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63c6a No.64506

Hello, Im going to create tis thread and lists some reasons why wizchan might be bad. I'm saying might be because when I look around I see some positive threads that I don't expect to see here and was a taboo not too long ago; for example the anti suicide thread. Anyways here it goes.

1. The mods and admin are a "mysterious" clique that can see your posts but you cant see theirs. They probably could track your internet usage too. They do this to troll and in their defense find out infiltrators(lol 😂) who wants troll this website. You be the judge if you're ok with being spied on.

2. Negativity is encouraged. Depression is encouraged a lot here while I don't think it's surprising that wizards suffer but encouraging negativity in the user base is such a fucked up thing to do when the mod/admin team is laughing in their discord servers and also trolling in /b/. They're not really serious and just want to spread negativity.

3. Somebody here said it's a clubhouse not a debateclub. He's right this place is definitely a club house with the mod team and admin as the cool kids(men adults) clique. Wizchan is really comfy for them because they can't just do whatever they want in the website. Now you could even say you don't have a problem with that but I just don't like it. This website feels like a playground for them which I wouldn't even mind if they weren't some wizards k*lling themselves on the suicide thread. Trolling and funsies for them and rules and some suicides for the users.

4. Why the place is still up. I think the place is just up bc 30 year old virgins mod/admin wants a clubhouse where they can socialize and be comfy and also troll. You can say they'll just troll the trolls but I think they will troll anyone they disagree with. I just don't see why would it matter to them wizard or not. They just want a place where it's comfortable for them to be virgins then do whatever they want without mocking them for being virgins. It's basically their own kingdom and the userbase as serfs for attention and positive replies without much disagreement and like-mindedness
5. Concept of wizardry. I just don't think the mods care about this because I just don't see them caring about the user base. It must Asperger's having no empathy and all that. So therefore wizardry might not really matter to them. I mean just look at the truewizard contest. You'll know the loudest ones are the mods. It's also crazy how everyone is so easily rude on true wizardry lol.
6. Mods/admin teams got so much big egos. It's so easy to recognize them from easily recognizable shitpost patterns on /b/ and sometimes it leaks out on otherboards sometimes. You could even see shitpost like this on meta. You know only a mod could have the opportunity to post like that and not get banned. Yes could also do it maybe but mods do it all the time.

7. Wizardry end goal. This is weird to me because wizardry is from a meme and it's upholders the modteam/admin are an unserious bunch with narcissism. I just don't know if that's good for you. I don't know if that's good for people.

That's just about it. I don't care if you're a normal wizard right now who's angry at this post but I'm sure the mods/admin will always posts an angry response or a dismissive response because they don't like that negativity put on them. I really made this thread because I think I'm stalked by a mod on 4chan because I said faggots there. Some mod here is a homosexual btw. I'm not a 4channer I'm just peeking as all internet users do so don't get riled up.

Also I made this post because I'm feeling stalked by a mod member here. He's here in this thread posting personal information about somebody's age. That gay style posting could be obviously seen in /b/. He must be a mod in 4chan too or a gay dude with super Aspergers good with tech to somehow stalk me. (This dude is mad about something I forgot)
This dude is posting personal information lol, shits so weird. But anyways I just want to say the truth. Peace. Even tho the mods are bad I still laughed back then on /b/. Good times.

(And lastly I think this site is maintained, solely so could the admin/mod team can have a comfy place where discussions, positive feed back and trolling for them only is accessible while being 30 year old virgin males. Pretty based really lol, but it's messed up bc the other wizards are suiciding and the mods/admin will never ever suicide themselves but encourage it on people.)

63c6a No.64507

Belated merry Christmas to all of us, God have mercy on all of us. Peace.

3ec81 No.64510

>I see some positive threads that I don't expect to see here and was a taboo not too long ago
Positive threads were never taboo

3256e No.64541

based mod
youre making me even prouder to be a wizard

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