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45eae No.64778[Reply]

If the owner of wizchan belongs to the best content, why doesn't he create an image board in Portuguese and Spanish? Just imagine an image board with freedom of expression, yes pornography, and being able to use the mother tongue. It will be a resounding success without precedent on the entire internet.

Currently there are no image boards in Spanish, nor in Portuguese, it is a very large market niche, and without porn they will attract a large number of advertisers.

5d10c No.64779

>why doesn't he create an image boar
he can't even fix the dead links in the header

45eae No.64780

wizchan bo has advertising. It is not promoted either. Regular image boards have greater user flow and greater advertisements. Just look at ylilauta, it has no porn and is full of advertising, making it a gold mine

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cd917 No.64764[Reply]

Okay, here is my list of complaints
1. The watchlist doesn't show whether or not a new reply has been made. You have to manually check the thread.
2. This website is completely dead.
3. There's no child pornography board

a3ec4 No.64765

Number 3 is exactly why number 2 happened, and number 2 happening is why there's not enough care to rectify number 1.

cd917 No.64767

Well then they should fix 3, then 2, then 1.

edab1 No.64768

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f5a50 No.64774


Works on many boards.

743e4 No.64691[Reply]

the way to fix it is a word filter, so any thread contained the desired word will vanish.

58bce No.64692

Maybe with some sort of plugin or custom script.
Wouldn't even know where to begin writing such a utility though.

3226a No.64773

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af829 No.64747[Reply]

Disable VPN's and ban the spammer

6 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

af829 No.64755

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He's been bumping this same thread from 4/20 for a month straight

d467a No.64756

This is getting weird

af829 No.64757

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All this spammer does is reply to his own threads all day long

d467a No.64758

ok now this Is Just weird

d0e69 No.64759


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94544 No.64722[Reply]

Looks like the website died because you don't know how to moderate shit

1 post and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

45a79 No.64728

Why are you replying to a obvious troll or unhinged person? clearly the guy is a mentally ill or something.

94544 No.64740

>getting this flustered over a /b/ shitpost mentioning my prolasped wizbussy

Okay peabrain


e6a93 No.64741


e0348 No.64743

And now I know, it's just a game
and I don't need the rules to play
Maybe it's happy, maybe it's sad
but you can't choose the way to play

80575 No.64746

Genuinely laughed at this for half a minute

c9807 No.64701[Reply]

why do you let one guy monopolize your website with his spam? Have you ever thought about banning VPNs? lol, there are probably 5 users left anyway so if they really wanna post they can use their real IPs or proxies
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


>we perma-banned CP spammers
Currently, the IPs delivering the spam are banned for 1 year. It's very rare that an image is posted alongside the spam, but it gets banned from being posted again once it gets deleted. One issue is that recently the IPs being used aren't flagged as belonging to a VPN provider, so the spammer is offered less restrictive cooldowns and file upload privileges. Luckily she hasn't been taking advantage of this and still just drops some innocuous links in /jp/ every other day or so.

265d4 No.64723

>CP spam

I'm talking about the other spammer, modfag


Go ahead and take a few seconds to link to some of these posts of his then.

2386d No.64729

Why not permaban the CP spammer, it's a unhinged person and likely will do it again, just permaban already.


First sentence of that post.

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d63d1 No.64615[Reply]

i'm not automated though. clearly the system failed or it succeeded in censoring undignified under false pretense.

b55ed No.64621

again it happened. i am not automated. when you ban people because they say stuff that goes against your agenda, at least have the balls to admit it.

this site is a mess….

258c1 No.64622

that word doesn't make sense in this context, unless you honestly believe that the site software is reading your post and deciding that you typed wrongthink and then preventing it on that basis while just using "automated" as an excuse

what is the chance that OP has a bunch of "privacy addons" and doesn't use java or save cookies or some shit that would make his browser behave similarly to that of a spambot?
it's a high chance!

c25cd No.64710

It's a bug in vichan, simple workaround is to just refresh the page

admin needs to modify the line in inc/config.php

$config['error']['spam'] = _('Your request looks automated; Post discarded.');
$config['error']['spam'] = _('Your request looks automated; Post discarded. Try refreshing.');


Then less people will complain

9f7c7 No.64712

why my internet says wizchan is not safe znd not protected?

f1e78 No.64719

You need to install a new browser. I recommend opera gx

058ae No.64681[Reply]

can we at least have all the wiki files that aren't lost in a download-able file?
(to mods)


>can we at least have all the wiki files that aren't lost in a download-able file?

There are zero. The lore.wizchan subdomain wasn't scheduled to be backed up nightly like the imageboard portion of Wizchan is. Only third-party backups such as the Wayback Machine have any proof that the Wiki even existed.

b345e No.64696

Why not remake the wiki from scratch or put what was archived on wayback machine back on the website?


>Why not remake the wiki from scratch
There was very low interest in it from the start. A substantial amount of articles on it served to archive posts and threads from the imageboard, an effort that's since been superseded by our automatic thread archiver.
>put what was archived on wayback machine back on the website?
An issue with a lot of what is still available is that it's no longer relevant or even in alignment with Wizchan's current rules. Articles indexing threads will link to 404s, tutorials that were written are no longer viable, and a lot of the joke articles are of a subject matter that I've made the executive decision to flat out ban (We could do without associating Wizardchan with glass dildos vaguely named something related to wizardry). There's a concise and verified history of Wizardchan and Wizchan on Encyclopedia Dramatica already. Finally, Wizchan's userbase is currently once again split over definitions related to wizardry, and also the target of routine spam, so having a Wiki that could be edited anonymously would leave us with another section to moderate against the same things we're dealing with on the imageboard.

It's just more trouble than it's worth right now.

3b26f No.64699


aa3f0 No.64700

But, sire… a lone locked board within wizchan could do to replace the wiki.

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cf787 No.64667[Reply]

Do something about the low quality incoherent spam on /b/

Some of it is just AI generated spam, some of it is just endless bumping of the same incoherent thread and some of it is just illiterate babble that is basically just spam.

This annoying cretin also abused my VPN service and got a lot of the IP addresses banned.
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

cf787 No.64675

It is spam. He just switches to another VPN IP to avoid anti-spam thread limit.

He has already been banned countless times. Idk what moderation they could do to stop his spam.

bb8a0 No.64676

Everything changes today.

2a5aa No.64677

imagine believing you are fighting some sort of political crusade to influence the sheeple and wake them up to the truth and the way you choose to do that is to make posts on an unlisted board of a low-traffic website for male virgin recluses who don't interact with the real world.

356a1 No.64678

this guy is a troll

80cac No.64698


3e900 No.64679[Reply]

Admin! How much would it cost to bring the wiki back! I want to write articles about famous wizzies and then share the articles with my friends ^_^!


Money won't bring back the original. It wasn't backed up properly when the site was forced offline in 2021, so its database is gone. Much of the larger articles were archived off-site through various Wayback services. I don't have any plans to launch a new one due to lack of interest aside from the 2 or 3 dedicated users who were responsible for most articles on the first, who I'm not sure are even still posting or are alive at all.

Your previous thread similar to this is still open.

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