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Video Games
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these are some of the only games i can bear to play after a dew decades of video games:

dwarf fortress
cities skyline
sim city 4 (with the network addon mod!)
airline tycoon
pizza connection
theme hospital
anno 1602

they related in genre in the sense that they are building something up: management, city builder, colony sim.

i waited to play dwarf fortress until the premium edition on steam came out with the graphics and so far i very much like it. only recently got into it. it is a lot of fun to play because the z-levels. it feels like being in a sky scraper where there is just infinite floors to build on. it's not really a sky scraper but instead it is a mountain but the dwarfs are so crafty, they make a mountain a nice home. great game. takes a bit to get the hang of but the degree of freedom is really nice, i would think wizards would like it, some probably already do.


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take a look at the material sheet. that's how many materials there are to make stuff from. furniture, walls, floors, statues. it's so nice they bothered to make this into the game. they started adding so many stones and never stopped. lots of wood too and metals to craft stuff from. having the potential to use that many different ressources to make stuff from is quite the luxurious experience and far outpaces it when all a game has is money. when everything can be converted into money then it looses all these little economic and logistical steps of ectually bothering to create a little economy.


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i'm not quite sure what happened here. i did not even look at cities skyline 2 because i just assumed that my old pc would probably struggle too much trying to play this but apparently this game was pushed out on the market a bit too soon. such a bad score on steam is very suspicious.


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the first cities skyline was nice, i enjoyed playing it a few hours once in a while. they did a good job with it i thought. with all the money they made and experience gained, how could they mess up the sequel.


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this one looks pretty complex with little importance placed on the graphics. reminded me of rimworld but way more complex with added fantasy ridiculousness. not only does it simulate the work and lives of these medieval workers but those workers are also from different species that have varying opinions of each other.


these games are for normalfags


in that case i know something really exciting that you could do to spend the time of your life instead: go around imageboards and sage theads.


They are concentrated autism, not even in a bad way.
Do you just call all games you personally dislike that?


i knew a normalfag who only played simulation games because they were "realistic and lifelike" and he thought regular games are for kids/children because they provide escapism and aren't "realistic"
normalfags want to simulate real life in their games so they play shit like the Sims, these games are basically Sims except with buildings than humans


>I knew one guy I don't like played a thing
>therefore anyone who likes anything tangential related in my mind but not even related in reality must also be bad

The level of retardation of your reasoning is disgusting.
You are too stupid to be worthy of anything but the deepest contempt.


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>these games are for normalfags
>i knew a normalfag
why suggest this when you have normalfag friends yourself?



sims is just one doll house at a time, some of these games have elaborate traffic simulations for people and goods, they simulate the land value and the job availability. when they aren't based on monetary systems but economy of real goods then they bother to simulate all the resources, some simulate pollution and nature, others let you set supply chains detailled. the sims would hold your hand at all times and cheer you up, sims is for babbies and succubi.

factorio lets you juggle just a few different ressources but with the conveyor belts and all the useful intermediary products, you actually feel like you are creating a thriving economy of goods where you can run up to the conveyor belt, grab something and use it how you see fit to extend the factory.


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factorio might as well be considered a visual programming language. the way it manages input and output with little arms and conveyor belts and splitters and tunnels. the way it simulates each iron ore, the degree of freedom on how to handle the resources, it can scale so far up or down. you wanna just build the smallest possible factory or have a over the top ridiculous giga factory.

it has trains, a car, a tank, a mechanical spider and flying bots for transport and construction.

what a game. and then there are people who rather play first person shooter and walk around with a gun because they dream of being a soldier…


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rim world is interesting because it offers quite a high complexity and depth while maintaining accessibility. some of the systems are so nice that i wish dwarf fortress would learn from it.

in rimworld most colonies max out at around 10 colonists and it has such nice settings for work priorities.

in dwarf fortress i think the default is set to 200 inhabitants and the systems for priorities and zones aren't quite as good, even though it is intended for larger crowds.

is almost a waste to have such a nice interface and then it is only used for as little as 10 colonists.

the games would have been hard to learn if there weren't lets-play videos where you can see someone play them and talk about them. that's so much better to get into a game then just pure trial and error.


i hate how little detail or variety was put into the enemies
for that, factorio gets a 5/10


>i hate how little detail or variety was put into the enemies

most of the time you don't even pay attention to the enemies because you have automated defense and you only check when they break through or damage/destroy something. what are you missing? they have melee units, ranged units, units of different sizes and strengths, multi-pronged attacks and they are experts in finding undefended weak points.


>kill yourself faggot shill
many of the games on the list are old and cheaply available and if you know how to use the internet then you can also find them for free but you don't sound like you know how to use the internet, you sound like you know how to use the microwave and you just pretend to have an opinion about this thread as an excuse to seek conflict.


I haven't really played any games in the genera since my school days because they are time sink monsters once you get into them.

But back in the day I loved Civ 2, sim city, and rollercoster tycoon.
Probably put a few hundred hours in each, especially Civ 2 gold edition.


the most interesting part was just looking at the shapes after you click on them, i didn't know what was going on or that i had to build i just click and put things in random places then turned the game off after 5 minuts


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>Civ 2 gold edition.

i remember playing civ 2 a lot probably since i was 9 or 10, i played a little known spin-off called 'civ call to power' even more. i fondly remember the little cutscenes when completing a wonder. since school was basically prison for children with teachers being iq70 alcoholic sheelpe prison guards, it was nice to experience civ 2 and see historical concepts in action.


you would prob enjoy project zomboid


The best builder games came out 20 years ago. I hate all this nu-slop like rimfagworld and dwarf fortress


Wait, isn't dwarf fortress also 20 years old?


>you would prob enjoy project zomboid

it does look pretty cool, graphics look nice and simple, i like a game not focussing on visuals too much.

i played 'don't starve' a few hours but i wished it was less fantasy.


>The best builder games came out 20 years ago. I hate all this nu-slop like rimfagworld and dwarf fortress

i fondly remember, theme hospital, dungeon keeper 2, startopia.

alpha centauri is nice just for the politically segregated atmosphere. alpha centauri is a nice way to experience humanity if it wasn't grouped by nationality and race but political ideology instead.

dwarf fortress as the smart guy >>61486 pointed out is quite old and i don't see how you'd hate it. i don't think you can make a good case for your hate there. i guess i don't understand this cherished emotion of yours and how you could have it for a video game, don't you play video games to escape a world shaped by hate?

rimworld i like just for it's simple yet reasonable lore of the future of humanity and the coexisting tech levels. with the lore in mind, rimworld has this interesting feel, making the random events feel connected to the greater imagined world in the background.

also rimworld not only has different difficulty setting but with the storytellers let you choose between "balanced, pure random, fuck off i'm smoking weed lemme alone". again bewildered i question the validity of your hate and expect you to be unable to defend it. must be a weakness of you to hate things for no reason. at least have a reason.


sorry zoomers are too iq


>im not interested in these games sorry bud never will be, it's just a zoomer trend
shut the fuck up
>sorry zoomers are too iq
shut the up

I want to beat my meat to little succubi, but I won't because ZOOMERS - Boys born AFTER THE YEAR 2000 - are ALSO beating their meat to kids now… So I WON'T!


>im not interested in these games

but you are interested in telling other people that you are not interested? how's that interesting, i don't see it. must be some more of your pretend-emotional theatrical nonsense that you also lack the ability to defend. at this point i question your gender.



i was under the impression there are specific places for people like you that you cleverly disguise as pizza on the internet where you can discuss your filth with likeminded other filthy people so that i don't have to see it.

i liked this not-having-to-see-it part the most, that was my favorite part.


> want to beat my meat to little succubi

Really? Why would you do that instead of killing yourself?


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few games have felt as nice as theme hospital. i've played the new twopoint hospital, it wasn't bad but it just did not reach the simplistic charm of the original. it doesn't matter that the graphics are so primitive, they clearly depict what is happening. it feels so alive.


>you would prob enjoy project zomboid

currently enjoying project zomboid only because you mentioned it, all credit goes to you.

i like how the game has it's priorities straight. graphics are pleasant and simple, i dig that everything looks like sims 1. it is surprisingly deep and it looks like it can be custom tailored quite a bit.

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