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>normal life made him realize he was happiest getting blackout drunk daily
Did you experience a similar time in your life? What was your Swansea moment?
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To be fair every single character in that game was a piece of shit, Swansea very much included.


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normal life made me realize I was happiest being a NEET and staying in my room all day, yes


the fuck is this game about


Long haul space truckers crash, get stranded, and slowly turn on themselves and each other as they can't escape the issues they had been avoiding.


sound intrrsting thank you

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In need for comfy online games, where I can interact with people like me, I was thinking I should purachase Stardew valley
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>non-competitive online games

What's even the point? If you want to talk, then just talk to people. There's VRChat if you really need to jump around a 3d world while you do it.


Roblox, Garry's Mod. GTAV online


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You can play Paradox Interactive games like Europa Universalis IV in multiplayer with an agreement that you and the other player don't attack each other. You instead stay allied and help each other out in wars. I can play with you like that if you want to.


I second this, helldivers is pretty good.

People can't even kick you out, which is briliant. If someone decided to kick you end mission - you would just end up solo (they get out and you continue).
Rarely encountered any griefing. Amazing game, 100 hours flew by.


The entirety of Helldiver's and II's Gameplay/Reward loops can be experienced in 15 miniutes. It's Destiny 2 with crappy flat maps

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 No.58061[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread >>53822

Thread for games you managed to finish and your thoughts on it.
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I played it a bit and dropped it because i wasnt enjoying being in claustrophobic ugly apartment buildings


>it's like if they remade jacob's ladder or something
Oh god, please don't give the hacks in hollywood any ideas.
I got horror shivers just thinking about it.


if that kind of thing bothers you, you made the right call, it only gets worse after the apartment building


I tried playing it but it seemed a bit too hollywood for my liking. Original SH2 had way more unique soul. It is the main problem with remakes. They become soulless or at least get a different one.


Finished playing through Mouthwashing.

Was a lot more linear then I was expecting.
It was more a vehicle for the story then a game imo.
On the one had I feel like I probably missed a lot because there are a fuck ton of hidden achievements somehow, but on the other hand I don't really feel the urge to play it again.

[Last 50 Posts]


Okamo is getting a sequel. This thread is for talking about the okamo games and as a waiting room for when it will be release. my bet on 1 year and half not 2 years because it's seems top long, before it came out
I can't wait to play it with a lot of weapons (that what I ask for the most and new brush drawings)!!
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that game was disappointing after reading so many praise it as the best thing ever when it came out. too long, too repetitive and too easy.
and the sidekick sucked too, and i can't remember or pinpoint why exactly but i found the game world particularly lifeless and dull

still the best wolf game of 2006 but that's not saying much


what made me like the game was the weapons. I found it cool and I hope there will be more in the sequel


what an odd announcement, is this official?
"okami sequel" huh ok


yes it is even if they add the 'sequel', '2' would have been much more weird


it was a signifcatnly above average action adventure game for it's time with a art style that still looks good to this day, and a story that didn't suck.

It's also more of a game then all the cat games that got attention recently, like Stray.

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A video game magazine made by anons, for anons!
Currently 8 issues out!


thats cool


really neat-o, good job anons.


we should male our own magazine


huh. that's actually a p cool idea, wizzie. what would we write about? do you have any article ideas in mind?


do you want it to be video game related or wiz related or both or something else?

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Does anybody want to play Minecraft?
You can make a free server with Oracle cloud's free tier, but i already blew my account on a server for my little brother and his classmates.
Picrel is my 2020 singleplayer world
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waho is this minecraft new version? this is beautiful. ladt time I played minecraft, there was only green and water and sand and snow and that was all


Terribly efficient, using the cheapest available resource. You could earn a living designing houses for slaves lol


No, it's a handful of mods (like Terralith and Oh The Biomes You'll Go To) which add 100s of biomes.


oh I see I got tricked haha. so…minecraft is still green water snow and desert?


Thinking about it, that's pretty much it in the vanilla game. Though they are coming out with something somewhat different this time.

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Daily Chat is one of those places where all's implicit and assumed. Dashwizzies abuse the glorious refresh button in hopes that there's a new funny comment, and oftentimes try to beg for likes. When a new Daily Level swings in, it's probably an opportune time to likebeg.

If you know, you know. What were some good memories you had of Daily Chat?


I played geometry dash for like a hour then played something else and never returned to it.
I have no clue what you are talking about, but it sounds like a bad time.


I don't think creating on GD was a bad time like you say, I mean i've always disliked elaborate gameplay but I like creating


What are some games to look forward to for some hopefuel?
I like watching these new MMO videos because it gives me hope we are closer to someone making a good new one.
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ohh…I'm dumb


Next game I'm getting is Mario & Luigi Brothership.


Is there anything particularly interesting about it or is it just repeating the Super Star Saga formula but with minor gimmicks and better graphics?


That's a good question.
Most of the reason I'm excited for it is that it looks like it's back to basics of the OG Game Boy Advance game without the gimmicks of the sequels.
But there might be some annoying rugpull where they make you play as princess peach or something.


Virtua Fighter had two huge announcements.
First is that they are actively developing VF6
Second that they are bringing a fully updated and online capable VF5 to steam.

It has been 18 years of waiting. It is my favorite fighting game series ever so I am super hype. I just hope they don't ruin it with shit monetization similar to what killed DOA.

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Have you ever played japanese indie games? which one?
Can you share the japanese indie games you've played, please?
I'm searching japanese indie games with at least an english translation and free (or cheap price)
also don't forget to explain why did you like the game you've played or critics about a game you didn't like/not worth it


You first, OP.


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I'm embarrased to say I didn't play any.

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I want to share one of the best games I've ever played in my life, not only because of its aesthetics, but also because of its playability and the great content it offers, not only that, apart from being very accessible despite having low graphics (not to say shit) Runescape old school is one of those games that are little known, this game contains millions of stories, of Venezuelans earning a living to be able to eat selling runescape gold, from people who repeat the same action for 3 months in a row to be able to get 99 in a skill, and even people who pay in-game money so they can have a girlfriend. Runescape is huge and you don't stop finding new things every day, it's full of content and besides it's FREE… Up to a certain point since you can buy a membership and play the game 100%, since the free game is limited to certain things and certain sectors, but don't worry you can farm money from the game and buy a bond, which gives you 14 days of free membership, and if you know how to take advantage of them you will never have to spend real money to buy the membership. It's crazy what this game can be and I invite you to play it for free on steam, android, and iso. I don't know what my fellow virgins expect to be able to play this fantastic game
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i wanna play runescape again but i gave away my entire bank so i have no idea how to get a bond again. ive been mining runite in free to play and only made like 2m.


Here's your RunEscape, bro


Yeah, and? What's funny is I got a dragon med helm from the Odd-One-Out mystery box.

You losers could play this little direct RS clone that I linked. It has no players so you can grind your lives away into nothingness without competition.


is this that runescape classic-esque game that someone was making a few years ago?


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in france , the equivalent of runescape is dofus 1.29 (called dofus retro naowdays)

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