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File: 1720201564813.jpg (103.04 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, dyne rebirth.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


I wanna share some thoughts about FF7 Rebirth after completing it. tl;dr the game is SO GOOD when they just do new flashy versions of the original story (pic related). Most of the new ideas are bad though. The exception is the stuff related to Jessie.

Spoilers following.

In Rebirth you watch a recording of a show that Jessie did at the Gold Saucer and it is a very powerful emotional moment. Jessie being a famous actor is the only new idea that worked in Rebirth. Everything else is so stupid. It grinds my gears so much that instead of getting Rocket Town, we get stupid chocobo minigames, alternate timeline Zack, and some literally who Wutai commander talking to Rufus Don't you think they could have used that energy to make Rocket Town instead of just skipping it? The whole Rocket Town scenario just doesn't happen in FF7 Rebirth, and that is BS.

PS. Oh yeah, a new idea that was good is the Vincent boss battle. That was fucking metal, brutal, edgy. Like some PS2 Devil May Cry shit. Although it is preceded by Cait Sith box elevator puzzles.. one of the worst things in any video game ever. The only thing that got me through that horror is pure love for FF7, I tell ya.

Oh yeah it is hilarious at the beginning of the game with the Nibelheim sheriff. "Sephiroth, you sick son of a bitch!!". That was so funny. It was like watching a B horror movie, but a B horror movie that is actually really good and the actors put in a great enthusiastic performance.


Spoilers following

I should mention that there is a particularly bad decision/new idea regarding the character Red XIII that only the most die-hard of Square shills could possibly support. It forever changes his character for the worse in my opinion.

And this is it:
The badass voice that Red has usually is a put-on, and his real voice sounds like some shounen protagonist from a cancelled anime. It is horrible, and it can never be undone.


"PS. Oh yeah, a new idea that was good is the Vincent boss battle. That was fucking metal, brutal, edgy. Like some PS2 Devil May Cry shit. Although it is preceded by Cait Sith box elevator puzzles.. one of the worst things in any video game ever. The only thing that got me through that horror is pure love for FF7, I tell ya."

I will stop spamming posts after this. But it really is amazing. The way Vincent acts, he really is creepy and weird and the boss battle is one of the hardest ones in the game. It hits double hard because you don't expect it.



I wanna see Tifa's big bouncy boobs in 4k. Are this game can haz delivar?


you played any FF7 Remake games? Tifa has a magic bra that prevents jiggle, apparently.


File: 1720205472643.jpg (21.56 KB, 235x252, 235:252, CloudText.jpg) ImgOps iqdb


one more thing! In this game they do a comically bad job of conveying Sephiroth/Jenova's control over Cloud. There are cutscenes where Cloud becomes "evil Cloud" and it is just so fucking lame. What does "evil Cloud" do? He kills shinra soldiers. But hasn't he been doing that the entire time? It's funny because when "Evil Cloud" does it, you are supposed to think he is losing his mind or something. And Tifa and Aerith are like "no Cloud no!" Words fail to describe how dumb some of the scenes in this game are.


File: 1720207522795.png (1.04 MB, 790x1011, 790:1011, don_corneo_by_yare_yare_do….png) ImgOps iqdb

I thought it was funny that Corneo's belly has tons of jiggle but Tifa has zero.


maybe the jiggle physics department of the animation team were told they aren't allowed to make Tifa's boobs jigge so they took out their frustrated creative aspirations on Don Corneo's belly?


that has got to be the dumbest thing I have ever said, but I bet it is true.


I dont care about jiggle physics, but they still ruined FF7 with the time jannies, and cutting core parts of the original story in favor of kingdom hearts shit.
Didn't buy rebirth, wont buy the final remake neither.


Rebirth is the best FF game since FF9.


You're a stronger man than I. I see flashy-ass versions of the original FF7 scenes, I am there. Even though I know that it is just bait for the bad multiverse story, I can't resist.


The best CG artists in the world work at Square, but the the guys at the top have lost their damm minds. Imagine how good these game would be if the directors and producers weren't totally insane.


to this day the question is still there about Jenova and Sephiroth. I reckon the real Sephiroth is dead, killed by Cloud and Zack and Tifa at Nibelheim after he went mad. And the "Sephiroth" that is the villian of the FF7 series is Jenova taking his form.


I liked ff9 until they revealed Kuja wearing panties and straps shit was too homo


The problem with Final Fantasy is that Squeenix has a very hierarchical structure (common with Japanese companies, but Square-Enix is particularly bad for it), and the guys at the top made it to the top when video games were a minor industry. Sakaguchi, Nomura, etc were all borderline bohemians who were just having fun with life instead of working at the big conglomerates like everyone else who graduated college. Video games were a minor industry back in the early 80s, so some guy going off to work in a small crew of 10 on some game instead of focusing on his career as a salaryman was either a disagreeable guy or couldn't make it in industry. A lot of the early hires now at the top were literally college associates.

After 30+ years, they've aged into boomers and are directing around people that really would be better off simply being in charge. The talent coming into the Japanese video game industry is highly trained and highly disciplined, they're salaryman wagecucks that the original founders weren't.

Nojima and Nomura have written a lot of shit and remain oblivious to the slop they write.

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