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File: 1704053135045.png (3.71 KB, 300x168, 25:14, email.png) ImgOps iqdb

446d7 No.64511

Unfortunately the webmaster's publicly listed email address for this site is not active. I would like to please get in touch with the webmaster, Glaive or one of the moderators to request comment and get their side of the story regarding a controversy in which Wizardchan was accused of engaging in harassment - a claim that is contested. Can someone please point me in the right direction?

3d49e No.64512

File: 1704056720847.jpg (128.76 KB, 1299x1414, 1299:1414, 27a110635e4352bb7c678dcc96….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

The wizadmin wizsaid his wizemail was ayydmin@proton.me


If you're that far behind to think Glaive still exists as any kind of entity, then the harassment controversy you're probably talking about is the Zoe Quinn / Gamergate thing. In that case, there have been several different admins and even Wizardchans entirely since then so it's unlikely the current owner can tell you anything more than what's been publicly available since 2017.

Until you get the information you desire, please enjoy this drawing of Daidouji Tomoyo from the "Cardcaptor Sakura" Manga.

ca41a No.64513

File: 1704057508677.jpg (48.68 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 44610848620574.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

I can answer your questions

bf154 No.64514

The staff is on vacation until the 7th, so you won't have luck reaching them until then (no signal on the mountain).

f15ee No.64516

This sounds like some internet failure of a so-called "journalist" being a faggot and trying to get quotes/an interview for a hit piece

Blow it out your ass

0e2d1 No.64517

Happy new years!

446d7 No.64518

Yes, I wouild like to know more about Zoe Quinn's allegations against Wizardchan. If they can be verified and what your version of events is.

ca41a No.64519

That’s almost 10 years ago now and the admins and possibly mods have changed, the old server with any evidence is gone. It’s really not considered important here or part of the history here, it was just social media retards being social media retards.
Are you male?
Have you had sex?

2a2d6 No.64520

I was there, I clearly remember her "game" being a power point presentation and the Journos teasing for favorable reviews turned to be true, we were framed.

1f0ee No.64521

Hotwheels claimed that Zoe posted the threats against herself, but how would he have known that? on what evidence?

3d49e No.64522

>on what evidence?
The geolocation for the IP the threats were being posted from were located directly above her IRL house (which she made (public). They were the only posts made from that static IP. She was also samefagging with this single IP in response to her own posts.

446d7 No.64523

Is there evidence of this or moderators/admins who can attest to this?

1f0ee No.64528

> geolocation for the IP

Can you really geolocation for the IP down to the house level?

1f0ee No.64529

From Hotwheels-

Q: I’ve heard you used to frequent Wizardchan. What was your involvement in the community? Were you there to witness the dramatic showdown between Zoe Quinn & members of the community as it happened?

A: I first became involved in Wizardchan when I saw it linked from 4chon.net in December of 2012. I was a regular poster until the original administrator of the site, mr_pacific, wanted to sell it. He was tired of the site and needed money. The community was very small then but I decided to buy it from him and I was the administrator from March 2013 to September 2013. I resigned from the site because the main rule of the site is that only male virgins are allowed to post, and I lost this status.

I was friends with the subsequent admin of Wizardchan, Glaive, who was in charge during the Zoë drama. The way it was described in the media is not the way that it happened at all. Many Wizardchan users are very depressed and have trouble even ordering pizza over the telephone, muchless calling someone they don’t know and making threats. The threatening posts made on Wizardchan were made by Zoë herself for attention and by trolls from other websites, as was confirmed by IP checks. Some media outlets recanted their story, but by then the damage was already done.

446d7 No.64531

Thanks, I've found the interview.

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