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File: 1728858347417.jpg (211.03 KB, 1280x544, 40:17, 51 (444).jpg) ImgOps iqdb

2900e No.65026[Reply]

Does anyone have archives/screenshots of the "Earth is a trap" thread? I am asking because there were a number of posts in that thread that are still engraved in my mind to this day.

2d1a1 No.65027

I had an archive of the one from 2 years ago that got 100+ replies, but I ended up deleting it (along with many others) last year. I might have some screenshots, but I’ll have to check in my older HDD.

7b660 No.65028

File: 1728945594748.jpg (268.21 KB, 1316x1413, 1316:1413, db64e2222c15541cbf44cc512b….jpg) ImgOps iqdb

148c1 No.65029

File: 1728953131340.png (39.02 KB, 637x725, 637:725, 4324234.png) ImgOps iqdb


Thank you wizfrens.

4b220 No.64968[Reply]

I have something to tell you Mod kun
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4b220 No.65021

Sorry I'm coming down on my LSD trip now

4b220 No.65022

And no I'm not the spammer that's been spamming recently I don't really visit wizchan that much anymore

4b220 No.65023

You can turn your phone on airplane mode and it'll release your current IP and essentially give you a new one lol 😆

4b220 No.65024

But this only works for a certain amount of uses depending on how many cell towers are near you of course so unless the spammer is literally driving around trying to fuck with you guys then yeah idk 😆

4b220 No.65025

Never would I have thought I'd be on wizchan on a acid trip 😂

Well this is my last post on this IP so mods and admin if you wanna do the honor of range banning the entire network go ahead good night 😴😴

872a0 No.64927[Reply]


Honest question.

75 charssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
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26d8c No.64930

I guess mods have abandoned the site

1891e No.64931

f8d16 No.64932

can mods put the spoil line on the home page of wizchan too?

c38ef No.64933

Uhmm .. A What?

36833 No.64934

when you put a sentence in spoiler, the black bar is not visible when you are on the wizchan homepage (maybe because I am on the phone?)

58863 No.64924[Reply]

When will the mods permaban the dude that keeps spamming imagine and links to CP?

a9310 No.64925

whenever one is posted (a pedo pic) whe' you look at it it serms it was made by AI, weird


She uses a different IP address to post every time.

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7198e No.64825[Reply]

At first I thought the expiration would drive away retards and keep intelligent posters. But it turns out the vast majority of wizards were retards just like normies and therefore will not return to the site.

Which has lead to some boards getting less than 5 posts daily.
Where do you strike the balance between driving out tech illiterates and getting more posts?

I think it would be nice if the site was at least a bit more active. And it doesn't seem like old users who are scared of an expired certificate are returning any time soon, if ever.
On mobile devices, the stupid browser says "your financial information is at risk if you continue" which is also complete bullshit, but scares away low IQ's.
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8b6d9 No.64881

it's /b/
You type like how a black talks and you use communist software.

63bfc No.64882

It's the only good board on this shitty site. But if someone can just bump off all 500 threads with gibberish with a script then it makes posting here pointless. Thought about making a comfy wiz/b/ competitor on 8chan.moe but they refuse to fix their board creation email verification thing.

8b6d9 No.64884

You are a very whiny newfag who can't comprehend the value and necessity of a spam board.

e6be9 No.64888

Admin, are you getting emails? Basically I'm asking if the email address in the FAQ works or not.

4e66e No.64935

at least blacks and communists can be wizards, not a single member of the Nazi party was a wizard and they advocated for murdering wizards.

dbed2 No.64597[Reply]

why do we allow /pol/ to exist on wizardchan? it brings non wizards and normalfags with their shirty opinions on poolitics
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4d3a3 No.64690

The political thread is on page 5 with like 20 post and hasn't been touched in a month.

Pretending political discussion is a major problem on this site is fucking retarded.
There isn't much political bullshit, what is there isn't super disruptive, and it isn't causing any measurable issues on the site.

This is just blatant "ban everything I personally don't like and anyone who doesn't agree with me".

d5808 No.64866

Unironically you're right. But you forget that most of this board's population is made up of zoomers from 4chin to begin with who have no experience of imageboards despite whining about politics with the same behavior on loop, polfags won't go away unless they're driven away, which is something the jannies doesn't seem to want to do. This will be another dead imageboard in less than a year with two occasional sheeps who repeat the same shit every polfag/mentally impaired republican did for the last 10 years. Thinking the only purpose of imageboards are politics, despite using boards at best after 2018 which is the moment where boards declined to begin with. Libs aren't any better but at least they don't browse these imageboards to ruin them with their presence. Whatever, I tried to instill a bit of life on this imageboard but since it's just a nu-4chin /pol/ NEET version then i'll be off somewhere else.

If any of you polfags are reading, fuck off, don't bother replying I won't read.

dbed2 No.64867

op here don't bother, I was against pol but now I'm ok with it. they mostly stay in their thread. they shit up /b/ tho

d5808 No.64868

Well then, enjoy.

0f5b7 No.64876

its not just /b/. he are spammonf hitler pictures all around the website

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fcbb4 No.64869[Reply]

Revive wizchan, give it more activity, remove the "you look like a robot", and all that similar shit. It seems like it's me commenting with the same 3 users plus the administrator.

67d73 No.64870

File: 1721838232558.jpg (7.36 KB, 256x256, 1:1, sddex.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

>It seems like it's me commenting with the same 3 users plus the administrator.
Well, yeah, it very likely is literally that. Most alt. imageboards are like that now. Although I counted roughly 5-6 people including myself.


>give it more activity,
That's the users responsibility. You could have posted in a sinking thread to revive some discussion instead of making another meta thread.
>remove the "you look like a robot"
The "you look like a robot" message only appears for users who have gone out of their way to mimic the browser configuration that spambots use. Not only can you post on /meta/ but you can also post images so you're clearly not using a known VPN or blocking Javascript. Why you see it is a mystery. I personally have been posting from multiple different devices, network types, browsers, and proxy configurations and I can't remember that last time I saw that message.

fb5bc No.64873

File: 1722086375015.png (197.31 KB, 895x738, 895:738, Titled.png) ImgOps iqdb

Your post has been deleted by the Post-Deletion-Password-In-Picture Deleter. Your deletion password was: I(Vm+NgV

My actions are NOT against the rules and there is NOBODY who can bring your post back!

fcbb4 No.64874

Why ;_;

ded41 No.64875

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>>64873 damn it you made >>64874 cry

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0a8cd No.64813[Reply]

"Wizchan" refers to an imageboard community primarily focused on the discussion of wizardry, often meaning celibacy and a lifestyle centered around solitude and personal hobbies. If you're referring to its activity status or community dynamics, online communities can certainly fluctuate. It's not uncommon for these kinds of forums to change over time, whether due to shifts in interests, changes in moderation, or other factors. If you have more specific details or thoughts on this topic, feel free to share!
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68f11 No.64845

>chrome user
The reason might also be rangebanning good ips. Im from germany and the admins banned my range. Just get better bot protection retards.

16821 No.64846

File: 1720615555964.jpg (107.61 KB, 849x1200, 283:400, GI2GKpOb0AA_x8D.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

People in Germany aren't even legally allowed to use this website.

58af8 No.64847

Why is that? Please educate me

16821 No.64848

File: 1720619793207.jpg (185.03 KB, 2000x1334, 1000:667, GIwB9AxXsAIs493.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

It's simply a matter of Wizchan not deleting posts which present opinions and facts that are illegal to read or repeat in Germany. Wizardchan "allows extremism" as the EU puts it, so Germany regards anyone using this website to be an extremist. This image is highly illegal to view, save, and especially post if you live in Germany.

Ironic. Mass ranges have been banned due to child porn spam, and yet the German - who is now legally allowed to view child porn - is the one who is personally affected by the ban.

d7506 No.64864

Bite your tongue, you white carrion

20a9f No.64859[Reply]

Some mentally ill depraved is spamming CP sites and imagine again, I reported by the thread still up, mod, permaban the depraved poster!!!!!!

cf101 No.64860

9ed13 No.64787[Reply]

do I have the right to post a photo of a part of my body on /b/ without getting banned or I can't because it breaks a rule?
I have strange red stains on my dick and I want to show it to users here to tell me what it is and if it's dangerous
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9ed13 No.64832

well wich rule I break if I do do?

95eba No.64833

Rule 10.

9ed13 No.64834

how so? I don't want to advirtised another imageboard, I'm asking posting something for me


There doesn't need to be a written reason. "The users of this website are not your personal army" is a universal rule across all imageboards. Wizchan doesn't allow users to freely ban evade by having someone else post on their behalf, and we respect other boards' same rule by not being the meeting place for coordinated ban evasion (which falls snugly under rule 9). Besides, it's just plain failfaggotry to beg for someone to post for you instead of taking the steps to properly evade.

9ed13 No.64836

well its time to add a new rule about not linking other imagebiards/forum/social media on wizchan

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