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File: 1690036191146.png (752.3 KB, 1067x1263, 1067:1263, 67584428_p1.png) ImgOps iqdb

04c58 No.64239

So the wizchan.org domain seems to have problems all the time, why not just set that domain to redirect to wizardchan.net for a while so people know it exists

also wizardchan.net seems to think I'm on a proxy when I'm not


File: 1690063478463.jpg (72.71 KB, 818x720, 409:360, stanglre.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

I completely forgot that it existed. The previous admin contacted me about keeping it sometime between now and last year but I forgot to get back to him.

Wizchan.org went down because of a cyberattack on my bank account that prevented the bill from being payed again. That is the fourth time it has happened so far this year and it will happen again. It is interesting to know that the database and content remains accessible through a different domain during such downtime.

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