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File: 1714105735404-0.jpg (178.88 KB, 1867x529, 1867:529, spam1.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

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cf787 No.64667[Reply]

Do something about the low quality incoherent spam on /b/

Some of it is just AI generated spam, some of it is just endless bumping of the same incoherent thread and some of it is just illiterate babble that is basically just spam.

This annoying cretin also abused my VPN service and got a lot of the IP addresses banned.
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

cf787 No.64675

It is spam. He just switches to another VPN IP to avoid anti-spam thread limit.

He has already been banned countless times. Idk what moderation they could do to stop his spam.

bb8a0 No.64676

Everything changes today.

2a5aa No.64677

imagine believing you are fighting some sort of political crusade to influence the sheeple and wake them up to the truth and the way you choose to do that is to make posts on an unlisted board of a low-traffic website for male virgin recluses who don't interact with the real world.

356a1 No.64678

this guy is a troll

80cac No.64698


3e900 No.64679[Reply]

Admin! How much would it cost to bring the wiki back! I want to write articles about famous wizzies and then share the articles with my friends ^_^!


Money won't bring back the original. It wasn't backed up properly when the site was forced offline in 2021, so its database is gone. Much of the larger articles were archived off-site through various Wayback services. I don't have any plans to launch a new one due to lack of interest aside from the 2 or 3 dedicated users who were responsible for most articles on the first, who I'm not sure are even still posting or are alive at all.

Your previous thread similar to this is still open.

9ee39 No.64629[Reply]

This imageboard has had an influx of some crab users who are now forcing their own lingo from crab forums here, words like "wizcel", "mogged", "maxx" that were never used here before. That's not really an issue to me but now they have been trying to come up with their own definiton of what it means to be to be a "true wizard", essentially dividing the userbase. Can you adress this please.
9 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.

57fb8 No.64657

No need to! Let them come, and make their words ours by appropiating them.

Normies are gonna call us crabs anyways, just for the sake of denying their slavery towards pussy

cf864 No.64660

I thought we called ourself wizcel because normalfags have taken the word volcel to mean a pause in their sex life

c29cd No.64665

ban him in all boards wtf man

57fb8 No.64666

Should we dance at the rhythm of normalfags? I use my own expressions and definitions when talking to them, confusion ensues, then they explain me how their mindset is enough to change the deep truth of any word and I ghost them or keep rambling as if I just heard nothing.

Let's not let them decide what things mean

de24f No.64674

retroactively change all text mention of wizcel to "faggot" in big red text, would be worth the laugh imo

a0df1 No.64661[Reply]

there should be an advice board. wiz, dep, and lounge are filled with how to? threads. we should unclog those boards

16da0 No.64662

My advice to wizards: Improve the existing boards with posts of your own before further dividing the discussion in to yet another indistinct general board.

Wizchan is toast and its users butter. Increase the amount of butter before spreading what we already have ever thinner across a growing slice of bread.

a0df1 No.64663

ok fair

a0df1 No.64664

but still…

70a37 No.64643[Reply]

There are a lot of posts on this site where someone attacks someone else for being a normalfaggot and not a wizard. It is getting pretty egregious to the point that anything can get you accused of being a normalfaggot or "unwizardly". Frankly this shit is cancer. Just violent attacks where people are telling you you don't belong here. Worthless gatekeeping and infighting. IDK what to do about it exactly, but it is one of the main sources of cancer on this site.

4c1b0 No.64645

Gatekeeping is one of the only things that keeps niche communities like this from being taken over by ideological outsiders who wish to corrupt and destroy all for the sake of their ideals.
I rather people be a little too sensitive on the subject of outsiders than to lax and let the posers in. It only takes one fox in the hen house to wreck the place.

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31276 No.64624[Reply]

>(rule4) Do not disparage or show contempt for the celibate, NEET, or reclusive lifestyles

there should be a new rule about people who show contempt about otaku culture/japanese culture like this faggot >>>/b/975511
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

31276 No.64627

ghost in the shell

7497a No.64628

File: 1711602278650.jpg (161.6 KB, 798x952, 57:68, Лапочка.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

My dear Cupcake, take look at this silly man, he's so mad.

43201 No.64636

Dude, if you can't handle people shitting on media you like on /b/, then you really shouldn't be using /b/.

It would be fucking retarded to ban people for not liking what you like and being rude about it on /b/.

31276 No.64638

>Wizardchan is a Japanese-inspired imageboard for male virgins to share their thoughts and discuss their interests and lifestyle as a virgin

31276 No.64639

yeah nevermind

810a6 No.64607[Reply]

make /v9k/ a official board and being shown like others boards, what do you think?

ded70 No.64616


810a6 No.64617

so it get more traffic

0a6a5 No.64618

it is a part of a history, we can't delete, but can at least hide and cover up

6dbab No.64619

And you assume that is a desirable outcome?
Something wanted by the User or staff?

bcda0 No.64620

well I'm a user and I suggested this idea, I don't have arguments. maybe users like the way it is (the majority)

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df341 No.64578[Reply]

Any News on whats going on with /lounge/?

The other boards seem to work fine but lounge has debug stuff showing at the bottom of the page and all the images are more or less broken.
2 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

df341 No.64581

Cool beans!

a9b18 No.64592

why not just use chatgpt to fix it for you with a python script

import os
import subprocess
import mysql.connector

# Configuration variable
board = "lounge"

# Function to connect to MySQL database
def connect_to_database():
        connection = mysql.connector.connect(
        return connection
    except mysql.connector.Error as err:
        print("Error: ", err)
        return None

# Function to query the database
def query_database(connection, filename):
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        truncated_filename = filename[:10]
        next_truncated_filename = str(int(truncated_filename) + 1)
        query = f"SELECT * FROM posts_{board} WHERE (files LIKE %s OR files LIKE %s) AND (files NOT LIKE %s) AND (files NOT LIKE %s)"
        cursor.execute(query, (f'%{truncated_filename}%', f'%{next_truncated_filename}%', '%spoiler%', '%thumb%'))
        result = cursor.fetchone()
        return result
    except mysql.connector.Error as err:
        print("Error: ", err)
        return None

# Function to generate thumbnails
def generate_thumbnail(video_path, thumbnail_path):
            "-i", video_path,
            "-vf", "thumbnail,scale='if(gt(iw,ih),min(255,iw),-2):if(gt(iw,ih),-2,min(255,ih))'",
            "-frames:v", "1",
        ], check=True)
        print(f"Thumbnail generated for {video_path}")
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
        print("Error: ", err)

# Main function
def main():
    src_directory = os.path.join("/var/www/wizchan", board, "src/")
    thumb_directory = os.path.join("/var/www/wizchan", board, "thumb/")
    # Connect to the database
    connection = connect_to_database()
    if not
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


File: 1710032689391.gif (731.85 KB, 498x346, 249:173, 0d32650136a6c030ac47318ae6….gif) ImgOps iqdb

>why not just
Because I don't know how. I'm not a developer and I don't know what any of that does.

b43ad No.64594

i'll codemonkey for free

0d0e1 No.64595

File: 1710095827708.jpg (49.42 KB, 598x491, 598:491, DPmPZXtXUAAPpXM.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

>AI art is easier, now everyone can do art!
>cut to the fucking github logo
>this shit appears


e5731 No.64590[Reply]

When I go clubbing with my phone I usually browse with no pictures so i can't see the thing I'm supposed to type in to be allowed to post

9f5bc No.64591


You need to purchase the shitposing license to remove captchas

9c705 No.64570[Reply]

They are still posting stuff that has simple evasions for word filter bans like putting a - in between spelling out the words. There has to be a way to combat this so at a minimum they don't clearly advertise cp. Just some random link, whatever, but we must be able to block the set of strings that communicate the content of the link. I assume they only spam it here because they get morons who click it. You stop the ability to tell people what's in the link, they stop clicking it and hopefully the links stop getting spammed.
3 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

ecc3e No.64577


2e95e No.64582

succubus moment

590a5 No.64585

>The IPs she uses are unique, without any consistent subnets that could be reliably rangebanned
All of the IP's I saw him use are from these ranges:



>All of the IP's I saw him use are from these ranges:

There are 24,000 ranges listed there… It would take years of daily spam for any consistent patterns to become apparent in our log. It's typically only when someone spams rapidly and requests new IPs from their VPN within a single session that narrow ranges become apparent, but a day or even a couple hours between spam sorties can award the spammer an IP completely unique from the last. Taking some random samples from that list and checking them here, our system is indeed functioning normally and picking up that they belong to a VPN. To ban so many IPs would most definitely affect regular uses.

>why is she like this??
Don't ponder why the ape throws its dung. Take time rather to prepare for when it does.

c1ceb No.64587

File: 1709787890482.png (244.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Friday Night Funkin' VS Pe….png) ImgOps iqdb

Mmmh-hmm Peppa… what are you doing in my thread?

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