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How do you do the PS3 hair dryer trick? I have the yellow light of death.
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you have to turn it off and back on a few times, stand on it. count to 4. get off then stand on it again for 30 seconds. Get off and lay face down next to it, close your eyes and chant "fix, fix, fix" then grab this very specific tool you might find in the endless halls of home depot and attach a blah blah adapter to the then grab your sodering kit and start re-wiring the whole thing. then press the power button and voilà. Thanks for reading:) this worked for me. this worked for my friend. its a real life saver if you just have a drilbit, soldering mat, soldering kit and prior sodering skills and know a little about civil engineering:)




this takes 2 seconds on my pc


That shit made me laugh ngl

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Which Pokemon game is superior and why, Yellow or Crystal?
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Huge butthurt at Yokohama Worlds. Tons of players disqualified for using pokemon generated by third-party software. Cheaters are crying about rules finally being enforced. They're complaining that it takes too much time to train legitimately when developing monsters is the most accessible it's ever been over the franchise's entire existence (not like these retards have lives outside of scrimming anyway). They're also crying that lots of meta monsters are paywalled. They are, but kinda dumb to complain about a paywall when you're willing to spend thousands of dollars in travel expenses to attend a tournament with a laughably tiny prize pool (10,000 USD). The entitlement of VGC manchildren is ridiculous.

I am not even against hacking monsters, but it's so easy to make them appear legitimately sourced that I have no sympathy for players who got caught. They're just lazy retards. Why someone wants to attend competitions to play a game they don't enjoy playing is beyond my comprehension. I could understand if the prize pools were Dota 2-level. But really, I can't understate how easy it is to build a team nowadays. This is shit you can do while multitasking. The game is on perpetual cruise control now. Or maybe just get better at cheating, that's another option.


i only played the first one


I loved them both, but if I were to replay them nowadays I'd be bored to tears.
I bought Pokemon Scarlet not too long ago, beat the game in 11 days, and now I regret that I ever spend 60€ on it; but a game like Chess has stayed with me until this very day.


I haven't played any Pokemon since primary school but my favorite's then were HGSS and RSE. I cared for Gen 1 and 4 the least because 1 was too vanilla to me and I didn't like 4's new Pokemon, otherwise it's a solid generation, while 2 and 3 felt more exotic and lively. After gleaming at what fans say about the series' mechanics and history for a week it seems like it was never actually good and was well-liked for being a nice journey especially for children, there's a step forward and back with each new generation that disappoints people and keeps them endlessly waiting for their perfect game. Never majorly innovating its mechanics or premises nor upping its difficulty are the biggest ones. I got Gen 5 around launch, saw the Pokemon in it, and decided I didn't need to play more of these games because it's just the same as last time. The remakes don't expand the regions either, and I think they should've kept refining the first 3 or 4 gens like Yakuza does with Kamurochou before moving on.

Another big turn off is Nintendo jewing fans (who were/are mostly children) who want to complete the Pokedex with two versions of the game, needing to buy more main games and spin-offs, and having to go to Gamestop for some employee to swipe a card that let's you access content already on the cartridge.


Ruby and Sapphire are my favorites personally. I have re-played all the first 3 gens on occasion since growing up from kid. Comfy games

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does anyone have the save of the old wizchan/lizchan minecraft server world? from around 2018 or so, I think
I know the server owner was around for a bit, he might have it
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An old image of spawn, and one from the save I uploaded. It's from pretty close to when the server went down, though some progress I had on my mob system is gone.


This one took forever to upload, but I think download will be faster: https://box.patchouli.moe/pMZQwNB.zip


anyone wanna play minecraft



This is a blast from the past

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I'm not legally allowed to drive in meatspace but I enjoy driving and crashing in computer games and I hope other wizards do to. People (plebeians) think racing vidya is all the same but that couldn't be further from any of the truths. There are combat racing games, racing simulators, arcade racers, rhythm racers, driving simulators, driving racers, kart-likes, and some other kinds even maybe. If you played any recently or want to play some soon then let us know in this thread or the next one if this one has over 300 posts.
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I find 5th gen driving games really comfy
NFS: High Stakes is good, although the latter championships were too hard for me


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I found out about Burnout 3: Takedown reading a magazine way back in 2004. They reviewed it and gave it a perfect score. I hadn't actually been a racing games fan, but the enthusiastic review coupled with some of the mentioned game mechanics caught my interest. Had my mom buy it and was immediately hooked. It's a very fun game, wizzies, lots of unlockable stuff and not particularly hard.
Only racing game I ever got.
Highly recommended


Burnout REVENGE kept a good promise right until Paradise.
One of the Edgiest arcade racing games ever produced, right there with other games. ( Carmageddon, JAX X, NFS Most Wanted, NFS Carbon etc.. )


I loved high stakes as a kid, played it loads. I always found it to be a shame that many of the cars weren't available in pursuit mode, but I guess these days I could probably mod that in.

I'll need to head to work soon, but if any of you are interested in playing together later, there is a quite chill f2p racing game based on Initial D, it's called Initial Drift Online. It has an online mode, but there are no competitions, you just complete routes together with your friends. I modded the game to give cars more speed and grip, which makes completing the routes even more fun.


My favorite racing game of all time even to this day.
God damn was it good. It fully earned any and all perfect scores it got.

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It still upsets me that there will never be a third one. I'll never get over it.
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There was this streaming service (PS Now?) maybe it's playable this way.


didn't know there was a vita emulator, gonna give it a try
up until last year the input lag was unbearable from what I've heard, and my internet sucks


if anyone cares I tried the emulator and it works like crap


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My friend, look at 2023 Sony… PS5 is essentially a PC with mediocre specs, pretty much no exclusives or reason to get it over a PC or XBOX with Game Pass, they give us a controller with gimmicky touch pad, lights and rumble that's expensive and barely lasts 4hrs on a full charge, every old exclusive is also on PC, PS4, or both, they shut down good studios and don't get proper replacements, while Microsoft buys a ton of good ones and Nintendo keeps pumping the Switch with good IPs, now they've announced a handheld that's a shadow of the PSP and PS Vita, doesn't even have Bluetooth and only works to stream your own PS5, not even Sony's streaming service works with it.

All Sony does now is pathetic, and the only reason they're not dead is because of PS4 backwards compatibility, since that console was a success for them, and also brand recognition, it's PlayStation, it's what people know best, but they suck now.

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Halp me wizzies, this is driving me INSANE:

There's a reservoir of water splitting off from the Zora's domain route in OOT. Navi then focuses on part of the water suggesting the player can get something. I've tried all the songs, tried bombs, tried everything I can think of. What's up with this tiny lake?
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is it the places with the frogs? I think you just have to play a song, don't know which one, but it wasn't anything special, not even a piece of heart


You are correct
Sorry froggies


No, it's in hyrule field proper before you enter the zora's route, the game branches off


then I'm not sure, could you post a screenshot?


blessed be

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Are there any video games I can buy at my local Gamestop for $1.60 or less with my debit card? Like a handheld Neopet or someshit?


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Blows my mind that one could buy a game like Osmos on Steam for $2.99 right now whereas a quick look-up for Tamagotchi on Amazon showed me one for $19.99. I mean, you basically need to buy like a $100 device to be able to play Osmos on but technically it should be a lot cheaper nowadays.

I dunno. I don't know enough about technology to say for sure that one should be able to get a standalone handheld game like Osmos for $1 in 2023.


assuming that steam will die one day and all the games purchased will be lost:
you can just transfer your entire steam directory to somewhere else, and play all the games in offline mode. this is basically a time capsule of all your purchases

but online features won't work in offline mode:
true, but games inevitably lose all their networking and servers anyways. you should not expect commercial games with a focus on online multiplayer and so on to remain playable. typiclly as soon as the playerbase dwindles the servers are cut

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I've been trying new genres of games and as a lower skilled player the only thing that allows me to try these games in multiplayer is SBMM. I've tried games in the same genre without it, and the difference of what my true level is is palpable. I've been reading forum threads to see what the normies think about it. And one thing I've learned is that the type of gamers who post on forums, are usually not your typical average gamer, but more hardcore just to care enough to post. So often their complaints might be the opposite for a casual noob like me, and actually be to my benefit.

Its just an interesting exercise in hypocrisy and the golden rule with the SBMM bitching. They don't like being hunted by the sharks, but complain that they can't have a "casual relaxing" game of hunting guppies. Theres no self-awareness of staring into the mirror, of what a hell being around people like themselves is.

I used to have this fantasy of all the Nietzschean ubermen, will to power, will to dominate types being sent to their own Mad Max island where they can dominate each other. Wolves eating wolves. But it seems its not every fun to be on a diet of wolfmeat, they need some nonconsenting sheep too. I've seen some proposals for a more voluntary SBMM. But the self-aware among them, admit that most casuals would choose it, and so they'd still be in the same box. Basically they want casuals to be forced to play with them.

It just fascinating to see in the gaming world, how ubermen feel about being sent to my Mad Max island where wolves can only eat other wolves.


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>You're stuck using "meta" shit
Anon that only applies if you use meta constantly, then of course you are placed in a meta only bracket. Unless you are just that good, then who cares because the meta shitters are so trash they can barely keep up with their clutches against troll builds


Still in call of duty, without SMBB playing old modern games that are still alive, there are times in which it is hard to win and others in which you have casual fun.
There should be no MM in COD.


Without SBMM you have pubstomps and insane sweats shutting down lobbies. Its not fun at all.
Im good at fps and fighting games, pred in apex. Killing clueless noobs that cant shoot back is not fun. Getting beamed by a chinese fps prodigy or getting 100-0d by a korean with a tricked out shitbox is also not fun.
I legitimately cant think of a reason why you wouldnt like SBMM, unless you think you're good enough to statistically pubstomp more than youre pubstomped so you just want to ruin some newbies' day instead of trying fighting people your own size. Every complaint I've seen online boils down to "whenever I crush noobs I have to fight people my level and then I lose".
Its ingrained bully behavior, "let me fight people weaker than me".


Some are rather open about that, some weasel "I just don't want to sweat" "I want to relax and play casually" which amounts to the same thing, go play bots to relax.

Some also claim to be just regular and always thrown into the COD league, which is the opposite of SBMM.


for bigger games, like planetside 1/2, an mmofps, it's fun to be confronted by all the expert groups. i remember always playing solo in the first, when everyone else cooperates in massive outfits/clans

so i would have to do guerilla warfare and be tricky, set the cards in my favor, initiate fights after they fall for a trap, surprise them, that thing

i think it depends on the type of game. my utter inability to compete with those guys skill-wise evolved into a fun coping strategy that is now the default way i play games, like a dumb little sneaky weasel

but it also means i now avoid skill-based ranking games also, because this prevents you from being david going against goliath, and usually the games do nto allow you to be solo which isn't fun

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What is the largest spherical (or oblately spheroidal) open world map ever designed for a video game?

The other day I was thinking, "what if there was a Grand Theft Auto game set on a spheroid with fictionalized versions of at least one real major city from every continent?"

Has there ever been a map that could be fully explored on foot, maybe something along the lines of: GTAV's flat map, or maybe even more like on the scale of World War II Online's map, but with no invisible walls or any artificial method that prevents players from crossing a certain boundary that would reveal the flatness of the virtual world?

I was also thinking something like No Man's Sky but wasn't procedurally generated, had more than just one biome, was set in the present, had Earth fauna and flora, had thousands of NPCs, and cities based off of real-world cities.

The map would have to be a lot smaller than real Earth, of course. Perhaps a spheroidal map the size of Ceres? Or smaller. No wait. Not Ceres. Maybe the asteroid 8 Flora. Might be just perfect for the GTAV map.

Has there ever been a spherical open world game set inside a space station on the scale of something like the Death Star that could be fully explored inside and out?

Or an oblately spheroidal open world set inside of a hollowed-out asteroid?

Or for that matter: how hard would it be to just take the flat map from GTAV and paste it onto a globe?

I'd love to play a GTAV-like game in which the map isn't flat and has multiple biomes (e.g. jungles, tundras, taigas, steppes, dunes, permafrost locations like McMurdo station, etc.) and fictionalized versions of real major cities from all over the planet and not just Miami, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, London, and Las Vegas.

Is there such an open world game?
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you can't just wrap the map around a sphere, the coordinate and positioning for everything would be all fucked up, everything instead of being universally oriented to xyz axis now must relatively orient around and on the surface of the sphere

the easiest thing you could do is just use a sphere shader to obtain the look of a spherical world without any of the ass pains. but this introduces errors in how the world is rendered such that space or hgih altitude things arent viable (things become huge the further away from the center of the sphere). you arent the one doing any of this though so you will dismiss anything i say, if it's possible surely someone will do it… is what you think

i dont see the reason for doing any of this. sure it would be cool to have an entire simulated planet with atoms and molecules, it would be cool to have millions of things. you have to convince people to build it though


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Not sure if this counts, but I also found this other guy on Youtube who created some sort of flight timed package delivery sim game by taking imagery from Google Earth and running it through Unreal Engine 5. Of course, he had to shrink the Earth to make one side of the globe reachable from the other over the course of a few minutes on a biplane and make all the planet's features cartoonishly semi-realistic, but it still looked pretty good. I was thinking of something like that but at ground-level. Obviously not fully-simulated Earth, but something possible with current technology.


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It also bothers me how Civilization maps still seem to be flat or cylindrical and don't allow players to cross the poles from one hemisphere to another.

Would be neat to be able to fly over a shrunk-down version of Antarctica from not-Brazil or not-Argentina, maybe land on a fictional recreation of McMurdo station, and then take off and travel to not-Australia in a GTA clone.


it would take too much processing power and ram to run such a thing, it is basically impossible, if it was done right now then the environments would have to be low quality and empty, probaby also massively scaled down


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Someone could probably steal the source code of No Man's Sky and manipulate it into procedurally-generating at least one planet that uses the Hollow Earth model which would allow one being able to walk along the edges of the holes/tunnels at the poles leading back and forth both the inner and outer shells of the world. The game could effectively have two fully-explorable open worlds in a high fantasy/science fantasy type of setting.

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Not jumpscare horror, but actually well-written dark or weird games. What are some you like?
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I haven't been able to figure Cultist Simulator out. If it's just an alright game then all it has going is the atmosphere and writing of the Sunless Skies guy, which I do enjoy.

Is there other stuff with that Lovecraftian, kind of humorous but still fucked up type of writing?


>The title makes it sounds like it's one of these garbage cheap meme things
this is such a stupid name for any game that is not a dumb gmod-like shovelware for streamers or an actual niche german work thing
i automatically dismiss anything on that basis and i am sure i am not the only one


Book of Hours by the Cultist Simulator people is coming out in August. Same setting as the previous game, other than that I haven't read much about it. Looks like a puzzle/light RPG mix.


you should try Tension (original) from the same devs. Tension The Void sucks, they made it linear and cut off all the dialogues.

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