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File: 1706456926698.jpg (200.39 KB, 620x285, 124:57, slayers-online-jeu.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


French wizs might have heard of this.

Despite the english name, Slayers Online (SO) is a french-speaking amateur MMO that was created in 2002 by a certain "frostfall" using RPG Maker 2K assets.

It was the poor man's WoW for kids with slow internet or parents who didn't want to pay a sub.
Yes, the MMO was entirely free. NOT freemium, free. You couldn't interact financially with the game even with donations. Obviously because it ripped many assets from RM2K or other games like FF1-6.

The gameplay itself sucked. You had one key to attack, one key to defend, 3 classes that were not balanced at all, and thats about it.

But we liked it because it was an era when online games weren't as ubiquitous as they are now. They were mostly for introverted kids like me who didn't partake in IRL activities.

At its peak (2007-2008 id say) the server averaged 400 online players.

The game admins gave you the possibility to make your own skin (RM2K style). Doing one takes some training but it was accessible. At some point, "skinneurs" as we called them had the possibility to sell access to their skin. This led to the game economy being ruined as the richest people in the game were making too much gold.
I myself created skins and was shocked by how much gold normalfags were willing to put into them, but I didn't complain and exploited this lol.

I also learned HTML4 at 13 just to make a cool description for my character. Didn't have any programming knowledge before that.

The game slowly died out as f2p online games became mainstream, but also because it was hacked so much times as the game's infosec also stayed in the 2000s era (passwords hashed with MD5 etc).

However it will always have a special place in my heart.

One funny anecdote: In september 2007 frostfall and another admin had a falling out and fought IRL. In reaction the admin replaced all skins in the game with a penis that attacks by ejaculating. That was fun.

Any frenchwiz here who played it?


Never heard of it much lesd played it before unfortunately.

However I did play a lot of Dofus when I was a teenager.


jamais entendu parler
par contre, ça, ouii, j'y ai joué


rpgmaker seems to have given more to the world in creativity than any other platform


>But we liked it because it was an era when online games weren't as ubiquitous as they are now. They were mostly for introverted kids like me who didn't partake in IRL activities.

the games were so much better when they weren't meant for normies. i was eagerly reading game magazines, trying to find out what new awesome games were out. my life was such shit, my life was done unto me and i was just a passive victim who couldn't do anything about it but watch how people around me were competing over who can hurt my the most. but in video games i could make decisions and experience things that my nightmare real life would conspire to exclude me from.

now i don't even care to look at new games because all i see is the games being an excuse to teach bullies to respect pronouns, be robbed of data, end user license agreements and microtransactions with slightly better graphics.



flash games before apple killed them were quite the gold mine of great new creative ideas.


>French wizs might have heard of this.
I was there! 2001/2002 maybe? My character was named Flambo and used the sprite of some spiky blonde hair guy in a dark trench coat of sort.

I remember my very first evening on that game, it was absolutely magical. The music in the training room.
Making it to the castle, doing silly RP scenes in the jail.
The cliques of people hanging out here and there.
I remember those nights at the fight club in that city up north.

Oh another thing, back then the game caused some bug in the Windows registry, you wouldn't be able to connect again after having played once somehow. I remember being so sad the next morning, after having spent that magical evening the day before. I think the child that I was eventually found the solution on the forums.

A few years ago I went back. Still no magic! And the game somehow runs worse now.


was tibia not popular in france that they had to play that instead?

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