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Video Games
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I recently started playing Dark Souls 4 [Elden Ring] The problem is that I haven't played something like this in a while, is there a farming area where I can get enough points?
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fitgirl repacks site. Should be top result on google, duckduckgo, startpage


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question: are bosses in demons souls, dark souls series and bloddborne better designed then elden ring's bosses? my first soulslike is elden ring but after beating some bosses , I found something is very odd with the boss in elden ring, like they made them to be beaten by OP builds. does my theory is right?


Bloodborn bosses were awesome. Everything from fight designs to soundtracks and lore. Elden Ring bosses do suck mostly. So many of them were lazily copy pasted… Fuck Crucible Knights or damn godskin nobles. Also fuck Malenia, her watercunt dance is horrible.


Holy shit is that the black souls guy?

But to answer your question, yes. Anyone who says otherwise is a redditor and should promptly be discarded


>holy shit is that the black souls guy
it's the same art style so yeah I wonder if it's him too

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The best pаge on the Wizchan Wiki was the list of frеe gаmes, ոеarly all of which were low-spec and could be easily downloаdеd without bloаtwarе softwarе mаոagеrs such as Stеam. I'd likе to rеbuild a list of gаmеs that meеt the critеriа of freе, with a suggеsted focus on gаmеs which arе cаpablе of ruոning on that old IBM Thinkcenter in the closеt.
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lol, the joys of the intertubes


Why the fuck wizchan is even getting indexed by search engines? Why don't you fix robots.txt? I see it is not set to reject all crawlers


That bot you mentioned as second has opened a spam thread just two days ago


Fucking retard logic. "some bots dont respect robots.txt, so lets just outright tell bots that we *want* to be indexed".


>scared of normies
>no wizards finding this anymore due to hiding
Fear not the newcomers, you thankless cowards…

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ITT: Post your videogame ideas that will never get made. or just vague things you wished existed or was different in VideoGames.
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I wish somebody would reboot the old psx mgs formula of fast paced stealth. It was very polished and those games never had enough areas to explore or encounter the enemy in. Both the ps1 and 2 games only game you little over half a dozen truly stealth screens in the entire game. I don't want the whacky bosses, the movie cutscenes, the pseudo intellectual depth involving long codec calls. I just want fast paced infiltration bit where you choke out guards and use a silenced pistol occasionally while going through interconnected and reoccurring, largely urban areas


I would like virtual reality to merge with artificial intelligence that acts as a certain character. And to be able to have someone like Chaz having real dialogue.

The experience would not only break the fourth wall, but would give a special magic to the game, since the game's artificial intelligence could actually have artificial intelligence, and react in a real way with the character. In fact, it is something that could already be done, using a voice modulator, and with a chat it could work.


Immersive 4D mechanics. In other words time travel done right, really let you affect the environment in creative ways.


>At this point every pixel of the sprite should be part of the hitbox
You think you want this but you seriously don't.


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I want to make a cyberpunk game. I want this to happen in Japan, in neo-Tokyo. but also missions in Kowloon City for example and other cities that can be cyberpunk (example: Deus Ex and a mission in Dubai). I would like hacking to be easy and fun and at the same time complex.

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In this thread, ask other wizards for game recommendations.

I'm starting a new thread to look for wizards who played lots of city building games. I'm looking to get immersed in one of those games and I mean I want to completely forget this world exists. I don't have a preference for theme, though I would prefer not to play anything medieval. However if you played ton of these games and the one you think it's the best happens to be medieval themed I don't mind, let me know. Thanks in advance.
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I was savescumming every single time I went outside just to avoid ever getting sick. Not to mention reloading and replaying entire days if for some reason I missed a clue or something. It has a definite vibe and I always loved the conversations, but it is truly miserable when you get right down to it


I've got tons of time to waste and want a recc. I'm into milsim, strategy at all levels, "smart" games, but also immersive sims. Not into arcade fps, repetitive stupid retro games, mega grind rpg's that take 40 hours to complete, ridiculous settings such as fallout that are mostly about line up the cursor with bad guy and shoot…


Check out Arma Reforger if you're looking for the quintessential multiplayer milsim


My computer specs are really bad unfortunately, but I will consider


I keep seeing Origins on sale for $5.99 on Switch and think maybe I should get it. I already have a lot on my backlog, though.

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have you played dd2 yet? 4chad's /v/'s saying it's shit and unfinished, is it true? I played the first dd and I found it confusing
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I watched a streamers review of it and even though he said it's shit I'm tempted to play it anyway because I love mythological creatures and these types of games. He said you fight the same enemies over and over and entering cities makes fps crash so I guess I'll wait for it to go on sale during steams summer sale because it's too expensive atm.


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>have you played dd2 yet?
I finished the game yesterday. There are problems inside the cities where the performance tanks really bad, but if you can enable frame generation you can workaround this, outside the cities it runs as it should, so it seems like a problem with too many human NPCs walking around. You could get swarmed by enemies out in the wild where weather effects and lightning, etc. are happening and you won't see the problem occur.

The game is carried by the gameplay and exploration, which is really good, it's a bit more streamlined than the first one so I think newer players will have a better time playing this one instead.

The microtransaction drama was overblown, you can buy camp kits and teleport stones, but those items are also available in game for regular gold and are very cheap, you also find a ton of them in chests and rewards, the cash shop is just there for lazy people. It shouldn't be there in the first place, but it's nothing that really affects gameplay, there are a lot of other games that have much worse cash shops and people seem to not care about them.


ok so what's your feeling about the game overall? also why a new game is having problem with tones of npc but old game like assassin's creed don't have any?! lol.
isn't the map of the game the same as the first dragon's dogma?
or I'm completly wrong


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It's fun, there's more climbing mechanics but the camera is a little more awkward than the first game for some reason


>ok so what's your feeling about the game overall?
If you like games like MH you will enjoy this for sure, it's one of those games that you play for the gameplay and not so much for story.

>also why a new game is having problem with tones of npc but old game like assassin's creed don't have any?! lol.

Bad optimization. You could get swarmed by hundreds of enemies out in the wild plus some dragon shows up and the game will run smoothly, but the moment you enter the main city performance tanks.

>exploration. isn't the map of the game the same as the first dragon's dogma? or I'm completly wrong

The map is like 3 times bigger at least and it's better structured. The first one has better story and endgame (but this is because the first game comes with the DLC already), also has more jobs and abilities, but the second game feels better to play in my opinion.

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People are doing some crazy things with OpenMW, there is a huge Star Wars total conversion mod for OpenMW called Starwind for example. Basically a complete game.

I've only just played a bit of Starwind so far, but been in more of a fantasy mood so I've been exploring Tamriel Rebuilt.

There is also home of the Nords which adds a part of Skyrim, and there is another mod that so far adds an island of the coast of Cyrodiil called Province Cyrodiil.


Never heard of this until now cool, I love Morrowind and KOTOR so I'll have to check it out at some point.
I replayed Morrowind a few years ago (vanilla with a few bugfix and QOL mods I don't think I used OpenMW) and it was a great experience. I did install Tamriel Rebuilt as well after I beat the game and explored a little of the new area but I was so overpowered at that point and was just levitating everywhere while invisible so I kind of got bored and quit, seems like it'd be better to explore it early or midgame.

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these are some of the only games i can bear to play after a dew decades of video games:

dwarf fortress
cities skyline
sim city 4 (with the network addon mod!)
airline tycoon
pizza connection
theme hospital
anno 1602

they related in genre in the sense that they are building something up: management, city builder, colony sim.

i waited to play dwarf fortress until the premium edition on steam came out with the graphics and so far i very much like it. only recently got into it. it is a lot of fun to play because the z-levels. it feels like being in a sky scraper where there is just infinite floors to build on. it's not really a sky scraper but instead it is a mountain but the dwarfs are so crafty, they make a mountain a nice home. great game. takes a bit to get the hang of but the degree of freedom is really nice, i would think wizards would like it, some probably already do.
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>im not interested in these games

but you are interested in telling other people that you are not interested? how's that interesting, i don't see it. must be some more of your pretend-emotional theatrical nonsense that you also lack the ability to defend. at this point i question your gender.



i was under the impression there are specific places for people like you that you cleverly disguise as pizza on the internet where you can discuss your filth with likeminded other filthy people so that i don't have to see it.

i liked this not-having-to-see-it part the most, that was my favorite part.


> want to beat my meat to little succubi

Really? Why would you do that instead of killing yourself?


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few games have felt as nice as theme hospital. i've played the new twopoint hospital, it wasn't bad but it just did not reach the simplistic charm of the original. it doesn't matter that the graphics are so primitive, they clearly depict what is happening. it feels so alive.


>you would prob enjoy project zomboid

currently enjoying project zomboid only because you mentioned it, all credit goes to you.

i like how the game has it's priorities straight. graphics are pleasant and simple, i dig that everything looks like sims 1. it is surprisingly deep and it looks like it can be custom tailored quite a bit.


LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Share any observations, positive or negative. Installing the game as we speak


It's censored garbage.
They gave Ashley stupid looking pants instead of a skirt.

And they changed most dialogue to remove anything offensive to succubi. Besides various other things getting cut out.


I could excuse all of the content cuts if they didn't butcher the charm and artstyle of the original so much. The devs seem to think dark = scary, and took all the soul out of the menus and sound design.


They made it worse.
Better off emulating.

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What games do you play on your box, wizzies?

Starting out with a classic, Minecraft works flawlessly. Really enjoy it on my machine, especially since I can afford more generous RAM allocation.
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GOG Tyranny, runs natively :)

Such a good game, second play through presently .


are these lego games good? been wanting to play a 3d platformer lately


GTA5 on Wine


>runs natively

could you briefly sumarize what that means on linux please? if something isn't in my package manager and it is not in the AUR (which i also install via package manager) then it better be an .appimage file because other than that i wouldn't know what that means yet and how to install it.

t. leanooksnoob on manjaro kde who uses steam for everythang


Running natively means it doesn't need wine or dxvk, or some other translation layer.
From.what I remebed native games usually come in a folder with an executable, similarly to how portable window applications are.

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I miss Habbo Hotel.

I scammed a lot of people on here for furni. Made a lot of scamming friends. Made just regular friends. Played with my sister and she would steal some of my furni by logging into my account.

I would sink probably 100's of dollars into this game if they brought back old habbo.

Fun times. Sulake (the company that owns it) ruined it though by trying to make it kid friendly and removing all the fun aspects of it. I miss when games were actually fun to play.
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Never knew about it until it was already long gone.
Seems actually worth being nostalgic over it.


I didn't know that it was gone, the website is still up with recent updates.

If you mean metaphorically dead then maybe, I probably won't reinstall it to find out, to be honest.


Ment dead as in low player count and basically being in maintenance mode as far as development.

Not literally not accessible/off line.


It was fun back then.

>zoomer gets mad again


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If you want to play something similar but better in every way, you have Roblox, they put fucking tekken of all things. Pure Gen Alpha kino.

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