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Zoomer here, I've got a lot of time to kill, I wanted to ask any wizzies here what would be some must play games for me to try out on any console excluding ps5 exclusives. I've started playing some ps2 games such as drakengard and Persona 3, I got really tired of all the dark souls I played. Preferably give me a lot of japanese made games, although that isnt mandatory. Thank you!
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>DOTA 2 > League of Legends
lol this again


Thats some good bait, my favorite part was
>Turn Based: Final Fantasy XIV Online
I laughed


you really need to say what genres you like to play, 'japanese games' means almost nothing in terms of game content




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FPS ~ Counter Strike 2
Versus fighting games ~ Guilty Gear
Puzzle games ~ battle tetris

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>build cheap PC to play the same old games i've been playing since i was 13
>PC died
>score a free new one from dad's friend who for some reason wanted to give me his high end PC for free
>rated as UFO on PC benchmark
>download tf2, l4d2, gmod, and a few other unnoteworthy, 10+ year old games
>Realize i can play any modern game at high settings
>wow, MK1.
>but its shit.
>doesn't look fun at all, looks even worse than the last
>in fact. all games look like shit
>load up gmod.
>yep. thats gmod.
>play for 12 mins.

I've even thought of stooping to trying out anime games. Why is gaming so dead, bros? Everything is just chasing the shadow of the original IPs of the 2000s (halo, cod, gears, far cry) minus the soul, community and meta that made them good. Modern gaming is a sterile, soulless, monetized no-funfest.

How much longer can i play the same games? Where is the hope?
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> you're just older, and zoomers will become older and have the same feelings for dogshit games

1000% wrong. Fortnite, valorant and even overwatch aren't going anywhere. Do you think nobody will be playing these games in 10 years? They are enormously popular, hell fortnite is already 6 years old and overwatch is 7. Think about how people still play tf2 16 years later. If people aren't playing games like fortnite 16 years from now you can bet they will just be playing fortnite 2 which is the same exact game.

triple A titles have very few new IPs that people actually like. They are just re-releasing shit that they made in the 2000s. Gears of war, endless cods, red dead, Mortal Kombat, ect. People are just playing heavily monetized, sterile versions of those.


So why not play older games? There's a lot of games from the past that you can play, you don't have to play newer games if you don't like it. Honestly I had this sort-of angst about newer video games too but it's just useless to care about when older games aren't gonna go anywhere. Even old online games have communities, some are still thriving even.

And I wouldn't chalk this feeling that you have up to nostalgia, trying to do is too reductive and completely ignores a lot of the change that has come to define modern day games. Change is not the same as progress. In this day and age I think there's so much excess in computational power that I feel goes to complete waste, which is why I have a sense of unease seeing newer games with "ultra-realistic game-changing" graphics that end up just feeling like an incredibly expensive novelty.


OP here. I tried naraka: bladepoint. Its alright i guess. Don't know if i'm gonna stick with it.

i've been wanting to play squad for like 4 years now. ill try it when i can buy it.


>i dont know if i'm gonna stick with it
i'm not. It's just pubg for chinese mythologists. It's combat is not my style either. I like chivalry and mordhau for melee combat.


Gaming has been getting worse for a decade at the very least. Mainly because of heavy, heavy monetisation. People are literally paying a 1/4 of the price of a full game for a fucking skin.

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>buy $80 NZ PC from a pawn shop that was made in the late 00s
>Buy a PS4 with controllers and games for $250 NZ from an old flatmate
>Get a gorrilion games on the playstation plus subscription to the point where I'm enjoying a decent $40 title once a month
>Pirate old games on emulator on my piece of shit linux machine

Can anyone tell me why you need to bother with proper PC gaming? Between these two cheap options, I have 80% of gaming covered. I look at what's required to get a better computer and it's literally either wasting $500-700 on a 7 year out of date lurkan machine being peddled by electronics stores, or it's going full force and wasting $2000+ on parts like GPUs, new CPUs, etc. You can't really get a good GPU for less than $400 at the moment, that's more than I spent on my current set up. People just seem unwilling to sell old gaming computers like they do old consoles.

I keep on being told online that I'm just a fucking idiot and that I don't get PC gaming, and it's cheaper than console gaming if I actually do it properly. But where are these cheap computers being sold?
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well there's bloodborne… and…


The controls are completely different. Mouse especially compared to joystick is a big difference because you can pan much faster and more controllably. You have many more buttons which can be mapped to stuff on PC. Graphics aren't everything.


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Spent 3000$ from my neeting fund which in this country could have covered 8~ months of living all on my own doing nothing but gaming.
140FPS+ for competitive shooters or bust.


High frame rate monitors aren't a meme.
you can't see more than 60fps but you can feel it. It moves so smooth that its like it's 3D. like you can reach inside the screen.
gaming keyboards on the other hand are a meme and are for aesthetics only.


My $200 PC is a refurbished Windows 10 office PC and the internal graphics is enough to play any PS2/PS3-era game on high settings. That's all I want, as I see few modern games that are worth playing, on PC or console.

 No.38211[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I'm looking for Youtube channels or just single videos which provide detailed analysis about the story/gameplay/game design/whatever of video games or just interesting theories, facts and other stuff like that. I don't really know how to explain it any better so I'm just gonna link a few examples.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vp4-9G47uF0 (Oblivion analysis)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2X2tiINl-X8 (Nier Automata analysis)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fEj5FsBXFuM (Mass Effect indoctrination theory (there are three parts I believe))

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk8tsK-FIdE (Pokemon Yellow glitch series)

I also like this guys game design videos

or pannenkoek2012's SM64 videos.

I just realized I'm being kinda vague here, I'm bascially searching for informative game videos. Any game goes.
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More of a meta-philosophical look at why we play games and what it means.



more like a "let's play" than an analysis, but he's a down to earth youtuber who doesn't post his mug, advertise products, or uses stock footage. He plays some weeb shit though, but makes up for it in some of the original horror titles he plays. He'll also go to the trouble to find the alternate or hidden endings.


Just judging by the thumbnail alone it looks like shit.


Detailed Necromancy lore of the Elder Scrolls games.

Made for good listening. Video is meh visually though.

[Last 50 Posts]

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This might sound strange -or probably not- but has anyone acquired lucrative knowledge from video games? If so, please kindly share it, whatever it is.
I'll start.

I was playing a rpgm game which was tackling a narrative of an existence shimmering between awareness and non-awareness, where the overall antagonist together with a surprising other character –an ally, at that– were in a plot to reduce the world of awareness into a barren 'non-awareness' and what consequences would occur thereafter.
The game's journey towards the inevitable clash against the non-aware perpetrators alongside its thwart-evil conclusion were typical and yet I couldn't relent from thinking about the dualism it was tackling until it hit me what a perfect descriptor it is for a lot of problems, common and difficult alike.

In my understanding, a problem is always interpretable in two facets: problems brought by problematization which are caused without being any the wiser or 'aware' of causes to infelicity and problems that are unavoidable through one thing or another. Now, I'd like to think that the dividing line between these two is easy to draw but I'm sure argumentation is anticipatable so I won't elaborate on that further.
What interests me here are problems as a result of problematization.

I'll take something like social media addiction as an example.
It often is the case that a person addicted to social media has an obvious realization of this and yet cannot help but continue to tolerate it. Occasionally, he or she will take breaks propelled into action by external circumstances, not least of which are other people inclining them to do so, but will desist shortly after even if said external measures are still present. They simply cannot help but come back to it, no matter what.

Why is this? well, it's an addiction for a reason right? If just 'stop doing it' was enough, the label 'addiction' wouldn't be warranted. Similarly, culling the ignorance of the harmful 'consequences' and emphasizing them again and again are equally ineffective if not entirely meaningless as they do nothing to sway the person in question from avoiding social media.
Ignorance is not the issue, it never is and never was just like a guy who cranks it 5-10 times a day knows he's going overboard, so too does someone who spends 20 hours on 4chan, to give an example.

What's going on then? The game's narration construct has anPost too long. Click here to view the full text.
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What game, sounds cool.


What RPGM game is it?


You're very articulate, thank you for the insight. I mean that sincerely.


I probably developed my driving skills over time from playing open world games that had vehicles like Grand Theft Auto, Watchdogs, Sleeping Dogs, Just Cause 2 and 3 etc. I spent a lot of time in games like that just driving around for hours and attempting to drive normally not focusing on missions. When I was old enough to start taking driving lessons I picked up on it easily and my instructor said I was a natural.


In Stronghold I learned how wheat was made and the pros of growing it but the cons of establishing the infrastructure. Morrowind taught me about racism, in that some people will hate you for no reason other than for just being who you are, and nothing you say or do can change their mind (my fault for playing Argonian).

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2013 is the year gaming in the west died. The shitty business practices of lootcrates and paywalls became common place, low effort quirky indie games became popular. And the government/whatever boogieman you fear, finally after nearly 3 decades of constant shitting on and denouncing of video games realized that they can shill propaganda through this medium of entertainment. Every game since has been infected by this, vidya became fully mainstream. You can argue that it became mainstream much earlier but 2013 is when it began to come full circle. Whats even worse is they are pressuring the east to conform to western standards. We have seen the glory days of vidya for sure. Its only more downhill from here.
gif unrelated.
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While also posting a character who is a troon


>Like I am only just now considering buying Cyberpunk because it finally looks finished
don't bother, it's still garbage


just pirate it. https://fitgirl-repacks.site/cyberpunk-2077/

it's an okay game if you dont pay anything for it


Agreed. Tried getting into it again the other day. I couldn't. It's cringe. Wannabe RPG with zero roleplay.


nothing wrong with poison, she was clearly designed to be a sexy bitch first and foremost, not comparable to westoid eyesore troon characters

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An awesome game with a relevant title. If you haven't played it you should, it's like Shin Megami Tensei.


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I know its not the real second thread but its the 2nd on the catalog so whatever

Gonna stream doom 2016 2 hours from now on, gmt +3 21:00. already finished it on normal difficulty earlier, gonna attempt on nightmare now

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> there should be an option to be able to see the live streams of people with few followers.

You can just go for those who have 0 viewers while live that's what I always do.


my first time visiting twitch, i noticed the gigantic chatbar thing to the side, and all these obnoxious ui bullshit, so i adblocked it all away

i now go there maybe once a week to watch vods. to me it is basically youtube, i dont understand the chat aspect of it


I still can't properly skip ads on twitch, so I abandoned the platform for anything but the very few popular streamers who showcase if the newest AAA is trash.


OP follows a lot of thot streamers who do justchatting. What the fuck.


>who showcase if the newest AAA is trash.
I can save you the effort in future. The answer is yes (unless you like From Software)

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 No.46282[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Discuss the Nintendo Switch and its games here. Feel free to share friend codes with other wizzies.
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Meanwhile dude plays switch games easier then xbox 360 games on a mini PC that cost less then $400


I don't think you even know how to compare specs


answer the question (not him)


so the nintendo switch renders 720p at 30 or 60fps, depending on the game

if your cpu is sufficient, you get 30/60 fps
if your cpu is super powerful, you still get 720p at 30/60fps
if your cpu is not powerful enough, you get lower fps

any games that are NOT playable or have really bad fps are a result of the emulator, basically all cpus will suck at these games

rendering the game at a higher resolution primarily uses your gpu, and you don't need much. if you want a card that will let you play modern games as well, try a 3060 for $220 on ebay, or the 2060 super is basically the same thing for $170. youc an go down all the way to 1660 super for like $100

here are some cpus that should work fine. people often upgrade from these to way more powerful cpus, and find they aren't getting any better performance. if the game runs like ass you'll need to do performance mods or try a different emulator. some games run much better in cemu vs yuzu for example

r5 5600x or r7 3700x or 3600
any of these are fine. the amd cpus are like $90-120 but you can look at passmark and find similar scoring cpus for less and pick them up used on ebay

you need a minimum 16gb ram which is chump change nowadays
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True, Cold Case was created by CING employees, but the main writer from Hotel Dusk and Last Window – Rika Suzuki – Was uninvolved.
She is involved, however, with writing a new adventure game coming next year called 'Dark Auction: Hitler's Estate'.

[Last 50 Posts]


I've been following how–probably solely because of Project '06–The Sonic '06 game has had a comeback recently. Like there are people who are genuinely saying that it's good.

Anyways, what do you think of Sonic?
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never played Sonic, tempted to pick up the Origins collection but not sure if I'll regret it



recently picked it up and I'm loving it. Currently finishing up 3&knuckles. I'd recommend. Also:

1>2>CD>3 in terms of quality.


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>Anyways, what do you think of Sonic?
I'm fond of this franchise, and have been ever since I was a kid.
I just got done finishing Sonic 3D: Flickies' Island on SEGA Genesis, or Sonic 3D Blast, if you prefer, I wanted to give the SEGA Saturn version a shot too, but it's probably the toughest console that I've ever tried to emulate, it just doesn't run very well, so I went for the version I'm more familiar with yet again for this replay… and loved it yet again. I definitely recommend it for those that are fond of Sonic already, and those that avoid his 3D stuff too, since this feels quite a lot like a classic Sonic title, but in a 3D environment, with the exception that your objective isn't to just get to the goal, this is a collectathon, a lite one of course, but still counts. I think in a collectathon, the most important thing is level design that's fun to explore, and Travellers Tales nailed it here to me, going up and down and all around looking for the Badniks, Sonic icons to get continues, Tails & Knuckles for Special Stages and Chaos Emeralds… it's just a fun time, I'm glad I've decided to replay this one yet again.


I finished Sonic Origins it was fun, my ranking is 2 > CD > 1 > 3

I think I will play Generations next

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