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File: 1677765973373.png (2.68 MB, 2560x1377, 2560:1377, 2021-05-19_20.43.53.png) ImgOps iqdb


Does anybody want to play Minecraft?
You can make a free server with Oracle cloud's free tier, but i already blew my account on a server for my little brother and his classmates.
Picrel is my 2020 singleplayer world


Which version?
>try "Thaumium Rogue" if you still like 1.7.10


1.19 maybe or one of the newer versions, almost anything is fine for me.
I rarely play modded Minecraft but if I do i play with my IC2/BC modpack


I tried 1.16.5 recently, with a fine mod called Create.

The trailer speaks loud enough about it as a peak mod


I've yet to try it but I saw the trailer when it released and was blown away, reminds me of Factorio just slightly less frustrating and spaghetti inducing


I still play 1.11/12, I really dont like all of the new weird stuff that got added after notch got booted.
1.9 was the last truly great update, none of the new mobs fit minecraft, the underground city is poorly executed, the new nether sucks and destroyed the atmosphere completely.
They are trying to turn minecraft into something which it wasnt meant to be, they should limit the the experimental shit to minecraft dungeons


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I've never played mp before but i think id like to play the b1.7 3 with wizzies, no idea how i would go about it though


Minecraft is a piece of shit!



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I wish I could play a lotr mod serb with wizards


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Brown bricks in minecraft


Best update in over a decade


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I lost my minecraft account because of microsoft bullshit transfer thingy. What is the easiest way to pirate a minecraft without becoming part of a russian botnet? I won't pay for that game again after what they pulled


There are many open source launchers.
Example: https://github.com/fn2006/PollyMC


I too lost my account.

Thank you anon, I'll try it out. Good to know it's available in the AUR.


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I'm such a terrible builder


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I don't build much. I usually wander around enjoying the scenery until my inventory gets full, dig out an underground home and empty my inventory, say "now what?", then start a new world. I play with over 200 mods (most from the Better Minecraft modpack).


waho is this minecraft new version? this is beautiful. ladt time I played minecraft, there was only green and water and sand and snow and that was all


Terribly efficient, using the cheapest available resource. You could earn a living designing houses for slaves lol


No, it's a handful of mods (like Terralith and Oh The Biomes You'll Go To) which add 100s of biomes.


oh I see I got tricked haha. so…minecraft is still green water snow and desert?


Thinking about it, that's pretty much it in the vanilla game. Though they are coming out with something somewhat different this time.


wizard level 3 here, could someone explain to me the appeal of minecraft? i did play it a few times, when i tried to expand my house to underground, suddenly creepers began to spawn down there, exploding my little home. needless to say, i was quite bummed about it.


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Can someone recommend me some nice minecraft servers to play? I have pirated version (PollyMC like anon from here recommended)

Creative mode is like playing with Legos. Survival mode is nice because you try to survive, explore and you never know what will happen. It's a nice feeling of freedom.


it's strategy. following step by step every needed requirement without dying until kiling the dragon or the wither. It's planning but also being patient…

Quite annoying quests. Even more patience is needed after the updates, but mods help quite a bit. If mods were professionally taken care of by Mojang, they could outclass every other single genre of game: it can imitate any.


I can barely find any lapis lazuli. They are rarer than diamonds.


aahhh, yeah. That worst than stupid update…


Pikanetwork, Jartexnetwork, you might have fun on UltimisMC

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