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Has there ever been a game with a similar game format to Middle Earth Shadow of War? Specifically the elements I want are: 1) collecting like pokemon. You need to be able to find rare and valuable ones by playing the game and 2)you use the characters you collect to fight for you in non-turn-based combat.

The thing where you can collect orcs and get them to fight for you and against each other in the arena was really novel and good gameplay for me. I want more but with even more variations to collect, something like pokemon but with melee combat also where you can control your character. Does anything like this exist? I asked chat GPT but it didn't give me any leads except for maybe mount and blade 2 bannerlord which I'm not sure how that works or if it's what I'm looking for. I think I remember shadow of mordor/war winning awards/acclaim back when they came out, so did anyone ever clone this format of game?


Palworld is the closest thing I can think of.


Thanks! This looks pretty close based on the description I read. Basically like a live-action pokemon.


Warner Brothers patented their "Nemesis System" from Shadow of War/Mordor. Might explain the lack of clones.


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 No.56673[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Does anyone want to play a world of warcraft private server with other wizards? I'm playing turtle wow with another wizard from here starting a few days ago, it would be fun if a couple more wiz are interested in wasting some time
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Guys who play only succubi are fags


in online games maybe

in single player games where you don't associate or roleplay as the succubus i think it's fine. like it's free real estate on the screen, might as well put a nice ass there


Thoughts on project epoch?


How do people get excited for fresh and have the energy to keep restarting over and over again with these pservers? Seems bipolar


Is anyone still playing this? I would quite like to try it out but it would be a lot nicer to play with like-minded folk than the cesspit of normalcy.

[Last 50 Posts]

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It will be glorious when Rockstar announces that GTA 6 is getting a PS4/Xbox One release.
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honestly yeah it's weird, idk if im just too old and dont follow new games though

that said this year will be good for me, remnant 2 and baldurs gate are exciting


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Every big release became hype trains where they promise you the earth and more, and people caught on when they kept delivering broken unfinished games. Now whenever something is announced I don't even get excited because there's a good chance it just lingers in dev hell until it's canceled. Not to mention most of the game franchises I cared about just kinda petered out. I want a new stealth game so badly, but the last one that really scratched that itch was the latest deus ex and that released in 2016.


I'm not that optimistic tbh, the gameplay leak kind of gives me a strong saints row reboot vibes.


The leak contained a file called 'right wing militia' lol I bet it's gonna be something gay


GTA 4 is amazing, but San Andreas is unquestionably the greatest.

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any other actually good java games besides "Nowhere" (on the pic)?

>Suggest the java game with .jar file attached

>tell your story and impressions on the particular game


link the game


yes, i am sorry.



minecraft i remember was a java game. maybe it still is? who knows what they have done to it



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 No.54867[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What games define you? What are the games that left an impact on you, that you'll never forget? It honestly didn't take me long to figure it out for myself. An honorable mention and 10th would be MGSV for me as well.
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The only spyro game I played was Enter the dragonfly. It was pretty meh.


Not him but I enjoyed those games as a kid largely just because it was "platforming, but you can fly"… I was a sucker for that. There's a flying power up in mario galaxy that I loved even though you barely get to use it. I guess if you can just fly everywhere it defeats the purpose of platforming but eh it's fun.


Nah nah the only Spyro games worth talking about are the PS1 trilogy by Insomniac. Spyro 1, 2 and 3. Any game after those three are by other developers and generally are regarded as trash.


I see what you mean, I was ecstatic when I played Sonic 3 as a kid and Tails could fly for a few seconds in that game.



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I know i am being vague, Basically stuff that Can run on an old PC and Can give me lots of hours of Playtime:
Fallout New Vegas
Project Zomboid
Stardew Valley
Hollow Knight
Hearts of Iron IV
Darkest Dungeon
Don't Starve
Paradox Interactive games (dépending on The year which they Were made in)
X-COM UFO Defense
UnReal World
Earth Defense Force
Risk of Rain
Tales of Maj'Eya
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Advance wars


Yes, I play unique 2d RPGs like Noita, Dwarf Fortress, and caves of Qud, I have so much to talk about.


Neverwinter Nights has just about infinite content considering how long it's been out. There are a ton of user-made campaigns and servers for that game. The servers often called "persostemt worlds" or PWs are basically small MMORPGs. I played a mod based on an original adventure by Gary Gygax "The Keep on the Borderlands", which I think is pretty fun for giving a new character a test run. Also the character building is very in-deprh since it's based on 3e rules.


Also I will shill a PW I play, "Ever Cursed", it's basically a dark fantasy EverQuest. This is all I will say.


Diablo II runs on any toaster and I could play that shit forever

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I want to play pirated games but don't want to infect my computer with virus.
So I am thinking of dual Booting windows
So that I can run games on one partion and use another partition for serious work
In case if the gaming partition get infected with malware I can simply reset that partition.
Will this work correctly??
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Fitgirl packs his repacks in to .zip packs. Linux can't unpack .zip packs.


wait it's not a she?


It's some anonymous faggot on the internet, does it matter?


>does it matter?
Yes. Would YOU trust a female with administrator privileges on your home computer?


Nobody knows, I wouldn't put my money on them being a female, cracker empress (popular for being the one cracker who can crack denuvo games) was recently said to be some fat polish dude, which is not 100% proven but very likely to be true.
Them pretending to be a female is probably just a ploy to get more donations from desperate idiots and maybe make investigations harder, which I doubt would work but they may think it does.

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 No.58495[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Anybody play Fire Emblem? What are your thoughts about Fire Emblem Engage? Personally, i'm excited for it. We haven't really got a fire emblem game before that looks this colourful, and the entire premise just seems like it could be stupid fun even if the stories bad. It also seems like they're returning to more traditional gameplay ie bringing back the weapon triangle/a jaigen character and the maps looks like they could possibly have much tighter design than three houses. But who knows. Honestly who cares if the game ends up being bad, i'll probably still get some enjoyment out of it and we know that a genealogy remake is coming because of the leaks so it's not like the series is dead if this game sucks.

Also, what are your favourite FE games? Personally, my top 5 would be Radiant Dawn > Conquest > Genealogy > Path of Radiance > Three houses.
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Wow Birthright sure is easy, I'm playing on lunatic mode and it's a cakewalk
ninjas are so good


am sick of Birthright, chapter 21 I think so maybe the final missions are more interesting but I can't be arsed at this point

is Conquest any better?


FE art has been pretty hit-or-miss since shadow dragon. It would be neat if they'd stick to an artstyle like echoes or tellius, but it seems like they're continuing to lean into the anime.
In my opinion it is but I don't know if you'll think so.
I replayed conquest about a dozen times, but only played birthright once and almost didn't finish revelation, so to me the difference is night and day.


Picked up Radiant Dawn with the intention of completing it this time, I had a save file with a bunch of characters with capped stats from the prequel including Sothe, Jill, Zihark and Nephenee so it made a big difference in those early chapters where they are the only remotely useful units. Illyana is unsalvageable though.
It's not as bad as I remembered, definitely a mixed bag but still a fun game overall. Most of part 2 is crap and so is every chapter with the paladins and Marcia. The ones with a billion non-playable units you cannot give orders to are very tedious, it always makes me wonder how anyone in the development team could sit through these parts and not be frustrated and think they should tone it down a bit.

I'm about to start the final chapter(s) I hope it's good and not some cheap gimmicky bs.


any good romhacks out there? i know about vision quest and sacred echoes, anything else worth checking out?

[Last 50 Posts]

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want to play pirated games but don't want to get any malware
what to do?‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎
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just get malware but the kind that your scanner can't detect. What you don't know about won't hurt you.


Just learn to set up prefixes bro.


guys please tell me how to do this
I will kms if someone didn't help me
I am gaming


use fitgirl
site made pirating easy enough that even normalfags can do it now
ive downloaded several games off there and never had a problem with any of them


I think what you want to do is, use VPN (yes, buy a subscription) then you get a torrent client (qBitTorrent for example) then you go to russian pirating site rutracker dot org. You right click anywhere on the page, click "translate to English"m make an account. Search for game, download torrent file, then download the game using torrent client.
It is surprisingly good moderated site, with it's own standarts to torrents, the ammount of poorly made ones is minimal and they get deleted, so it's moderated even.

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Why vidya community in general is full of nostalgiafags, tryhards and elitists?
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It depends on what the game is. If it’s a linear story game, I expect 12 hours of gameplay. Which is about a week of playing for the average person if not longer. Palworld is honestly starting to bore me already and I only have like five hours on it. That’s probably just cause survival crafting games are about as fun as watching paint dry to me though.


>That’s probably just cause survival crafting games are about as fun as watching paint dry to me though.

Fair enough.
Not every genre appeals to everyone.
For example I can't get into rts games while some people can play the same rts game over and over for a decade or more.

That said it does seem a popular genre, which is one of the reasons palworld is doing so well.
I mean think about some of the most monstrously popular games of the past few years. Most involved building shit+try not to die+
whatever x factor.
Fortnight, minecraft, etc.

I just hope they will be supportive of users making their own fun with mods and eventually community servers when networking is added.
Jap companies tend to be suspicious of internet communities more often than not.


Lightyear is a measure of distance not time.


It's how much time it takes for light to travel around the earth, which is 365 days. What he sense makes perfect said.


That's not what a light-year is anon.

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