>>59447He says as he posts the inferior version of Persona 5.
I always preferred Japanese games myself, but I wouldn't say they're better, they tend to be more polished, and simplistic, which is good for me since I'm a stupid person. American games tend to be more complex, I couldn't imagine for example a Japanese person coming up with something like dwarf fortress, and while I wouldn't play it, people seem to love it.
Oh boy re/v/ugees
>>59448Why is it inferior? I've only played the original.
>when Japan became the best game developer?
They always were. Now Japanese games mostly suck like all others, too many niggers and pandering to the west.
>>59453Is that new square enix game with the nigger succubus made by SE or some western cucks
>>59453The problem with modern japanese games isn't pandering to "the west" in general, it's pandering to tasteless weebs who will eat up literal garbage. Look at what's become of Fire Emblem for the perfect example, anyone who can tolerate more than a couple minutes of this shit deserves a mercy killing. Op has probably never played another SMT game but you can bet he loved every single futaba social link.
They're not immune to the casualization either, I remember when people would call things "Nintendo hard," but nobody would describe anything on the Switch that way. Even Guilty Gear, a franchise known for being fast and demanding, has been dumbed down and neutered so hard that the newest entry is considered a joke by anyone who plays other games.
Still better than western developers desperately wishing they were Hollywood though I guess.
I prefer to just enjoy things, because most things have their own merits. Western games don't tend to appeal to me, but that's just because I don't like realism. I really don't have the energy to go around calling everything shit.
>>59458What SMT game would you recommend to play first? Can you just start anywhere? I'd prefer to just play the best one because games are a waste of time.
This thread is such low effort bait
>>59463Low effort bait? On my imageboard? It's more likely than you think.
>>59461>I'd prefer to just play the best one because games are a waste of time.…why even bother asking what to play then, or browse this board
>>59469I like video games.
>>59458>Pretends to be smart and call others names>Thinks that SMT and Persona are the same thing>Thinks that interacting with characters in an RPG is bad thingYou tried.
Lots of the last games i have played are western games, dishonored, tomb raider, morrowind, lil gator. i really dont like anime or anime tropes anymore, but soon enough i will be playing resident evil
Literally THAT meme.
>muh japshit
>muh amerishit
american and japanese games are about equally good
No.61062 to see you with us down the line.
>>59451Personally I wouldn't call Royal inferior to vanilla P5, but many of the new mechanics make it extremely easy to completely break the game. Case in point, one of the revamped confidants has a 1v1 duel at Rank 8, and I was able to one turn kill him with a jacked up Arsene that had 90+ Magic and Agility at Lv42.
>>59449the difference about western games and japanese ames is that western games (majority canada/america) has money to do AAA games which are meant to be good and japanese games either don't have money or don't want to waste too much money for a game
>>61588Money is unrequired for good gamemaking today.
>>61589agreed. I still pay 25 year old strategy games because the core gameplay is tighter. Indie devs regularly produce good titles using simply rpgmaker or retro aesthetics. There's no excuse, nu gaming is a bunch of cutscenes and streamlined experiences for marvel movie fans
>>61590>>61589ok but indie games tend to be meh
>>61062waoh that's a lot of game I don't know. What are there titles?
>>61592Some smbx2 episodes are still better than actual smbx2
>>61594>SMBX (a game that marked my childhood; t. zoomer) randomly mentioned(Picture)
Now, I have to say that I never really got into SMBX2, I don't see the point. SMBX 1.3 is good enough. And it has an open source clone called TheXTech which runs on many platforms like Linux, Android, PS Vita.
Based OP, this year 2024 has been East Asia total victory, all the western triple AAA goyslop has completely flop in sales and USA soft-power and hard-power has been completely destroyed and they are on the brink of another economic crisis/civil war: Basically chuds won in the end. Zoomers can nostalgiafag all they want about the 7th generation and their mediocre piss filter military shooters but the videogame industry is healing.
>>61907>Based>The West>Goyslop>Chuds>ZoomersTextual soyjack
>>61911Warsong/Langrisser and Langrisser 2
Shining Force
Front Mission
The best games coming out now are low budget indie titles, most of them are Western. I guess Japanese AAA games are better than Western AAA games but they're still not exactly great and suffer from similar problems.
>>62020I'm trying to find japanese indie game (that are translated) but I can't find them
>>62021>that are translatedThat's your mistake.
>>62022yeah I can't understand japanese
>>62022where to find the indie japanese games anyway? I want to see what kind of game they do make
>>62024I haven't looked too much into the Japanese indie scene but for example here's a Japanese website for "free games" most of it seems to be more like RPG Maker kind of stuff though.