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File: 1736021323203.jpeg (288.59 KB, 1600x1204, 400:301, GU.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb


I bought this gem a while ago, and honestly, it’s amazing. I’ve only been playing for about a year, but things started getting really tough once I hit G-rank. I can’t seem to progress, and even though I have the maxed-out weapons, Fatalis knocks me out with a single hit. Is there anyone else who has this version and wants to play together?


I wish I could play with you but I donnt have the game. may someone play with you


"The problem is, if I want to play with someone in the United States, they only have the GU version, almost nobody or completely nobody, and Japanese forums are very different when it comes to finding people who want to play."


oh…so youre 'stuck'


"As strange as it may seem, for the Japanese, playing MHXX is something more private than usual, almost intimate."


what will you do now?


"Well, I'll wait for someone to share their friend code for Nintendo Switch and play. Let's see if someone shows up."


ok…let's wait


>nintendo switch ver.
>nintendo switch ver.


"I sincerely hope that someone here has played it."

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