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13572 No.63847

hello mods, do you think im a good wizard? what is mods position on me as a poster ;___; (dont make me cry again)

f03fd No.63848

midwit coder yuppie that shits on his fellow wizards and calls them manbabies and neckbeards. unironic succubi defender on reddit and would curbstomp a virgin for a crumb of femboy pussy. when he's not punching down on those he deems lesser than him, he's probably posting the same sex joke for the millionth time.

so i would say above average wizard. at least you don't disappear on fridays. the bar is incredibly low at this point and i will accept that posts regularly and sexes it up less than 3 times per week.

ed6ad No.63849

>femboy pussy
"Femboy pussy" doesn't exist. it's a hairy men's anus like any other you LGBTQueer

a4bb9 No.63851

Scientists have found a very strong correlation between avataring as an anime cuteboy and actually being a cuteboy

116d2 No.63981

and gayness too

2aa60 No.64476

LUV this feeler fren simple as

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