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File: 1673798391548.png (7.3 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Twitch.png) ImgOps iqdb


I know its not the real second thread but its the 2nd on the catalog so whatever

Gonna stream doom 2016 2 hours from now on, gmt +3 21:00. already finished it on normal difficulty earlier, gonna attempt on nightmare now



Twich is entertaining, sometimes I talk to drug addicts, people with mental problems, depressed people, or ordinary people. I haven't used it for a long time, there should be an option to be able to see the live streams of people with few followers.


> there should be an option to be able to see the live streams of people with few followers.

You can just go for those who have 0 viewers while live that's what I always do.


my first time visiting twitch, i noticed the gigantic chatbar thing to the side, and all these obnoxious ui bullshit, so i adblocked it all away

i now go there maybe once a week to watch vods. to me it is basically youtube, i dont understand the chat aspect of it


I still can't properly skip ads on twitch, so I abandoned the platform for anything but the very few popular streamers who showcase if the newest AAA is trash.


OP follows a lot of thot streamers who do justchatting. What the fuck.


>who showcase if the newest AAA is trash.
I can save you the effort in future. The answer is yes (unless you like From Software)

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