They had one in crystal cafe about time they made one in wizchan too
>>304786man if i ever made a sword i would defy every kind of categorization. screw these nerds trying to label and define everything. imagine making a badass sword and some pedant tellign you it's not actually a sword it's blah blah
>>305015germans have great ideas. truly the good guys lost WW2
>>305176If you continuously churn yourself you become butter
>>305620I want you to know this post made me smirk, wiz.
>>307338I mean those clown trolls try to terrorize normies that there is a serial killer around, causing mass chaos, so they deserve what's coming to them.
fucking hate bpd succubi
This'll look a lot cooler in the centuries to come when this type of computer becomes more and more ancient looking.
>>308782Why has she shoved us down this well
>>309240Was feeling suicidal but laughed so hard at these. Thank you.
>>310592Max comfy. Are there more videos on this?
>>310685why do russians like the white monster energy drink, to the point it is a meme online?
is it like mountain dew for western gamers, white monster for russian weebs?
>>310686I don't think there's anything special about the white one.
>>310687i see it fairly often in russian twitter posts and russian memes. there is some kind of association between the white monster energy drink, russia, anime, and video games but i don't know the culture of langugage to really understand it
>>3106961 and 3 are actual factual transvestite in-jokes…
>>310694Isn't it simple because of 30 years old boomer memes?
>>310934Image 2.. I believe was an offering left to the gravesite of a young boy who perished. A wiz from here or there observed it on his trip to Japan.
>>310934very random that you have that pic. that was a pic i took with my phone but i've lost all those phone pics. only have the camera pictures now
>>310966I’m so happy that “liminal spaces” trend took off. I love the aesthetics they always bring me such comfort.
>>310967Wizards hate me for this but I often go for Reddit for subreddits like this, Liminal spaces, Urban Hell, City Porn, Maximalsim, Minimalism, etc.
>>311011Is that from the Worms PC game? I loved that game as a kid.
>>311035what is that first pic? guy crushed by logs?
>>311046yeah, hundreds of them, from a collapsed a Bonefire in Texas.
It was for the the ATM College Football tradition, a giant bonefire made from thousands of logs in a weeding cake shape with 3 levels, the wiring in the base that held the larger logs broke and it all collapsed, this guy had a crushed pelvis and died 2 days latter, he is seen helping rescue operations, found it a few months ago while searching for 9/11 pics.
There is even a memorial of the event.
>>311566 are those discs dog food?
>>311567Meat jelly for humans
>>311566man, this looks bland and disgusting. must be one of those european countries that doesn't have any food culture
>>311581Caring about presentation for a self-cooked meal for one is absurd. Whiny cunt.
>>311582I'm actually not talking about the presentation. The presentation is quite nice, why would you think I was talking about that? I was talking about the ingredients. I mean half the dish is just plain potatoes, and that thing with jellied meat just seems gross because of the texture I am imagining.
>>311583The potatoes on right also remind me of stegt flaesk med persillesovs which is extremely bland and disappointing for something called a "national dish". Your post gave me flashbacks to eating that. Of course it could taste much better, hard to know without tasting it yourself.
>>314112 Because it's free and I'm dirt poor.
I've been using it to visualize my daydreams.
Here's some old school sword and planet stuff
>>314416more like no one showed how to level up so I just stayed in the starting era around some weird people who think leveling up is for losers
>>314434The game is rigged for most
>>314434This is sad but true. Boys learn through mimicry of their father and through direct instruction by their father, but modern society has made it so fathers are separated from their children while working and when they're home they don't actually do anything meaningful, never teach the child how to actually act in the world. Some are better than others, but I think the overall quality of fathers has been degrading as a result of this way of life for generations now. The successful normies had strong fathers who took the time to show their kids how to "level up". They taught them what to value, how to act, and they did it by example rather than just saying it.
>>64160I completly forgot I made this thread until
>>67610 bumped the thread
>>64186I do have porn webms/images.
My collection grew up since past year. I have 5000+ pics and 1700+webms now
>>67610ok here's some.this kind of images? if not, describe me what theme you want and I'll try to post them
>>316011I don't understand the third pic
I have seen in the past on wizchan a real photo of a dead decomposing man holding a daki pillow on a bed like in this post
>>316010 , do anyone have it?
>>316015yes I do have it just let me search in my pics folder collection
>>316012It's the form of a lead jar of a kind used to store dangerously radioactive items (like old radium wads from waybackwhen).
The image is suggesting that the radium or whatever else had formed a metallic amalgam with or had activated the lead interior, and that the interior of the jar is itself radioactive to the extent that it is interfering with the camera. Which means the person opening and closing it is likely to die, if not from radiation then from the chemical toxicity of playing with an item containing radium amalgam.
>>316019yes, thanks wizanon, i wonder if this will be my fate
>>316008>>316009Disgusting tranny shit
>>316020do you wish for it
>>316028The monster in the first image looks like it has troll faces
>>316186third pic is scary why she has big eyes
>>316190all the better to see you with
>>316187Really cool conan pic, but i always liked elric more. Turim is the most elric character tolkien created, maybe is because is also based on kullervo.
>>316190Sumerian statues have big eyes because the believe, thats how the statue can cacht the energies from the universe. The proto sumerian culture of ubaid is way more mysterious. Their statues looks reptilian
>>3162132nd picture is roger waters if he was a character in thomas the tank engine
>>316224is that skeleton AI-generated?
reminds me of Shpongle Codex VI cover art
>>316228I saved the skeleton pic way back before ai was a thing
>>316228>>316229I saved it in 2022, ai wasn't that good has it is now
A little bit off-topic. Let's identify all plants ITT.
>The Casa de Aliaga is a colonial-style building located in the historic centre of Lima, Peru .. the central atrium, the most beautiful spot in the house. Here a covered gallery overlooked a sunken patio graced with a cast-iron fountain and a towering ficus tree.>>305110Coconut palms, moss, ferns.
>>305362What plant is this? Looks gorgeous.
>>307022Ever read (as a teenager) The Garden of Adompha (a weird tale)?
>The singular and magical operation had been completed. The fair, slim, tapering hands of ThuIoneah, severed cleanly at the wrists, were attached with little mark of suture to the pale and lopped extremities of the two topmost branches of the dedaim. In this process the magician had employed the gums of infernal plants, and had repeatedly invoked the curious powers of certain underground genii, as was his wont on such occasions.>>307664Oak.
>>306770Petunias, purple and white, striped.
>>310965>douglas-fir-growth-pattern….jpgSelf-pruning of branches. Dead branches are spine-like in appearance.
>>311540Birches have brown spots on the bark. Is it just weathering? Red ferns, white and pink lilies.
>>311544Some sedges.
>>316006Golden pothos, areca palm. Ivy. What star-shaped plant is on the right?
>>316022Marfan syndrome hands.
>>316226Mexican fan palm, other palms. It's an iconic tall palm. Or it's some other palm. I'm not a botanist.
>>316253Excuse me but what the fuck are you playing at
>>316253Clark Ashton Smith is my favorite writer of Weird Tales. He left writing after his parents died. Fritz Leiber always tried to make him write again.
>>316259Sadly no. I found them in a thread on /Co/. I think the second one was made by a tranny. My dream is to have a collection of monkey plushies. I think theres a guy who made really cute custom plushies of evething you want, but i dont remember his name.
>>316260>my pussy belongs to daddy.Thats was funny when i see it the first sad and repulsive when you think about it.
does anyone know of groups similar to geinoh yamashirogumi in japan or other parts of the world? No.316292
>>316255Wiz puts his plants into txts -> escapes into nature. Is that inappropriate
>>316272Iguanodon, Carcharodontosaurus.
>>316282>first picA willow, papyrus, water lilies, roses, tulips / yellow monocot flowers and a tree with oval, irregularly toothed leaves (elm).
>second picMonstera.
>third picHydrangea.
>>316345>people saying that a drawings have rigths like an actual kidwhere do people say such things?
this is the first time i've come across the idea of drawings having any rights lol
>>316490low testosterone zoomer wants to be dominated by his aunt
>>316497What a retarded boomer picture.
This "respect for others" is more like "being a sissy submissive bitch".
>>316499>>316500The problem is being spanked by succubi. A good father beats his (male) kids but with the ultimate intention of being surpassed in a fair fight, then he knows his boy is ready and he made a good job.
>>316496why is head is ok
Another thread ruined by the cartoon guy.
>>316601cool mecha
>>316610I dont see anything wrong with posting cartoons. Is a thread about random images.
>>316625Very cool pic of Kim Possible. My sister really hate the live action, she said the singing zombie movie was better than that
>>316627>I dont see anything wrong with posting cartoons. Is a thread about random images.Whether it's in line with the vague rules layed down by the OP isn't the issue being addressed. It's a matter of respect for everyone else. It is in the best interest of any man to entertain and inform others with his image choices. Not only is this
cartoons boy not posting random varieties of images, but his particular choices from his one preferred subject are, on their own, boring. Just about every post has contained its own small, isolated, unique adventure in to what the poster considers interesting. There are album covers, old paintings, architectural designs, classic cinema, historical accounts, memes, manga, artistic photography, photos of technology and products, and little windows in to various cultures. Then the cartoons boy's images are just "cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon"
There is a cartoons thread he should go to instead. In fact, there's an entire cartoons board on 4chan he would enjoy.
>There are album covers, old paintings, architectural designs, classic cinema, historical accounts, memes, manga, artistic photography, photos of technology and products, and little windows in to various cultures. Then the cartoons boy's images are just "cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon cartoon.I see. Well, i will post more of my real art folders and less cartoon ones.
>>316648I thought Romero only made zombie movies. Really cool Knigths pictures
>>316640That's either an edit or kim went goth in one episode. Is that oficcial art from BattleTech
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