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since the remake of silent hill 2 dropped, I am interested in the silent hill series. I never played a silent hill game before so I can't argue about it because I k'ow nothing (well just the stories I've read on wikimedia yesterday haha).
Wich silent hill you've played?
which is your favorite SH? Did the game you've played was scary or not?
Why Silent Hill is so comfy?


I think everyone lives in their own Silent Hill

>Wich silent hill you've played?


>which is your favorite SH?


Did the game you've played was scary or not?
Mostly unnerving

Why Silent Hill is so comfy?
It's a case of early 2000s nostalgia.


File: 1728336738132.jpg (510.21 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, welcome-to-silent-hill.jpg) ImgOps iqdb

indeed, the appeal of silent hill is the nostalgia of 2000' which were as comfy as silent hill.
>I think everyone lives in their own Silent Hill
I agree, but the town isn't here to help you but to send you in hell
for a reason I've always mistaken silent hill games with resident evil one hahaha


I'm also playing the game, the original


what keeps you playing so far? let me bet, it's the story who's sad and sorrowful and the characters stories, am I right?


I play to get scared and to overcome fear, an opportunity to grow and become stronger.


spoilers for silent hill 2
did james really killed his wife…but why?
have you been scared by the game, what moment was it?


Why does these games attract so may underaged trannies?


I have no idea what your are talking about.
The silent hill games are old as fuck and so is the vast majority of the fan base.
It also doesn't seem to particularly attract trannies, compared to a game like Undertale or Celeste.

I think you are just trying to be inflammatory for attention.


iirc it was a mercy kill because she was terminally ill, but he still felt remorse afterwards


I've only played the room but I stopped playing after encountering those dogs with the suckers

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