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c5e61 No.64308

Why is this place so hard to moderate? Countless times a single user manages to derail entire boards for lots of hours.

This seems to be tied to wizcord drama most of the time. If crab-tier stuff like discord was banned and enforced this wouldn't happen, this happens because we have mods that encourage wizcord faggotry, if you weren't on discord on the first place, you wouldn't get butthurt users flaming the board or trying to dox you.

c5e61 No.64309

And forgot to say, I'm typing this because someone is spamming genitalia mutilation.


>Why is this place so hard to moderate? Countless times a single user manages to derail entire boards for lots of hours.
It's a single user, sure, but with unlimited IP addresses. Our system recognizes them as VPNs but the upload prohibition applied to such doesn't extend to Youtube embeds. Filebans don't work on embeds either. He's got the rhythm of spamming down as he's been doing this in some way or another for years now. When school opens up he'll have less time to post whatever those videos are.

>If crab-tier stuff like discord was banned and enforced this wouldn't happen

Linking any Discord servers has been banned for years. We're actively deleting anything related to "The Discord", especially posts dropping names or spreading interuser drama. Wizchan is not an outlet for users of any Discord server to rant and conspire over other users while under the safety blanket of anonymity.

>if you weren't on discord on the first place

"We" aren't. Wizchan has no official Discord and there's reason to believe the big "Wizcord" one was made by trolls to cause trouble for Wizchan users. I've never used any server for more than a day and I don't believe any of the active mods are all that in to it either. If someone in a Discord server claims to be a mod, just ask them to prove it by making a mod tag post here and you'll quickly see they're lying.

If you remember the Cytube situation from 2015-2016, you should know just how easy it is for banned Wizchan users to get together and coordinate raids to spread random lies about the staff and users.

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