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e3fbc No.64274

I have carefully observed this over the last few months and im sure that wizchan is getting undermined in a rather subtle way. Im not writing this to badmouth the site or to cause problems but as an advice to others to be cautious about certain posts on here especially some posts that have been made over the last few weeks. Imageboards with low traffic such as this one are easy targets for this sort of practice. It's a subtle way of replying to different threads and posts with the sole intent of presenting certain narratives and ideas and not with the motivation to have a genuine exchange. The reply itself is always propaganda so to speak and not just a genuine reply.

Another noticeable thing you see more often is wizards getting accused of being crabs or r9k types if they present an opinion that goes against the narrative and while there are some crabby posts on rare occasions this is just another tactic of pushing a narrative, you prominently see this on /dep/ and /lounge/ but also on /wiz/. The narratives presented are always of a more radical leftist or progressive nature as you would typically see it on a site like reddit and anyone who doesn't fit into this gets accused of being a crab, pol or r9k poster regardless.

I also don't want to defame the admin in any way as he also took steps at the beginning of the year to put a hold to a similar series of such practices.

57d5f No.64275

Still cant even post images with vpn on. Half the time text posts dont work with vpn. It's not subtle at all, they want to ID you

ec04d No.64277

Fatlink said he didn't even like wizchan he just thought the domain and culture was "prime real estate" and a good recruiting ground.

a66a4 No.64278

but i saw screenshots of his posts on Crab.co and he labeled himself "Emissary from Wizchan"

ec04d No.64279

Yes he maybe said about real estate in anger before he left

9fdb1 No.64283

what else is new

a66a4 No.64284

You realize in paragraph 1, you do the very thing you complain about in paragraph 2.

You insinuate that someone with X ideas has more sinister X2 ideas

and that is exactly what you're complaining about how people with crab-pol ideas are called out even if they advocate those ideas in a "subtle" way.

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