The entire game was already leaked. It's a bad story in a baron environment with no visual upgrades since GTA5.
>>59952I never got why people liked GTA so much. The rampaging around stuff gets old after a bit, and the main story stuff is pretty dull.
>>59956Running over people with a truck, shooting them, burning them, exploding them, pushing them off of bridges, slicing them in half with a katana… Never gets old
>>59956>>59958Quit your bitching.
Carmageddon is 20 something years old, and there are still mods being released. HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Same as Re-Volt.
Now to the topic at hand.
GTA ended with IV + The Episodes imo
is the balad of gay toni really a story about a man named toni who's also gay?
>>59975Yes, they even gave it an award for being a LGBTwhatever game
>>59975i never got to see the balad, great expansion tho
>>59956the older games came out when sandbox open worlds were still a novelty, at least to normalfags
now that every game is open world GTA has become a franchise that doesn't stand out much
I liked Tony. Most characters in the expansions were completely forgettable…
>>60096I know I played the older games back then. Still don't see the appeal after you fuck around for a bit.
>>60113for me, its radio broker
>>60113Loved the crazy driving and on foot physics, random unexpected shit happening, situations getting completely out of control. People hated it for being unpredictable but it was different, it had unmistakable character. 5 felt sterile in comparison.
GTA 6 will be a huge disappointment, it will be woke garbage without the humor it still had in gta 5 and it will generally suck.
come back to this thread and call me a faggot if i was wrong.
>>60351Dude 2013 wasn't that long ago.
>>603522013 was 20 years ago
It is crazy how quickly the video game industry ground to a halt. Big releases used to happen every year but then microtransactions and the woke virus hit gaming and killed all innovation.
>>60359honestly yeah it's weird, idk if im just too old and dont follow new games though
that said this year will be good for me, remnant 2 and baldurs gate are exciting
I'm not that optimistic tbh, the gameplay leak kind of gives me a strong saints row reboot vibes.
>>60413The leak contained a file called 'right wing militia' lol I bet it's gonna be something gay
>>60113GTA 4 is amazing, but San Andreas is unquestionably the greatest.