57d5f No.64275
Still cant even post images with vpn on. Half the time text posts dont work with vpn. It's not subtle at all, they want to ID you
ec04d No.64277
Fatlink said he didn't even like wizchan he just thought the domain and culture was "prime real estate" and a good recruiting ground.
a66a4 No.64278
>>64277but i saw screenshots of his posts on Crab.co and he labeled himself "Emissary from Wizchan"
ec04d No.64279
>>64278Yes he maybe said about real estate in anger before he left
a66a4 No.64284
You realize in paragraph 1, you do the very thing you complain about in paragraph 2.
You insinuate that someone with X ideas has more sinister X2 ideas
and that is exactly what you're complaining about how people with crab-pol ideas are called out even if they advocate those ideas in a "subtle" way.