8c1e6 No.64228
Shut up, retard.
VPN's should be able to post images.
1dd15 No.64229
>>64228only i can be trusted with vpn image posting permission, everyone else is a fucking idiot
the guy spamming vagina shit on /b/ is using the same vpn as me and fucking everything up for me. i cant even regular post on my preferred geoip because of that now
483fd No.64231
disable posting under a vpn period
6a673 No.64273
From what I can tell (outside observer, not a staff member, duh) is that the number one reason vpn aren't allowed to post images anymore is because someone was abusing vpn to spam CP and other bullshit like that purely as a attack on the site.
Since staff is rather thin they can't react to shit quickly at all hours of the day and night. So the they made it that vpn and proxy users can't post images, which mostly solved the problem without adding to their workload.
I don't think it was done to stop trolls on /b/ from being annoying. It was done to counter a legitimate existential threat to the site. Need I remind you of why the site got taken down and had to switch host like…a couple years ago maybe, and the site is still fucked up in some ways from the move.
Anyway, I just don't see them banning embeds since youtube it's self has generally much stricter moderation then this site. At most there might be a thumbnail of a scantily clad but succubus or something, which lets be honest, isn't a priority issue or a big deal in the grand scheme of things.
That said, this is all speculation on my part so take anything I say with a grain of salt.