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Video Games
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Well, any good digital board games that will help me keep my mind fit? Preferably with online multiplayer to teste the skill against other people.


chess online, go online, shogi online, tabletop on steam


buy mathematics books and work through them.
if you have forgotten how to math, begin with books designed for 14 years old students and work your way up.
currently, i'm doing math exercises for 16 years old.

another month hopefully, and i'll begin the math books of 17 years old.


shmups if you need to enhance your memory, but i am not sure


Board games are more fun to keep the mind fit


Learning new card games and variations of games is a casual way to get you noggin jogging.

I got this solitaire game that has like 100 variations of solitaire. Some pretty standard while others work totally different from anything I played before so takes quite a bit of effort to understand. Then even more to get good at. Plus it has a timer and point system to keep track of progress and push myself.

Or another example is poker. The basic rules are relatively simple but to actually get good at the game takes massive brain power since you are ether constantly running odds or memorized full on books worth of knowledge that you have trained to access in seconds.
A good middle ground is getting good at video poker.

Obvious I am not recommending you play card games for money though. It's quite fun to play for free both solo and online against other people.


You have a false dichotomy in this thread. Reaction time (what you call reflexes) always corresponds to general intelligence. In fact, reflex timing is the one way to have a cross-cultural iq level that doesn't depend on education. In other words, working on your reflexes will help your cognitive ability. Furthermore, the older you get, the more pronounced the effect is. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5608941/#:~:text=Highlights&text=Both%20simple%20and%20choice%20reaction%20time%20are%20strongly%20correlated%20with%20IQ.&text=The%20correlation%20increases%20with%20age.&text=The%20underlying%20relationships%20are%20different,is%20complex%20and%20non%2Dlinear, I'd say the great Metroid-Vania style games would keep you sharp without being board to death. Especially the main two, Super Metroid and Castlevania SOTN. WarioLand 3 is one of my favorites. That one has some great puzzle solving in it Metroid requires you to recall areas that you couldn't visit before because you lacked the power-ups. Getting one always triggers the memory of that area then you go back.
Personally I believe the best thing to stay sharp is to master different games. It could be anything, a platformer, shmup, puzzle, strategy game or whatever. Old games are very much about repetition and are short; try to overcome them without using features like save states or rewind, without worrying about finishing, just play them. Once you get really good at something, move on to a different game, And yet I specifically suggest a forgotten game called Locomotion (Kingsoft) A good mental workout, I don't think the premise is that accurate. On the surface it might seem a puzzle game is more about problem solving and cognitive skill, but there's no reason to elevate it above others.

Most games that you think are about reflexes are a combination of short-term decision making (problem solving), long-term decision making (strategy) routing (memory), and fine motor skills. I'd even argue the average arcade game is almost an optimal brain workout. Elon Musk said recently that he judges how sharp he is during the day by picking up one of these games.




>master many games

Although I agree, my idea is to find a good game that give the best cognitive training with the least amount of money spent on multiply games.


brain training on nintendo DS

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