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72588 No.64498[Reply]

Seeing the comments that some people make, I think there would be potential to create a board, or at least do an experiment with one to see how active it is.
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6a7ee No.64533

Wizchan's directs competition

22620 No.64540

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very good idea cause some wizzies are schizos and those putos make sum top tier conspiracy theories

f0a0d No.64551


fucking peruvian, man, I swear

ce77c No.64553

Most are bored teens shitposters hoping someone will drop decent copypasta in their lap for them to repost to redzit.
/x/ has been dead for legit occult discussion for years.
Most active threads just fortune telling and arguing over astrology now.

0b99b No.64635

You think you will get actual intersting content related with the occult, but what you will get in reality is schizo flat earthers and delusional evangelicals.

63c6a No.64506[Reply]

Hello, Im going to create tis thread and lists some reasons why wizchan might be bad. I'm saying might be because when I look around I see some positive threads that I don't expect to see here and was a taboo not too long ago; for example the anti suicide thread. Anyways here it goes.

1. The mods and admin are a "mysterious" clique that can see your posts but you cant see theirs. They probably could track your internet usage too. They do this to troll and in their defense find out infiltrators(lol 😂) who wants troll this website. You be the judge if you're ok with being spied on.

2. Negativity is encouraged. Depression is encouraged a lot here while I don't think it's surprising that wizards suffer but encouraging negativity in the user base is such a fucked up thing to do when the mod/admin team is laughing in their discord servers and also trolling in /b/. They're not really serious and just want to spread negativity.

3. Somebody here said it's a clubhouse not a debateclub. He's right this place is definitely a club house with the mod team and admin as the cool kids(men adults) clique. Wizchan is really comfy for them because they can't just do whatever they want in the website. Now you could even say you don't have a problem with that but I just don't like it. This website feels like a playground for them which I wouldn't even mind if they weren't some wizards k*lling themselves on the suicide thread. Trolling and funsies for them and rules and some suicides for the users.

4. Why the place is still up. I think the place is just up bc 30 year old virgins mod/admin wants a clubhouse where they can socialize and be comfy and also troll. You can say they'll just troll the trolls but I think they will troll anyone they disagree with. I just don't see why would it matter to them wizard or not. They just want a place where it's comfortable for them to be virgins then do whatever they want without mocking them for being virgins. It's basically their own kingdom and the userbase as serfs for attention and positive replies without much disagreement and like-mindedness
5. Concept of wizardry. I just don't think the mods care about this because I just don't see them caring about the user base. It must Asperger's having no empathy and all that. So therefore wizardry might not really matter to them. I mean just look at the truewizard contest. You'll know the loudest ones are the mods. It's also crazy how everyone is so easilPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

63c6a No.64507

Belated merry Christmas to all of us, God have mercy on all of us. Peace.

3ec81 No.64510

>I see some positive threads that I don't expect to see here and was a taboo not too long ago
Positive threads were never taboo

3256e No.64541

based mod
youre making me even prouder to be a wizard

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446d7 No.64511[Reply]

Unfortunately the webmaster's publicly listed email address for this site is not active. I would like to please get in touch with the webmaster, Glaive or one of the moderators to request comment and get their side of the story regarding a controversy in which Wizardchan was accused of engaging in harassment - a claim that is contested. Can someone please point me in the right direction?
9 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

3d49e No.64522

>on what evidence?
The geolocation for the IP the threats were being posted from were located directly above her IRL house (which she made (public). They were the only posts made from that static IP. She was also samefagging with this single IP in response to her own posts.

446d7 No.64523

Is there evidence of this or moderators/admins who can attest to this?

1f0ee No.64528

> geolocation for the IP

Can you really geolocation for the IP down to the house level?

1f0ee No.64529

From Hotwheels-

Q: I’ve heard you used to frequent Wizardchan. What was your involvement in the community? Were you there to witness the dramatic showdown between Zoe Quinn & members of the community as it happened?

A: I first became involved in Wizardchan when I saw it linked from 4chon.net in December of 2012. I was a regular poster until the original administrator of the site, mr_pacific, wanted to sell it. He was tired of the site and needed money. The community was very small then but I decided to buy it from him and I was the administrator from March 2013 to September 2013. I resigned from the site because the main rule of the site is that only male virgins are allowed to post, and I lost this status.

I was friends with the subsequent admin of Wizardchan, Glaive, who was in charge during the Zoë drama. The way it was described in the media is not the way that it happened at all. Many Wizardchan users are very depressed and have trouble even ordering pizza over the telephone, muchless calling someone they don’t know and making threats. The threatening posts made on Wizardchan were made by Zoë herself for attention and by trolls from other websites, as was confirmed by IP checks. Some media outlets recanted their story, but by then the damage was already done.

446d7 No.64531

Thanks, I've found the interview.

821d5 No.64484[Reply]

https cert is expired, just fyi


ccf81 No.64493

thanks captain obvious

0c03b No.64496

Just noticed that the cert has been updated.


8161e No.64472[Reply]


I posted that mods are feds in response to this guy and my post was deleted. You wouldn't be in cohoots with federal agents, would you? Very sus
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00bf8 No.64478

>Lying about involvement violates our DoD contract

O.O w-what??? imposter is sus

>new certificate requested


2ab1c No.64479

I kind of figured you guys were aware of it so didn't make a thread about it.
But I was wondering.
Thanks for letting us know what was going on with that background stuff.

b4a05 No.64486

do you not know how to do it? do you use letsencrypt?


If it's working now, it was the developer who fixed it. If it wasn't, then good job me. It will likely happen again the same time next year.

bd1b0 No.64495

that 85 iq struggle is real

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c5eae No.64466[Reply]

Jannies and owner of this wizchan, can you please create a real time anonymous chat and live anon counter?
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fbf55 No.64470

if you want i can create chan

what about magickchan

fbf55 No.64471

can add there chat too

6938c No.64488

There was wizardly.fun but no longer.

21774 No.64489

go away

a39cc No.64492

/b/ is for real time chat

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df824 No.64485[Reply]

i get ssl warning, why this happens?
it started 1 week ago. it did not give such warning before.

d37dd No.64487

We have been compromised. Follow procedure gamma.

f6c35 No.64490

Apparently they forgot to renew the cert and are waiting on getting a new one.

58240 No.64491


on what?

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3f2ab No.63856[Reply]

This place is visited by 40.7% succubi? I wonder how they get their data. Also says this board is used in Poland more than in the US.
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52ac2 No.63862

I mean 60% of users are from Poland are all you need to know about the reliability

0e067 No.64480

27.20% aged 18-24

I wonder how many here would be under 18?

399b6 No.64481

If a survey/statistic's methodology is not public, you cannot trust it.

3f763 No.64482

This man speaks the truth!

fb2e0 No.64483

Are you stupid? It's clearly mostly "females", especially if you combine it with the supposed stat that it's 27.20% 18-24, the age group most likely to troon out.

13572 No.63847[Reply]

hello mods, do you think im a good wizard? what is mods position on me as a poster ;___; (dont make me cry again)

f03fd No.63848

midwit coder yuppie that shits on his fellow wizards and calls them manbabies and neckbeards. unironic succubi defender on reddit and would curbstomp a virgin for a crumb of femboy pussy. when he's not punching down on those he deems lesser than him, he's probably posting the same sex joke for the millionth time.

so i would say above average wizard. at least you don't disappear on fridays. the bar is incredibly low at this point and i will accept that posts regularly and sexes it up less than 3 times per week.

ed6ad No.63849

>femboy pussy
"Femboy pussy" doesn't exist. it's a hairy men's anus like any other you LGBTQueer

a4bb9 No.63851

Scientists have found a very strong correlation between avataring as an anime cuteboy and actually being a cuteboy

116d2 No.63981

and gayness too

2aa60 No.64476

LUV this feeler fren simple as

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9b358 No.64457[Reply]

So just to confirm, it’s ok to call wizards “losers” now right, and to worship succubi? Can we get rid of rules 3 and 4 then? I think they are a bit confusing since they don’t actually matter. Maybe even rule one, since I think we should be more welcoming to female wizards.
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d50da No.64463

spammer: gets his succubus appreciation deleted, all of his other posts deleted, and is banned constantly every time he comes back

retards: must mean succubus appreciation is allowed now :/

dc8a8 No.64464

Doesn't really clear things up for me.
Is this some drama going on on /dep/?
Because I don't really go on that board.

And "tormmenting" wizards?
Any details.

Why are you being so vague and using scare quotes?
If you got personal beef then disengaging when you aren't in the headspace for banter might be the best option.
There are a few idiots that annoy me on here. Sometimes its funny to banter a bit or flex my argumentative muscles, but most of the time I just ignore the idiots being idiotic and not let them spoil my day.
If you do see rule breaking then report it, hide it, and move on. The mods will ether deal with it or they wont. Regardless it's best to wash your hands of it and not let it get to you. If you cling to negativity then you will let it pull you down into the same bucket of despair and stupidity that they exist in.

9b358 No.64465

it’s not because of that thread. It’s because he is in other threads insulting wizards and calling them losers and nothing is done. I just mentioned that because it is obviously him doing it.

d50da No.64468

>he is in other threads insulting wizards and calling them losers
Any links?

b03d0 No.64475


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