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File: 1734078569448.jpg (214.88 KB, 1063x948, 1063:948, 1733167597696.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


>normal life made him realize he was happiest getting blackout drunk daily
Did you experience a similar time in your life? What was your Swansea moment?


in case anyone cares this is the game the op is talking about

how about you give this information in the original post, that is a recent game not everyone will be necessarily familiar with it


>getting blackout drunk daily
oh a piece of shit you mean?


To be fair every single character in that game was a piece of shit, Swansea very much included.


File: 1735245620244.png (283.02 KB, 368x368, 1:1, a98be26f8e8483a303e3791479….png) ImgOps iqdb

normal life made me realize I was happiest being a NEET and staying in my room all day, yes


the fuck is this game about


Long haul space truckers crash, get stranded, and slowly turn on themselves and each other as they can't escape the issues they had been avoiding.


sound intrrsting thank you

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