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 No.52886[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

last thread >>38161

I'm using this as background noise for the past week.
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This is a thread for sharing free game deals you find on the Internet.

Currently Control is free on the epic games store.
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it's a trick to get you to pay for the expansions


That's really always the case. If it's free to download then there's enough money to be made in game with microtransactions and DLCs. No one gives out stuff for solely free there's always a monetary strategy behind it especially when it comes to modern games. The free version always sucks and feels stripped down or it requires you to grind an impossible amount of time to get anywhere.


All the expansions cost premium currency. They might bundle some in the free package (I thought the barebones game was already free so I would expect them to), but they definitely won't give you the newest content for free. I think subscription is only $5/mo and you get a small stipend of the currency every month. Another bad thing for F2P is that you have storage caps on all materials. I don't know how harsh they are, but I presume they're very limiting.


Little tip: search for steam on google and click on news, there is always a new about a game being given away for free


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New game from the dev of Baba is You is free to claim until Wednesday


It's a hybrid of Baba and Into the Breach. Played about 10 levels and it's pretty fun so far

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has there ever been a bigger lost media find than dinosaur planet? I remember looking up videos about this mysterious lost game when i was 12. I never thought i'd see it be found.


didn't they just roll the development of this into starfox adventures? I enjoyed starfox adventures

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Playing some NFS Most Wanted on a PS2 Slim, after doing the whole save file thingy, both on here and Underground 2.

You just don´t finish the game, you keep playing it.

This is a 100% save file + all junkman parts collected + challenge series in their respective order.

The career police have retained their full force, due to the fact that, i havenn´t been busted "yet" ( i do soft resets ) Otherwise, the difficulty will go down. The same applies to NFS Carbon, since i have tested it.

Well, making good use of this solid CRT, the thread pretty much.

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It's the only game that really got me addicted haha (with mods), on Sundays I would wake up and play 2 full games and fall asleep, only going out to eat and shower (sometimes)
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That's how all Paradox games feel to me. HOI4 is probably even more intricate having to manage such small military units on top of it all


>filtered by HOI4
tut tut tut


I would just keep jumping between nations in HOI4, let the AI build an army for me, use it, wreck it, switch to the next nation.

I feel like a lot of conspiracy theories of history, basically come down to, the same guy is running both sides in an HOI4 game.


You should look into who funded the weapon and artillery contracts and who owned the businesses.


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It's not all that common, supplying both sides.

But it happened for real in Iran-Iraq War where both sides were hated by the world. And the biggest global alliance faction was "both sides".

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 No.57966[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for discussing games you're currently playing.

>What games are you playing?

>What games have you recently purchased?

Previous thread: https://archive.ph/kXUl0
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How about not playing the stupid shit goyslop games, and focus on old games made with purpose.


why would buying a game fix bugs? that is the dumbest thing i've ever heard. programmers create bugs, even bug fixes just result in other bugs being created


Witchfire is awesome. I was waiting for a good roguelite fps and it's finally here


Recently finished NFS Underground 2 and NFS Most Wanted properly on the PS2.
It has been a while since i have played these 2 ports on there.

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do any wizards play monster hunter?
im playing monster hunter rise:sunbreak right now
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Is the iceborne version really worth it? It's about twice the price.


Yes, the expansions for monster hunter games are the real game. They add in tons of monsters, new moves, and of course another rank.


Fave monster?


Lagiacrus my beloved


I'm that insect glaive nigga.

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Albatross 18 / PangYa - anyone remember this?

This Korean game began in 2004 and had several seasons. Got a Wii adaptation in 2006 called "Swing Golf PangYa" ported in English as "Super Swing Golf".

in 2011 they had an expansion called Wiz City https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caogK7f8Djw

which is about when it got a Steam group https://steamcommunity.com/groups/albatross18

I remember running this back on my Vista PC, it was just a nice zen waifu fest. I want something like this again. Not a golf fan but it made me want to try.

Not sure when this game fell apart, maybe 2012ish? I'll admit not to playing it in it's end stages since my PC was having probs gaming and I'd switched to anime.

I'm wondering if finding the ROMs for Wii emulatorwould be the closest I'd get to playing the original PC game again. I'm just curious how it felt, I don't remember clearly.


Yeah OK gangschizo fedglowie. I downloaded a Rom for Pangya PSP like 3 hours ago and just tried to launch it. It kept crashing so I came to Wizchan to take my frustrations out on other wizards and the first thread is this.


great game


>wiz city


are there good arcade golf games on pc like everybody's golf?


I only got back into gaming recently, and while there are some simple games I do enjoy playing, there are other more complex games, that I just enjoy watching guides and gameplay of rather than playing myself.

Lately I've been watching cinematic battles from WH3. And while I'm a big history buff and not into fantasy. I can see now why Total War has moved in a more fantasy direction. Men in identical uniforms shooting spears, muskets or tanks at each other, just doesn't compared to dinosaurs battling magic mummies.

Its just so cinematic. Like a whole fantasy series of novels, shows, films lead up to this climactic epic battle. But its all climax no plot needed.

So let's talk about consuming rather than playing gameplay.


And in the opposite direction a peaceful scenic tour around the RDR2 map.

I've heard a lot about RDR2, but never had much desire to play it, and gunsling and story. I just wanted to tour the map.

And its like a 3d version of like old 1890s city footage. Feels like a time machine.

And rather than wandering alone. Being on a horse carriage. It feels like you're some rich nut who paid a taxi cab to take you across the USA.


If you enjoy the realism of the scenery in RDR2, you might enjoy destination journeys and tours done in Euro Truck Simulator and Flight Simulator. I personally enjoy these atmospheric ambient / downtempo music loops and mixes played over driving game footage.


i hate fake gamers

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 No.54341[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I think there is just something “magical” about old games, like someone’s great ideas put in to the limitations of a early 2000s game engine that was handcrafted by a passionate nerd. I think limitations and those unique oversights/bugs were really what spawned great games.

These days it’s just like every single game is extremely high fidelity. We have more than enough resources to throw at anything now, there are almost no limitations, things are homogenized, most everything is running in Unreal or Unity engine.

It feels almost like the frontier of gaming is over, all that’s left is businessmen producing calculated slop over and over again, sequels on sequels. Devs these days aren’t building their dreams, they’re just building a paycheck.

What do you think? Was old really better or is it nostalgia
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Theres a limited number of games that are good in the same way there are a limited amount of sports that can be popular. You only got like 5 sports people play and it can't get any better than that. Likewise there are only like 10-15 good games and you can't come up with anything new. All the best games have already been released. This is what modern gaming struggles with. They can't think of new ideas for something that hasn't already been done so they are rehashing and mixing elements of the past games and taking away the soul and replacing it with wokeshit and modern business practices. I've been playing the same exact games with a few exceptions for the past 13 years and haven't grown bored of them in the same way a person can watch or play football all their life and not get bored of it. Here are the good games of each genre.

FPS genre
Earlier CODs
Gears trilogy
Halo 3
Team fortress 2 and a few other class based shooters
Counter strike

And theres not much else in the way of shooters. I'm talking about legacy games that people play for decades. So there are plenty of other good games from the time but those are the main ones.
I'm gonna be completely honest and say i don't know enough to make a statement about other genres like RPGs but with shooters this is the case. There are also fighting games like street fighter and mortal kombat which are fossilized genres which never change. Meaning that their combat is always the same with no significant changes. If it were to evolve it would go 3d arena style but fighting game fans are the most stubborn traditionalists. I want more melee combat games but unfortunately chivalry and mordhau are niche games that only a few autists really like. Without killstreaks and gimmicks people will never appreciate those games. and competitive players already exploited them to the ground.


which street fighter game is your gif from?


Older games were worse but older communities were better, for a variety of reasons, from less big sponsor monetization (a la e-sports), higher barrier of entry both technical and finantial, and there being less people overall, which led to closer communities, servers and so on.
Also I dont know how to articulate this but people were less afraid of being part of something. People in somethingawful or forechan or whatever other forum made SA or forechan guilds, servers, maps, mods,… This never happens anymore, and when it happens its actively mocked because its considered "reddit" to be part of a community.
There's never going to be another 4chan mario kart tf2 map, its a historical artifact.


I often times like to fantasize what it would be like to travel back in time to, like, 2006 or 1994. Really, nothing much has changed except for entertainment and electronics. I would more than likely be terribly bored in 1994 with no internet, no computers, no cellphones, nothing portable like a Gameboy back then for me either, and the only games I had to play were platformers like Super Mario World, Sonic, and Star Wars.

2006, however, would be a somewhat different story. I had two PCs and a cellphone with internet and Tetris. I would still miss a lot. I sold the last of my consoles (Playstation 1 and N64) around 2003 and didn't have any consoles of my own again until I got myself a PS3 in 2011 and a PS4 in 2016. Since my PCs were pretty much always outdated; I was stuck playing custom maps like on Starcraft Brood War and Warcraft 3 and various mods for Half-Life 1 and 2 for many years.

You know what I would've loved playing back in 2006? No Man's Sky. The closest I had to No Man's Sky back in 2006 was probably Wurm Online and promises by Maxis and Will Wright about Spore. I mean, sure, No Man's Sky was a piece of crap in 2018. But back in 2006? That game would've been incredible.


I feel you. I have so many story ideas that I used to come up with but I have no soul left to care about them. I don't care about putting something out into this world anymore.

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