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e3fbc No.64274[Reply]

I have carefully observed this over the last few months and im sure that wizchan is getting undermined in a rather subtle way. Im not writing this to badmouth the site or to cause problems but as an advice to others to be cautious about certain posts on here especially some posts that have been made over the last few weeks. Imageboards with low traffic such as this one are easy targets for this sort of practice. It's a subtle way of replying to different threads and posts with the sole intent of presenting certain narratives and ideas and not with the motivation to have a genuine exchange. The reply itself is always propaganda so to speak and not just a genuine reply.

Another noticeable thing you see more often is wizards getting accused of being crabs or r9k types if they present an opinion that goes against the narrative and while there are some crabby posts on rare occasions this is just another tactic of pushing a narrative, you prominently see this on /dep/ and /lounge/ but also on /wiz/. The narratives presented are always of a more radical leftist or progressive nature as you would typically see it on a site like reddit and anyone who doesn't fit into this gets accused of being a crab, pol or r9k poster regardless.

I also don't want to defame the admin in any way as he also took steps at the beginning of the year to put a hold to a similar series of such practices.
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ec04d No.64277

Fatlink said he didn't even like wizchan he just thought the domain and culture was "prime real estate" and a good recruiting ground.

a66a4 No.64278

but i saw screenshots of his posts on Crab.co and he labeled himself "Emissary from Wizchan"

ec04d No.64279

Yes he maybe said about real estate in anger before he left

9fdb1 No.64283

what else is new

a66a4 No.64284

You realize in paragraph 1, you do the very thing you complain about in paragraph 2.

You insinuate that someone with X ideas has more sinister X2 ideas

and that is exactly what you're complaining about how people with crab-pol ideas are called out even if they advocate those ideas in a "subtle" way.

1dd15 No.64227[Reply]

it is basically the same effect as posting an img, you put disgustinf youtube thumnbnails up instead

if you can post images or iekaki without vpn, get rid of youtube embedding as well

the guy spamming b is basically abusing this

8c1e6 No.64228

Shut up, retard.

VPN's should be able to post images.

1dd15 No.64229

only i can be trusted with vpn image posting permission, everyone else is a fucking idiot

the guy spamming vagina shit on /b/ is using the same vpn as me and fucking everything up for me. i cant even regular post on my preferred geoip because of that now

483fd No.64231

disable posting under a vpn period

8c7ab No.64232

File: 1689717307892.jpg (311.89 KB, 730x543, 730:543, 20220426_155106.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

I want to post nice pics from work! No more waiting until I get home! Enable it NOW!!!

6a673 No.64273

From what I can tell (outside observer, not a staff member, duh) is that the number one reason vpn aren't allowed to post images anymore is because someone was abusing vpn to spam CP and other bullshit like that purely as a attack on the site.
Since staff is rather thin they can't react to shit quickly at all hours of the day and night. So the they made it that vpn and proxy users can't post images, which mostly solved the problem without adding to their workload.

I don't think it was done to stop trolls on /b/ from being annoying. It was done to counter a legitimate existential threat to the site. Need I remind you of why the site got taken down and had to switch host like…a couple years ago maybe, and the site is still fucked up in some ways from the move.

Anyway, I just don't see them banning embeds since youtube it's self has generally much stricter moderation then this site. At most there might be a thumbnail of a scantily clad but succubus or something, which lets be honest, isn't a priority issue or a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

That said, this is all speculation on my part so take anything I say with a grain of salt.

ac7ea No.64270[Reply]

Please ban the schizo who keeps shitting up /dep/

Example thread of him derailing /dep/ threads, he also slipped up quite a bit here:

He derailed a lot of other threads and is overall anti /dep/ and unbearable. He additionally keeps lying about not samefagging etc. but its obvious because its always the same patterns and the same timeline of posts and so forth. He also seems to be the guy who keeps posting gay stuff in the fap thread according to the meme he made on meta but thats not an offense but it also further hints at his redditoresque patterns.

Anyone who uses their brain will also see that he made a whole meme about his schizo ramblings here (post q64269):

8bccd No.64241[Reply]

Hey mods, post your link on anon.cafe once in a while

Also how about a fixing depression rather than a depression board

Fuck you defeatist assholes
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1667c No.64261

I was in a bad mood when I posted this
I’m sorry to everyone

7a481 No.64265

Yes it is statically likely to work, but in most studies of mental health response to things there is a small percentage that don’t respond, and studies have biased populations
if you say “this couldn’t possibly work for me I’m depressed because of a higher reason” you are making a mistake not trying it
if you say I tried it and it didn’t help, or you can’t function enough to do it, then there’s not much else to say anymore

61659 No.64266

i feel like this post and the green eggs and ham one are making the same point in different ways.
many people don't want solutions to problems or to try new things

0b0ab No.64267

The fucked up thing is people on /dep/ would rather you post advice on how they can kill themselves than try to figure out if there's any way to help with their problems. I may not be perfect but I wouldn't wish suicide on any wizard.

941d1 No.64268

>Crazy coincidence how the general "Eat healthy, exercise, and get some fresh air and sunshine" is so common everywhere, almost as if it works…
Another explanation for the coincidence is it's an insult disguised as advice, the implication being the person doesn't do those things. It also excludes any social context or attributes of the receiver, which may be why it's common online given the limitations of the communication medium

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04c58 No.64239[Reply]

So the wizchan.org domain seems to have problems all the time, why not just set that domain to redirect to wizardchan.net for a while so people know it exists

also wizardchan.net seems to think I'm on a proxy when I'm not

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0fb0e No.64184[Reply]

I suggest you guys add a new feature:
A splash text like the minecraft one, it would make the website more unique

af037 No.64211

1.5, that is pre-Myspace

af037 No.64225

is win98 immune to all modern viruses?

e09b9 No.64237

just make it a gif

81ec1 No.64217[Reply]

please setup a way for me to buy wiz mods pizza and other cool things. i want to spoil my nice wiz mod friends.

35c9f No.64218


a459b No.64226

I'm not trying to dox anyone. I will go look for that, thanks.

fd8f2 No.64233

Please make the mods into happy neeties! Even if you just buy them some treats!

9f0cd No.64234

Don't let me down
Don't let me down
Don't let me down
Don't let me down

Nobody ever loved me like she does
Ooh, she does
Yes, she does

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2a316 No.64171[Reply]

Will I get banned if I say I am in fact an inc€l trying to cope? Or like, should I keep this private?

983a1 No.64176

File: 1688686206037.jpg (53.1 KB, 640x556, 160:139, 20220806_183044.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

There are no doubt some little crabchans here. And that is O.K! Hermit crabs and blue Dungeouness. They will learn to enjoy being alone, in time. But so long as we keep ourselves from snapping our claws around here, the larger, angrier spider and coconut crabs won't come to stir up the reef!

18d73 No.64214

if by trying to cope, you mean you are trying to become a volcel, then we are here to help you.

8f036 No.64206[Reply]

on my ole wizphone its really slow and wizchan loads in segments

i often click the comment box to type text, but the banner loads in and pushes the comment text field down, and i hit New Spell on accident as a result

sometimes it results in an empty post which is funny but kinda dumb

8f036 No.64207

8f036 No.64208


5d374 No.64213

I forgot how to blankpost

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9938f No.64036[Reply]

I don't think my thread should've been deleted.

It should be fair to talk about the possibility of the NEET/reclusive lifestyle being bad for us.
5 posts omitted. Click reply to view.

c3d77 No.64137

the moderation here is too involved. they always feel the need to move threads around. i just hate what the internet has become and everyone who helped. there needs to be an internet 2 where all the people that contributed to the decline of internet 1 are not allowed into.

656cb No.64138

File: 1687438230846.jpg (87.55 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1687438157010893.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

Incidentally, while organizing things is fine, one of the only interesting breads lately (>>>/wiz/208366) was moved to >>>/lounge/303860 which doesn't exist

7ab18 No.64139

Pull a wordpress site once and for all so we may have it. With wojaks and pepes

I sometimes resent how much sensitive you all are to normie presence, that is just asking them to feed upon your miseries. It's no case. Did none of you ever harassed them until driving them mad in defense of your space or whatever?

7c05d No.64179

need validation from your interner cybertit? grow the fuck up zombie

7c05d No.64180

correction, mature.

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