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File: 1738930127500.png (347.03 KB, 1386x998, 693:499, screenshot.png) ImgOps iqdb


I have a lot of Tiberian Sun screenshots in .pcx format. I would like to convert them all to png with imagemagick but there is something wrong with picture ratio. If I use Photoshop I can fix it by going to Image->Pixel aspect ratio->Square (as in pic rel). I don't know how to replicate that option in imagemagick though and I need need it because I don't feel like manually editing hundred screenshots in Photoshop. Do anyone of you know if there is some option I could use? I tried googling it and tried several options but nothing helps.


Get GIMP and the GIMP GUI Batch Editor


Or open each image as a layer, change the pixel aspect ratio for the entire image, then export each layer


>I tried googling it and tried several options but nothing helps.
Did you check copilot or deepseek?

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