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File: 1686395547164.jpg (132.65 KB, 667x1024, 667:1024, 1686195068600644.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

9e463 No.64109

We should ban all the porn from the forum, delete the channel /b/ and use spoilers for suggestive images, we have to differentiate ourselves from the other chans, there are few places on the internet without degeneration

caa8e No.64110

File: 1686400681290.jpg (338.3 KB, 1060x1500, 53:75, yande.re 168041 sample ani….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

being a virgin and a wizard doesn't necessarily equate to being a religious prude
imageboards are already infested with /pol/tards and enforcing /pol/tard values wouldn't differentiate us it would assimilate
posting 3DPD is not permitted and that's enough

b565e No.64112

i propose we ban all men from wizchan and only let witchie post! let them discuss make up and boys instead!

9beef No.64113

having to manually hide the fap thread everytime a new one pops up is a hassle

b565e No.64114

theres some really weird shit in the fap thread too. when i saw it last i was just like… so thats what wizzie gets up to…

>tfw makes u think

890cf No.64116

I agree with deleting b.

04f2a No.64120

>>64110 Coomer detected. But you know, kiwifarmers will not have their sociopathic joy if wizards do not make theirselves even weaker and drained by falling for porn.

It's like that "hidden war" meme. Everytime you wizards fall for it, the psychopath gets the upper hand.
The importance, value and wizardry of semen retention has already been addressed in this imageboard quite enough for you to thrust yourselves into painful aging.

2a692 No.64121

Agree on banning porn

caa8e No.64123

there certainly have been plenty of threads on this imageboard about the subject, and the outcome of these threads has never been some universal agreement amongst users of this website that masturbation is harmful, infact the opinions are usually quite mixed, you're trying to impose your will upon the rest of those who differ in opinion through petty lies
no-fap is a failed normalfag outsider movement and it primarily deals with 3DPD porn, which is already not allowed here, 2d is harmless and the ideal sexual outlet for celibate individuals
i don't see the problem as it all is contained within one thread which you can hide with a single click, if you're sensitive to the point where the mere sight of such images causes intense discomfort then you probably shouldn't be on an imageboard in the first place

9e463 No.64124

Porn is unnatural and bad for the man itself, masturbation can be debated

ed30e No.64127

You can literally go onto the plethora of porn boards on 4chan, or all the porn websites, to find porn. There's absolutely zero reason it needs to be allowed on this website.

Just ban porn, it doesn't bring any benefit, and the cunnyshit all through the fap threads makes this website unbrowsable on public networks without facing legal risk.

ed30e No.64129

Pedo genocide, best day of my life.

f651e No.64130

I agree, delete Abyss board. It's hoarded and spammed by the youtube videos with dot in the message. I'm pretty sure he uses some kind of script to repost shit he watches.

Pretty sure some time ago, some of teh mods admitted that he is a problem and they cannot do anything because he "hops the IPs"
It's pretty shit. Maybe it's the mod himself.

Anyways, not just B, but the whole site is not that good to be honest. No diferrent from any other shitty chan. Some of the user base aren't even virgins.

I kinda dig and get the appeal of the "wizard" memes and larp with pics of fictional wizards. But the actual userbase is awful these days

db69d No.64132

I'm not even against porn in the privacy of your home.

But I don't see what sharing porn you enjoy with fellow wizards, in a site dedicated to overturning the sexual instinct, adds to wizchan culture

890cf No.64133

agreed. I thought this website was supposed to have a disdain for crabs but everywhere all I see is the same typical type post you see from neckbeards or crabs there is nothing wizardly about spamming loli porn and saying the n word constantly

85b36 No.64134

Strongly agree on everything.

d05e6 No.64163

>Suggests massive changes
>Doesn't even like the website as a whole

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