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Video Games
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File: 1714243365132.jpeg (7.01 KB, 299x168, 299:168, download (5).jpeg) ImgOps iqdb


I really love this game, is a part of my childhood and m wondering if we can start a server on and play together.
What you wizards think.


Counter-Strike with wizards really wouldn't be all too different from Counter-Strike with randos.


>What you wizards think
No, I don't want to play with you.


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An activity for this collective (wizzies) could be to start an online virtual library instead, where we discuss the content in a snobbish, ludicrous mood, constantly showing smugness about thwe quality of its books, media, pictures and memes.

Basically what this imageboard lacks since we are mostly rotting with ignorance about true wizardly ways, ways of healing, of improving, of reaching our selective potential, that the normie world wont offer to us and can mostly be accessed or discovered after years and years of delving and lurking the internet alone… as only truwizards gladly do.

This way we might change this constant torrent of newcomers wailing due to sickness, failed normalcy, mental issues, bad life patterns, constant failures and errors repeated generation after generation of wizards only due to the normals's incompetence and obliviousness when it comes to elaborate and design a fine cultural code where human flaws get fixed in time once and for all.


I'd be up for some team fortress 2?


You mean like a technic


What does that have to do with videogames though?


With the impulse of gathering wizards for collective activities, since this >>61574




Make us


I used to loved that game during my kid days, I was on an internet cafe LAN mode and pwning every people there. Now I just started to play it again and can't aim for shit


post good servers


i amm too much of a scrub to actually enjoy any fps game, my skill is below average


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i recommend sven coop - it's not pvp and has very nostalgic vibes of cs 1.6 era and half life
on most maps you can stay a bit back and play at your own pace, healing and reviving other players who were too daring and too fast


Sorry to be a downer, but as someone who played since the beta. CS 1.6 was the end of my CS career. It was bad, and so was CS Source. Then Gabe forced everyone on CS 1.5 to move to Steam and use CS 1.6 even though it was inferior to 1.5, and Steam was shit. Somewhere around 2004 if I remember correct. Me and everyone else just stop playing. Clan dissolved too.


Anything with voice chat cannot be considered "for wizzies".


I remember CS 1.6 being much heavier on the computer than CS 1.5, but I can't find a single reason to hate on 1.6 other than the shield I guess. Care to elaborate?


Wizards are defined by our rejection of sex. Not being capable or willing to call out enemy positions on an anonymous online game has nothing to do with that.
CS:S was and still is great. It took a year for Turtle Rock to get the good maps made but overall it's a solid experience.

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