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I wonder if that was before or after they got both Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest as exclusives.

At that point they were pretty much guaranteed victory.


the playstation had a great success because of many hit japanese game it has borrows. western games worked well on PlayStation because of the constant continuation of a franchise
tell me if I'm wrong


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One thing I liked about the PS1 and PS2 days is that it was a really nice mix of both western games and Japanese games. You had cutting edge western stuff like GTA, Tony Hawk, and Legacy of Kain, but also a huge variety of Japanese stuff like Bushido Blade and Shadow of the Colossus.


>western games
>stuff like GTA, Tony Hawk, and Legacy of Kain
Forced Soul with Rounded Edges with elements of post-modernism and Keynesian Economics sprinkled in, which ultimately combines into an ecosystem which insists upon itself. Aesthetics and narrative draw from hood and rap nigger "culture".
>Japanese games
>stuff like Bushido Blade and Shadow of the Colossus
Organic Soul combined with KinoLudoNarrative Dissonance in a Kafka-Esque manner but done tastefully. Aesthetics and narrative draw from honorable Samurai culture.


How do you get that out of Legacy of Kain? Yeah man I was laughing so hard when Kain started rapping about the Soul Reaver and sheeit



meds now


Unrelated but I hated that Ape Escape stage in your picture where you're inside the dinosaur, the environment disgusted me and made me feel physically sick.


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I really wanted Blasto to be good but literally every magazine said it was trash. I should just play it and see for myself.

Another game I should play is Pitfall 3D: Beyond the Jungle. I remember enjoying the demo that came with Playstation magazine but never got the full game.

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