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File: 1699101700713.png (6.76 KB, 512x512, 1:1, R.png) ImgOps iqdb

2375a No.64399

I've noticed that wizchan has a json API thing when I visit for example https://wizchan.org/meta/res/64247.json. Is there an API url for the board list?

577a7 No.64425

Vichan and NPFchan never implemented boards.json by default it seems - https://github.com/vichan-devel/vichan-API

From the github npfchan
 $entrypoints['/%b/%d.json']                = 'sb_api_board';
  if ($config['api']['enabled']) {
    $entrypoints['/%b/threads.json']         = 'sb_api';
    $entrypoints['/%b/catalog.json']         = 'sb_api';

- https://github.com/fallenPineapple/NPFchan/blob/master/inc/route.php

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