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i started to use a mic while playing vidya for the first time ever. usually the encounters are good or i just have people calling my voice retarded but i dont know how to deal with genuine irrational hostility.


I have been trying to do this for a while with no luck, as soon as I attach my mic to my headphones my mind just gets completely blank and I feel uncomfortable, I start to play poorly because I can't stop thinking about the mic and what to say


Nice, very cool.


Your voice is retarded.

People on the internet are not your friends. They don't care about you. Accept it or don't use a mic.


no the people mad at me arent mad because of my voice, they get mad when i play the game right. eg: theyre camping in spawn with a tank doing nothing so i drive it to point and they start screaming at me and calling for mods


I fell you, I am an achivement hunter and I hate those multiplayer or co-op achivement the most simply because it forces me to communicate using mic


I hate them because I often play a game several years after launch so almost no one is even playing online anymore.


I'm something like that too.

What game is that? Sounds like Battlefield 1.


hell let loose


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Kill them with kindness OP
Their own anger will break them before it will break you, and you will have an advantage over them in all games where you meet these people. They're probably angry because they got their ass kicked and don't have the good sense to take a break, so do everything in your power to make them angrier without becoming angry or irrational yourself.


What are you even supposed to say on mic? It seems to me that 90% of the time anything said on mic is completely pointless, at least in the games that I play. I've been trying to use a mic and this is just the conclusion I've come to, I don't use a mic because I have nothing to say, if I was in person with the people I'm playing with I wouldn't have anything to say either. Mics are just purely for social leverage/gain, like if you have a mic you can get someone kicked out of a game/group way easier because normalfags trust these social niggers more.


crabs and succubi buy a mic so they can have e-sex on discord but some devs are aware of the normans and they added chat, pings and pre-recorded in game voice lines :) that way wizards won't have to talk to them


um, seems insanely obvious that you could use it to cooperate and organise attacks in team-based games, but im sure you know that and you're discounting that for some unstated reason


Like >>56776 said you usually have stuff like pings and pre-recorded voice lines in most games these days, and it's worth noting both of these things cut through any sort of language barrier as well. Unless you are on some sort of pro-gaming esports team or trying to coach some noob/retard I don't see why you would ever need a microphone


i must be out of the loop since i havent played much online games at all since about 2010. e.g. halo 3 had no way to communicate other than voice.

i dont believe you that you can communicate well enough with voice lines and placing markers, especially while using all your fingers to competitively play the game

I tried playing the latest Halo Infinite a little. When i did ranked, i had people joining with microphone and shaming other players for not having them. im sensitive to that. i assume it would get worse at higher ranks. The non-ranked gametypes were terrible but maybe thats just a halo problem


Turn off other's microphones


All of that sounds so freaking obnoxious. I think I'll stick to single-player games.


use a voice changer or an eq to remove nasal or ugly frequencies


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>find a group of people I get along with
>decide to stop being a mic-less fag
>reassure myself with "nobody gives a shit what you sound like"
>play for a while, find out I was right
>end up playing games with one of them every day for a year or two
>one day she flips out and goes on a rant about hating the sound of my voice
>it's been 5 years and I've never used a mic since
I've since found a new group to hang out in, and as the only nomicer I've become a legend. Some think I might be a celebrity whose voice would be recognized. Others think I'm a cat that plays video games. Some claim I've used voice chat with them when nobody else was around and only they know what I really sound like. It's fun. I want to join their D&D but there's no way that would work out without a mic and I don't want to end the fun or go through the pain of driving someone insane again.


Silence is golden.


it's been forever since i used a mic in game. last time i remembered i was playing cod zombies back in the day as a kid and i was trying to make my voice sound deeper to impress some other kid. I have a mic but i'm not bothered to use it.


Fuck, I just remembered my voice actually sounds goofy and stupid af.


Mics are very important in counter strike for callouts
Otherwise, they exist for normalfags to normalfag

You have to understand that speech is many people's primary power
Networking, convincing, manipulating, establishing themselves as leaders or at least as central figures

If you take their speech away from them, they'll get anxious
Complete opposite of you


Stop bumping this thread retarded chink/east European/indian sewer rat


The worst thing is when the talented man meets several envious types who use the same tactics, until they end up making him drop his gifts as if these were trash






if there was a place I wasn't expecting to hear amar azul it's this board


At the very least they said that you sound retarted, when I use the mic they get weirded out, and tell me to stop speaking and if i don't they will leave.
So the majority of the time i am alone, still i enjoy it.

Calling out the mods…silent revenge is better.


People usually just think I'm a boomer because my voice sounds older than I am or it's deep or something, they always assume I'm old as fuck. I sometimes enhanced the faggotry by taking pfps of boomer guys for the lulz.

The only one who asked me if I'm retarded on voice was some dumb bitch who tried to be funny by being mean and none of the guys knew wtf shes talking about and started pressing her for saying weird shit lolol. succubi on game voicechat generally piss me off and I like it when gamers start harassing them because they have no business talking especially when they put on an egirl voice or sound like trannies.

As dealing with hostility goes, I remember some black guys roasting me and I had a racist meltdown for the whole match and they got really irritated because of how pissed off I got, it wasn't even funny for them anymore. I also pissed off Muslims quite a lot and made them lose their shit by insulting Mohammed because they are always disrespectful retards in online games.

I think people in general are just hostile online, it's all about seeking weak spots and exploiting them, this was probably different when only nerds were playing on their little teamspeak. Now you can hardly go anywhere online that involves voice or video without people being toxic assholes who bully others for their voices and hairlines.


Was playing a military game and someone promoted me to squad leader. I didn't mind because I could mark the objectives now, but then some female or tranny started doing a stand-up routine in the leader voice channel. She was saying a bunch of retarded shit about how drunk she was and how she needed backup and something about cocks in an attempt to be funny and some other squad leader just replies in a deadpan voice, "Thank you for sharing that very important information in the squad leader channel. We definitely needed to hear all that."

She got passive-aggressive about it and started acting more obnoxiously so I had to relinquish leader just so I wouldn't be able to hear the dumb slut anymore. Fucking idiotic bitch throwing a tantrum because men weren't tripping over each other to tell her how cool and funny she is. Female gamers can be so fucking annoying, but I've played with a few who either made no attempt to signify they were female or even pretended to be a man.


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>was saying a bunch of retarded shit and something about cocks in an attempt to be funny
Isn't that accurate for a milsim though?


The other leaders were very professional for playing a game. They only called large enemy movements out and proposed changes to strategy. The loudmouthed cunt was worse than proximity chat (which often is funny, actually).


I wish people would respond to me at all. Nothing makes me more uncomfortable than talking into a silent void. Everyone is so asocial online. I used to love co-op games but I don't play them so much anymore because there's no co-operation, everyone just goes about their business like bots in the way that necessitates the least amount of interaction with their team-mates as possible


you try to play co-op games with strangers? lol


thats how i play cod zombies


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op finding this thread again wanna update my blog
im less retarded using my voice, even was admin for 2 different gaming communities without asking for the role. (sadly one of them devolved into melodramatic discord troon drama) which is ass because i loved the game
soundcloud has 1.5k followers as well
theres basically no good new multiplayer games at all coming out anytime soon that arent gay and shit which is lame


whos the hottie in the pic?


Google Reverse Lookup found the answer.



> in the Anime, Kotomi is a shy and cute succubus of Fukoma High. She is a talented gymnast of Fukoma High and Ami's best friend. She aspires to be a Gymnast. She has a conditional flaw to farts whenever she gets nervous whenever she is near a cute boy she likes (like Junta) thus giving her a flaw she tries to overcome.

> Kotomi in the manga, is very shy and gentle and has her flatulent flaws Much like her anime counterpart, however it seems that she has a more rogue personality when she changes of appearance.

Ok, I don't like her anymore


>Ona (succubus)
>Onara (fart)
>Rape (rape)
>DIA (Dick-in-ass)

>Teen succubus surprise buttrape farts



not a fan of fart fetish, huh? I see


if it makes you feel any better, they're only calling your voice retarded to try and get a rise out of you because they're absolutely seething. It's very transparent what they're doing.

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