you some more anon. Jesus, you're more desperate than me… hope you're looking for work or something at least

5a975 No.64167

Did Admin finally get the money he deserves? Did he share it with the mods? Are they all comfy neeties who invest in crypto now?

5a975 No.64169

Well keep up the good work!

5a975 No.64173

I hope modsama gets a break soon. I saw all of that spam. Please take time to treat yourself every now and then!

8bf9d No.64174


af0a0 No.64175

wizzie… i worry about you… i worry a lot….

5a975 No.64177

Does Admin have Paypal? Can he post it so wizzies like me can send him some money? I want to help out while I can!


No, I'd rather not encourage wizards to send their money away to anyone OTI. The Hosting is getting payed just fine for now. Paypal and other non-crypto money transfers mutually exchange real names and emails of both parties so it would go against the anonymous nature of the site.

I posted a wallet address because a wizard shared interest in giving away his crypto while he planar shifted to a realm where money doesn't matter. I have no interest in accepting money from those who plan on remaining in a world where money can buy survival and comfort. If you want to contribute to the site as a user, all you have to do is positively engage with some of the other users here. Paying the host is the Administrator's responsibility.

dde12 No.64183

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5a975 No.64223

I want to buy pizza and cola for the nice mods. I want them to take it easy!
Rat is comfy, rat is CUTE!

5a975 No.64356

Admin… Your site… It needs repairs!

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