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these are some of the only games i can bear to play after a dew decades of video games:

dwarf fortress
cities skyline
sim city 4 (with the network addon mod!)
airline tycoon
pizza connection
theme hospital
anno 1602

they related in genre in the sense that they are building something up: management, city builder, colony sim.

i waited to play dwarf fortress until the premium edition on steam came out with the graphics and so far i very much like it. only recently got into it. it is a lot of fun to play because the z-levels. it feels like being in a sky scraper where there is just infinite floors to build on. it's not really a sky scraper but instead it is a mountain but the dwarfs are so crafty, they make a mountain a nice home. great game. takes a bit to get the hang of but the degree of freedom is really nice, i would think wizards would like it, some probably already do.
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>im not interested in these games

but you are interested in telling other people that you are not interested? how's that interesting, i don't see it. must be some more of your pretend-emotional theatrical nonsense that you also lack the ability to defend. at this point i question your gender.



i was under the impression there are specific places for people like you that you cleverly disguise as pizza on the internet where you can discuss your filth with likeminded other filthy people so that i don't have to see it.

i liked this not-having-to-see-it part the most, that was my favorite part.


> want to beat my meat to little succubi

Really? Why would you do that instead of killing yourself?


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few games have felt as nice as theme hospital. i've played the new twopoint hospital, it wasn't bad but it just did not reach the simplistic charm of the original. it doesn't matter that the graphics are so primitive, they clearly depict what is happening. it feels so alive.


>you would prob enjoy project zomboid

currently enjoying project zomboid only because you mentioned it, all credit goes to you.

i like how the game has it's priorities straight. graphics are pleasant and simple, i dig that everything looks like sims 1. it is surprisingly deep and it looks like it can be custom tailored quite a bit.


LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Share any observations, positive or negative. Installing the game as we speak


It's censored garbage.
They gave Ashley stupid looking pants instead of a skirt.

And they changed most dialogue to remove anything offensive to succubi. Besides various other things getting cut out.


I could excuse all of the content cuts if they didn't butcher the charm and artstyle of the original so much. The devs seem to think dark = scary, and took all the soul out of the menus and sound design.


They made it worse.
Better off emulating.

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What games do you play on your box, wizzies?

Starting out with a classic, Minecraft works flawlessly. Really enjoy it on my machine, especially since I can afford more generous RAM allocation.
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GOG Tyranny, runs natively :)

Such a good game, second play through presently .


are these lego games good? been wanting to play a 3d platformer lately


GTA5 on Wine


>runs natively

could you briefly sumarize what that means on linux please? if something isn't in my package manager and it is not in the AUR (which i also install via package manager) then it better be an .appimage file because other than that i wouldn't know what that means yet and how to install it.

t. leanooksnoob on manjaro kde who uses steam for everythang


Running natively means it doesn't need wine or dxvk, or some other translation layer.
From.what I remebed native games usually come in a folder with an executable, similarly to how portable window applications are.

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I miss Habbo Hotel.

I scammed a lot of people on here for furni. Made a lot of scamming friends. Made just regular friends. Played with my sister and she would steal some of my furni by logging into my account.

I would sink probably 100's of dollars into this game if they brought back old habbo.

Fun times. Sulake (the company that owns it) ruined it though by trying to make it kid friendly and removing all the fun aspects of it. I miss when games were actually fun to play.
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Never knew about it until it was already long gone.
Seems actually worth being nostalgic over it.


I didn't know that it was gone, the website is still up with recent updates.

If you mean metaphorically dead then maybe, I probably won't reinstall it to find out, to be honest.


Ment dead as in low player count and basically being in maintenance mode as far as development.

Not literally not accessible/off line.


It was fun back then.

>zoomer gets mad again


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If you want to play something similar but better in every way, you have Roblox, they put fucking tekken of all things. Pure Gen Alpha kino.


I sometimes watch an anime or read a manga about MMO video games of some sort and it has made me interested in the concept. Obviously as NEETs we should have advantages that other players wouldn't have that come from being able to spend a lot of time playing. I've never really played any multiplayer games, and when I did, I never interacted with anyone in them, just playing them like single player games. I wonder if MMOs could be a decent substitute for actual human interaction and companionship. Does anyone have any experience with these? What do you think about them? Worth playing for a wizard?
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what do you do thats so great


wow…. wickedly wize wordz wiz…


you can stop playing any time
you can't just quit wageslaving
therefore mmorpgs>wageslaving when it comes to "work"
the enjoyment you get from playing is worth more than any amount of money you can get from working


Funny you should mention .hack. I just decided I would start watching the TV series. I'm not sure I'm gonna make it though. I'm part way through episode 2 but damn it is shit so far. Feels like the producer took too much acid or something. This might be a good thing to try before I get into an actual mmorpg.


new mmorpg made by warframe developpers. it will be soulslike but a mmo. looks promising

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hello fellow wizards, i was wondering if you knew some good wizard related audios to listen for long session gaming that doesn't require your full attention like grinding for example.
any recommendation is welcome.
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I listen to philosophy, antinatalism, efilism and gnostic youtube channels.


does it influence the tone of the gameplay? like turning the hero into Rust from True Detective or something.


I'm a wrestlefag so I listen to jim cornette something to wrestle with and some other podcasts on spotify


what are your thoughts on the whole Vince debacle?


I Listen to CastleSuperBeast whenever I play through an old game that doesn't really hold my attention well but I beat anyways. I recently beat FF1-4 and I'm on my way to 5.

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Has there ever been a game with a similar game format to Middle Earth Shadow of War? Specifically the elements I want are: 1) collecting like pokemon. You need to be able to find rare and valuable ones by playing the game and 2)you use the characters you collect to fight for you in non-turn-based combat.

The thing where you can collect orcs and get them to fight for you and against each other in the arena was really novel and good gameplay for me. I want more but with even more variations to collect, something like pokemon but with melee combat also where you can control your character. Does anything like this exist? I asked chat GPT but it didn't give me any leads except for maybe mount and blade 2 bannerlord which I'm not sure how that works or if it's what I'm looking for. I think I remember shadow of mordor/war winning awards/acclaim back when they came out, so did anyone ever clone this format of game?


Palworld is the closest thing I can think of.


Thanks! This looks pretty close based on the description I read. Basically like a live-action pokemon.


Warner Brothers patented their "Nemesis System" from Shadow of War/Mordor. Might explain the lack of clones.


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 No.56673[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Does anyone want to play a world of warcraft private server with other wizards? I'm playing turtle wow with another wizard from here starting a few days ago, it would be fun if a couple more wiz are interested in wasting some time
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>Why do some people here plays female chars?
>sucking wizcock e-rp works better when you're playing a female char
the guys from this thread were exposed as sexhavers and faggot cliquers.


Guys who play only succubi are fags


in online games maybe

in single player games where you don't associate or roleplay as the succubus i think it's fine. like it's free real estate on the screen, might as well put a nice ass there


Thoughts on project epoch?


How do people get excited for fresh and have the energy to keep restarting over and over again with these pservers? Seems bipolar

[Last 50 Posts]

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It will be glorious when Rockstar announces that GTA 6 is getting a PS4/Xbox One release.
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honestly yeah it's weird, idk if im just too old and dont follow new games though

that said this year will be good for me, remnant 2 and baldurs gate are exciting


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Every big release became hype trains where they promise you the earth and more, and people caught on when they kept delivering broken unfinished games. Now whenever something is announced I don't even get excited because there's a good chance it just lingers in dev hell until it's canceled. Not to mention most of the game franchises I cared about just kinda petered out. I want a new stealth game so badly, but the last one that really scratched that itch was the latest deus ex and that released in 2016.


I'm not that optimistic tbh, the gameplay leak kind of gives me a strong saints row reboot vibes.


The leak contained a file called 'right wing militia' lol I bet it's gonna be something gay


GTA 4 is amazing, but San Andreas is unquestionably the greatest.

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any other actually good java games besides "Nowhere" (on the pic)?

>Suggest the java game with .jar file attached

>tell your story and impressions on the particular game


link the game


yes, i am sorry.



minecraft i remember was a java game. maybe it still is? who knows what they have done to it



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