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9b358 No.64457

So just to confirm, it’s ok to call wizards “losers” now right, and to worship succubi? Can we get rid of rules 3 and 4 then? I think they are a bit confusing since they don’t actually matter. Maybe even rule one, since I think we should be more welcoming to female wizards.

dc8a8 No.64459

>it’s ok to call wizards “losers” now right

Totally context depended.
For example, if you lost all your money playing poker, you being a wizard is not protection from being made fun of for being a shitty gambler so you can and probably will be called a loser.
HOWEVER calling someone a loser for being a wizard is against the rules.

Or to put it another way
You can still be a loser while being a wizard but you aren't a loser because you are a wizards.

>and to worship succubi?

Dude, even posting pictures of succubi in nonsexual context gets banned despite the rule not really meaning that.
Are you whining about wifufags?
Maybe pagans who think worshiping Hecate will give them actual magic powers?
The fuck are you talking about?

9b358 No.64462

im referencing a certain “””wizard”””” who worships succubi and says they are “based” for tormenting wizards

d50da No.64463

spammer: gets his succubus appreciation deleted, all of his other posts deleted, and is banned constantly every time he comes back

retards: must mean succubus appreciation is allowed now :/

dc8a8 No.64464

Doesn't really clear things up for me.
Is this some drama going on on /dep/?
Because I don't really go on that board.

And "tormmenting" wizards?
Any details.

Why are you being so vague and using scare quotes?
If you got personal beef then disengaging when you aren't in the headspace for banter might be the best option.
There are a few idiots that annoy me on here. Sometimes its funny to banter a bit or flex my argumentative muscles, but most of the time I just ignore the idiots being idiotic and not let them spoil my day.
If you do see rule breaking then report it, hide it, and move on. The mods will ether deal with it or they wont. Regardless it's best to wash your hands of it and not let it get to you. If you cling to negativity then you will let it pull you down into the same bucket of despair and stupidity that they exist in.

9b358 No.64465

it’s not because of that thread. It’s because he is in other threads insulting wizards and calling them losers and nothing is done. I just mentioned that because it is obviously him doing it.

d50da No.64468

>he is in other threads insulting wizards and calling them losers
Any links?

b03d0 No.64475


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