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I'm really enjoying playing Euro Truck Sim 2 right now. I'm having a better time now than when I first played it years ago. I really like the concept of the game but never really cared for driving around Germany and England. I find the general atmosphere, especially of Germany, to be depressing and gloomy for the most part. Driving around gray Hamburg under a gray sky or damp London was never my idea of fun, so even though I like the game, it lacked an environment I like. The DLCs really did it for me though, especially Iberia and Italy. I just completed driving through the entire Iberian Peninsula's coastline, starting from Bordeaux, Bayonne and going West all the way to A Coruña then south to Faro, Algeciras, Malaga, Murcia up to Montpellier. Wonderful experience and having put around 100h years ago and 20 hours now, this route is by far the best this game has to offer imo (probably, I still have to drive around Italy and France some more, but I don't think it will be as fun as Iberia, though those two countries are fun to drive around as well). I still have to drive around Eastern Europe but I'm not holding my breath for that region. Drove around Scandinavia a bit and it's fine.

One thing that bothers me a little is that the DLCs don't have as much polish as the original map. There's less attention to detail and I get the feeling parts of it are rushed and made for completion's sake more than trying to capture the right atmosphere/architecture, though none of the places I visited so far I would call it bad but they lack some of the enthusiasm you can notice in the original map.

I’ll make a dedicated thread for it since I’m also planning to post about American Truck Simulator soon which is basically the same thing. Also lots of pictures.


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I might genuinely be autistic and I'm not even joking… though the thing is, a part of me feels perfectly fine with it. I mean, does anyone else here do this? I've never finished a single Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Pokémon… and that's just for the major Nintendo IPs, if I go for other major ones, I've never finished a single Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Tomb Raider, Metal Gear, Elder Scrolls, Mega Man, Castlevania… and then there are also so many licensed IPs that are successful in video games aswell, I haven't played many in the last few years either… and whenever I try, I just drop it after a while, they're not much fun to me. I essentially have these dozen franchises I grew up playing and loving so much, and nowadays I either replay the ones I grew up with, or go after new installments from those very franchises that I hadn't really played before, over and over again…

>Is this a sign of undiagnosed autism or ADHD?

>Have you ever gone though something similar?
I've attempted to get started on some of these major franchises before, those lists with the so called top video games of all time, the ones you have to play, the ones no one in this hobby should miss out on at all… and yet I never get truly immersed in it and often drop it in favor of playing yet another installment from a favorite franchise of mine… is it because I didn't grow up with them? I suppose so, perhaps if I did then they'd be among these franchises I always go back to, though there's no way to be sure… still, it's cozy in a way, the familiarity, and discovering a new favorite among an old franchise you know and love, though at times it feels like I'm genuinely missing out, at least from what is written everywhere online, but whenever I try to break away and try these interesting IPs people acclaim, it just doesn't do it for me, a part of me wishes it did… but that's fine.
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Welcome to 2024, everyone is mentally ill


I just think it's funny that people will gaslight themselves into being mentally ill because they didn't enjoy the thing that they were supposed to. What the heck is wrong with me that I don't enjoy Le Award Winning Game that reddit told me was the best?


Are you saying your new environment is very calm, and quiet so you can enjoy things better?

> try enjoying something in a class that fell short from your bed;

I've no idea what this means.


actually it should be %environment%


yeah it's just adhd switching and dropping games constantly

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 No.47999[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

are there any games you used to like, and you replayed them and realized they were bad?

shin megami tensei strange journey was in my top 5 games of all time list back in 2012 to 2018.
i replayed it this year and it's so much easier and braindead than i remembered, i think i became more skilled at turn-based games and at exploring maps and conserving MP, and this game just offers no difficulty whatsoever for me now and i steamrolled through all fights. i remember when i first played the game, horkos was so difficult that i died to him 8 times in a row. when replaying i killed him in like 5 turns. it is a simplistic game for babies. play wizardry 8 if you want a hard turn based experience.

or how about dead rising? this is another game that i considered infallible art, i bought an xbox just to play this game back in the day. when replaying its HD rerelease on PS4, all of the psychopaths are way less interesting than i remember them being, the dialogue isn't even cheezy or fun, it's just melodramatic. dead rising 2 is superior in just about every single way with much more effort put into balance and content quality and quantity. and the funny thing is, i didn't even like dead rising 2 at launch. it makes me feel like i've evolved as a person.

maybe i will add more later as i think more on this subject.

let me know if this has happened to you.
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Fad games come and go. I remember when OW was the supposed to be the Counter Striker killer and many pros were switching to it, but the CS formula is over 2 decades old at this point. I've been playing since 1.6 myself and it's just a game people will keep coming back to no matter what.


> OW was the supposed to be the Counter Striker killer and many pros were switching to it
OW players have now switched to Valorant and at this point Valorant is for newer generations what Counter Strike was for us.


I don’t think valorant will ever be what CS was, for the simple fact that it’s far too corporatized. You can’t mod it, you can’t run it off a flash drive, I don’t know if it has LAN play (not that people even use LAN anymore). Games like TF2 and CS that grew as communities just can’t exist anymore. Valorant is just FPS league of legends.


Same person who posted this. Because I'm a retard who never learns, I decided to try playing again. Imagine my absolute lack of surprise to find that everything has become WORSE. Every other adventure plate has {Mare Lamentorum} on it. The game seems riddled with horny female characters everywhere you look. I actually got accosted by an "F+" catgirl calling me cute when I was passing through Limsa Lominsa for the marketboard. I thanked them in the politest way I could and the very next thing she asked was if I'd like to visit her house. I was actually in disbelief that someone could be this bold, almost as if it's a perfectly normal thing to ask in this game. Which it probably is. Never in all of my years of playing WoW have I seen this level of degeneracy when not explicitly looking for it in Goldshire. Yet in FFXIV it's shoved in your face without consent. Horny adventure plates, open and brazen requests to go someplace private and even simply talking about sex in a "haha so ironic" way in the hubs.

Fuck the people who play this game. Sadly they'd probably enjoy it. No wonder the Devs are playing it so safe and releasing an even more dull expansion lacking in content than EW. Why change a winning formula when the community are happy with their sex mods and dressup?


CS2 matchmaking is trash and there's a lot of cheaters, Valve does nothing about it. It's a downgrade with less maps which is arguably a pity.

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 No.55375[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Chose a random nation, Bosnia. Got a gold province, Kosovo. Going to conquer Venice soon.
Just pulled off the slickest move on my entrance into Italy. The Papal States had a peasants war, so rebels ended up beginning sieges in all 3 of their forts and each time I took over when they were about to fall. A good player can fight tough wars, a great player can create easy wars.
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so I'm not usually into this type of game. but i was intrigued by the depth of the customization. it seems like you really get to worldbuild your own fantasy, create your own lore, gaming as a storymaking machine. you setup the initial conditions, and the game writes your fantasy novel for you.


They should create an HOI4 sim for the Leaders in actual power IRL, and they could open tabs and see how other nations are doing, what their internal faction balances are. Gaming optimizes everything with most efficiency. To the most easy way to quickly and simply display the geopolitics of the world is in a gamer format.


I'm playing stellaris and I've just hit a glitch that is completely game breaking. It was in the 2420s too. God I hate bugs.


I just can't beat stellaris while playing fanatic xenophobe. It is so much harder than xenophile. Maybe the 2x tradition/tech cost and .5x habitable worlds is making it harder too, IDK, but I like it better that way. I just can't get any subjects. The game comes down to early conquest it seems. Did you come across someone weak you could subjugate in the early game? Congrats, you are guaranteed victory. If you didn't, you will probably lose. I feel cursed. All my neighbors have been hostile, no one wants to do research agreements or defensive pacts, I keep spawning near exterminating hive minds and fallen empires. If I do get a war with someone of comparable strength, by the time I pare them down to conquering size, someone else goes and subjugates them while we're at peace after a war. Federations keep forming and it's incredibly difficult to play by yourself. I'm enjoying the challenge. I'm almost winning this time, I have been fighting a federation basically all game and each time I take a few planets. I got 2nd most pops, but some hivemind next to me is trying to become the crisis and they are OP as fuck so we'll see how this goes .

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 No.52886[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

last thread >>38161

I'm using this as background noise for the past week.
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This is a thread for sharing free game deals you find on the Internet.

Currently Control is free on the epic games store.
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it's a trick to get you to pay for the expansions


That's really always the case. If it's free to download then there's enough money to be made in game with microtransactions and DLCs. No one gives out stuff for solely free there's always a monetary strategy behind it especially when it comes to modern games. The free version always sucks and feels stripped down or it requires you to grind an impossible amount of time to get anywhere.


All the expansions cost premium currency. They might bundle some in the free package (I thought the barebones game was already free so I would expect them to), but they definitely won't give you the newest content for free. I think subscription is only $5/mo and you get a small stipend of the currency every month. Another bad thing for F2P is that you have storage caps on all materials. I don't know how harsh they are, but I presume they're very limiting.


Little tip: search for steam on google and click on news, there is always a new about a game being given away for free


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New game from the dev of Baba is You is free to claim until Wednesday


It's a hybrid of Baba and Into the Breach. Played about 10 levels and it's pretty fun so far

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has there ever been a bigger lost media find than dinosaur planet? I remember looking up videos about this mysterious lost game when i was 12. I never thought i'd see it be found.


didn't they just roll the development of this into starfox adventures? I enjoyed starfox adventures

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Playing some NFS Most Wanted on a PS2 Slim, after doing the whole save file thingy, both on here and Underground 2.

You just don´t finish the game, you keep playing it.

This is a 100% save file + all junkman parts collected + challenge series in their respective order.

The career police have retained their full force, due to the fact that, i havenn´t been busted "yet" ( i do soft resets ) Otherwise, the difficulty will go down. The same applies to NFS Carbon, since i have tested it.

Well, making good use of this solid CRT, the thread pretty much.

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It's the only game that really got me addicted haha (with mods), on Sundays I would wake up and play 2 full games and fall asleep, only going out to eat and shower (sometimes)
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That's how all Paradox games feel to me. HOI4 is probably even more intricate having to manage such small military units on top of it all


>filtered by HOI4
tut tut tut


I would just keep jumping between nations in HOI4, let the AI build an army for me, use it, wreck it, switch to the next nation.

I feel like a lot of conspiracy theories of history, basically come down to, the same guy is running both sides in an HOI4 game.


You should look into who funded the weapon and artillery contracts and who owned the businesses.


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It's not all that common, supplying both sides.

But it happened for real in Iran-Iraq War where both sides were hated by the world. And the biggest global alliance faction was "both sides".

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 No.57966[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Thread for discussing games you're currently playing.

>What games are you playing?

>What games have you recently purchased?

Previous thread: https://archive.ph/kXUl0
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How about not playing the stupid shit goyslop games, and focus on old games made with purpose.


why would buying a game fix bugs? that is the dumbest thing i've ever heard. programmers create bugs, even bug fixes just result in other bugs being created


Witchfire is awesome. I was waiting for a good roguelite fps and it's finally here


Recently finished NFS Underground 2 and NFS Most Wanted properly on the PS2.
It has been a while since i have played these 2 ports on there.

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