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File: 1735250935713.png (4.69 MB, 2022x1403, 2022:1403, 5489498874.png) ImgOps iqdb


Are there any wizards that play this game? If there are any, what servers do you play on(if you play multiplayer)
For those that don't know, Vintage Story is basically TerraFirmaCraft turned into it's own standalone game. It's fun but it's still in beta and not going to be finished anytime soon.


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Since it doesn't look like anyone else here plays this game, I'm curious to know if any of you would be willing to try it if I or someone else hosted a wizchan server? It can be lightly modded or have no mods at all, but I wouldn't recommend something that is modded extensively since very large mods eat a lot of RAM


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I want to try the game!


Looks cool. I'd be down to try it.


I loved TerraFirmaCraft. I'll have to try this.


This game looks really cool. I'll try it out and I could try hosting a server if some of you are interested.


I put a few hours into it. I remember it being kind of challenging so I put it aside until I could dedicate some attention to it. I would gladly join a server if you guys host one.


I've got an old laptop but it can run modern Minecraft just fine. Will that be enough for this game?

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