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File: 1684044558632.png (168.16 KB, 964x661, 964:661, Screenshot_20230514_075956.png) ImgOps iqdb

febde No.64015

that's not a statement. that's just you AGAIN abusing the hammer desperately trying to hide how stupid you have become.

if not for 30+ disregarders of females and seekers of magic, who is this site actually for? what are you trying to do with this site? i get it that you work hard trying to fight the spam every day but if you bring your dirty fighting everywhere, you ruin the innocence of this place and then there is no point in having this place.

this place seems like an evil retirement home.

26769 No.64016

File: 1684074493466.png (125.46 KB, 1049x744, 1049:744, illust_102196141_20230401_….png) ImgOps iqdb

>innocence of this place
BABYFUCK is a sanctioned meme here, lad

0112f No.64017

some wiz pointed the price of having your own board up, otherwise consider tracking down the staff

955a3 No.64029

this is all just a joke to some evil people i guess. makes a lot of sense. only the purest of heart can survive the onslaught of filth with their innocence intact. it is no surprise that the mods failed and succumbed to their lowest instincts and became what they hated as this is the fate of all unremarkables.

>some wiz pointed the price of having your own board up

what is the price? a server that can handle the load that runs an imageboard software, a domain, maybe some kind of cloudflare antispam and then tons of time to delete all the garbage and lube for getting fucked by whoever violently claims the internet these days.

my amateur estimate would be somewhere between 50$ and 300$ per month.

>otherwise consider tracking down the staff

bitch i am not solid snake, i am a proud military service denier. also what makes you think the owners are humans. they might just be sophisticated ai.

26769 No.64030

>my amateur estimate would be somewhere between 50$ and 300$ per month

Try close to $11.50, $14.50 if you get a few gigs of spam in the month.

$300 will get you a premium dedicated server which will allow you to do anything as it's just a rented private PC. That's necessary for something like a booru or a 4chan-sized board.

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