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File: 1715929000747.jpg (7.34 KB, 297x170, 297:170, 74566534.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

94544 No.64722

Looks like the website died because you don't know how to moderate shit



File: 1715966848437.png (88.29 KB, 599x256, 599:256, the_game.png) ImgOps iqdb

This is one of the posts from your IP. If the site is dying, it's because of actual faggots such as yourself.

45a79 No.64728

Why are you replying to a obvious troll or unhinged person? clearly the guy is a mentally ill or something.

94544 No.64740

>getting this flustered over a /b/ shitpost mentioning my prolasped wizbussy

Okay peabrain


e6a93 No.64741


e0348 No.64743

And now I know, it's just a game
and I don't need the rules to play
Maybe it's happy, maybe it's sad
but you can't choose the way to play

80575 No.64746

Genuinely laughed at this for half a minute

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