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 No.60906[View All]

Thread for discussing games you're currently playing.

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I love this series. I've played every game. It's funny, I don't mind the gameplay that much. I do enjoy it but what makes this game endearing to me is the atmosphere and music. It's interesting how the relaxed environment contrasts with the brutal difficulty sometimes, there are incredibly challenging levels in all of the games. The first one you're playing now is one of my favorites. The 3D ones and the newest entry Umihara Kawase Fresh lost a little bit of the magic imo but I still had a lot of fun with them. I hope you're enjoying it!

I quite like the pixelated photos they use for the backgrounds, maybe it's an acquired taste or something. I remember finding it a rather odd artistic decision but grew to like it.


that looks fun


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Never heard of it but seen it on deep discount in my feed so looked it up.
The stealth action gameplay reminded me of MGS1 so I bought it.
So far I enjoy the stealth, dislike the looting and menus, mildly annoyed by the controls, and keep on dying falling off things because judging depth is difficult from the top down perspective.
Combat sucks ass, but I was attracted to the game for the stealth so I will largely avoid combat as much as I can until I have overpowered gear.

I think I should probably switch over to using a controller to play this game, but I will give kb+m a bit longer to see if I can get used to the goofy controls.


hi wiz
thank you for posting this, I wouldn't have played it otherwise, it's really fun


I play Wild Rift. It's super fun and casual and most matches are short like 15 minutes to 25 minutes max. Nowhere nar as rage inducing as the computer game.


Started playing Kenshi. I bought this on a whim after seeing it and thinking it looks interesting. I'm not sure it's gonna do it for me though. It seems like a huge grindfest and the controls are aids. Having no quests or objective kind of sucks so far because I still don't know shit about how anything works or what I should do and I'm also weak as fuck. There are a shit ton of bandits too. Harvesting their stuff after they die is extremely tedious. The gameplay in general seems tedious. This is after just a few hours though. I hope I will eventually get to the point where it becomes fun.


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It has been Dominions 6 for me. I started with Dominions 5 a couple of years ago, played around 300 hours of that, played around 180 hours of dom6, and i still feel like i don't know what i'm doing. There's just so much and i love that. I'm also just now getting into playing multiplayer against other players and not just AI.


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Did not notice the chain steering wheel on slamvan despite playing since 2011 and completing all (minus the last few ones that require you to take over the gang turfs) main story missions 30-35 times (5-7 times including end of the line). Purple works good with livery and gives it a subtle pearl-like effect.


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After finishing Defense Grid I decided to try the second game, Defense Grid 2 but it plays so incredibly similar to the first I think I'll drop it for now. I might be quitting too soon since I've only played the first couple of levels but the towers are exactly the same and everything looks pretty much as the first game. It's basically the same title but with more narration (which I don't like) and updated graphics.


Currently playing Diablo 4 during the free weekend. I thought this game was just going to be another boring cash grab but it is actually pretty fun. May buy it.


Hopped on battle brothers a few months ago. Been playing it ever since. Gameplay rought with a lot of setbacks and losses you can make along the way but the journey will be worth it in the late game when your +70 Mdef hedge knight solos the black monolith


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It is very poorly optimized and runs like shit even on decent hardware. Doesn't even look that good, as in everyone is kinda ugly, so I suspect it's probably really bad coding or something that has made it run like shit, because the visuals aren't particularly impressive.

The gameplay is ok, but the bosses are a bit of a joke compared to just dealing with several normal mobs at once, due to you having very few effctive means of dealing with several mobs at once, but dueling one single strong guy being pretty easy. Made much worse by the totally busted strategy of using a freeze gun you get rather early or grenades that effectively pin the boss down while you get free hits on it.

I will keep playing it before I give my full thoughts, but it's pretty mediocre. Still having fun with it though.


recently played last of us part 1 on pc

I would rate it 7/10


Pacific Drive.

I'm…seriously disappointed. The game feels very half-finished. I should not have to dig through Reddit posts to find what the fuck "swamp coral" looks like, where to find it, and how to get it when I do.



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I'm playing Doom Eternal. This is my second attempt to play it. I really disliked the ammo starvation and the platforming in a FPS game the first time round so I fired it less than 1h in. I feel I didn't give the game a fair shake so I'm trying it again. We'll see.


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Playing Spyro Season of Ice.
I was curious to try an isometric platformer so I went with this. Because of the perspective it's pretty tough finding your way around the levels. And of course there's no minimap. You really have to memorize the maps. It's also really easy to die from falling off edges which resets some of your collectable progress so you have to go find things again.
I'm finding it pretty addictive, it's fun trying to 100% each level before moving on to the next one. This is honestly the farthest I've gotten in a Spyro game and I'm looking forward to trying the other GBA games to see what improvements were made.


Honestly trying to do the Six-Star Playthrough in San Andreas, with the "BRINGITON" cheat active constantly. The game truly becomes a survival horror and the earliest/easiest missions become a complete pain in the ass, just one slip-up in "tagging up turf" and you're instantly fucked.




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Sulfur - it's a unique mix of looter shooter, with extraction mechanics (you lose everything when you die) and a great art style, and a sound track that slaps


Do you recommend this game? I saw many reviews both on steam and youtube and many people say positive things like "I wish I could forget it and play it again".
Also the game is really affordable.


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Its really comfy to play late at night whilst falling asleep


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I had never heard of this game until yesterday, and I'm having a blast, it looks great upscaled on pcsx2, the music is amazing, the combat is fun, only wish it had more puzzles or stuff like that to take a break from the combat now and then, but it's still fun.


I remember enjoying it a lot back when it was first released. It is very short though, is it?


I'm about 3 hours in and in chapter 2, don't really know how many chapters there are, but yeah it does feel like it's gonna be short, the plot moves fast


Doom + Doom II and official level packs, around 200 levels in total, currently on Master Levels for Doom II, so I completed some 80 levels already.

Some levels are fun, others are a complete slog, but listening to podcasts while playing has helped me with not quitting the game in these bad levels, because the good levels are worth it.


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currently playing deus ex human revolution. only 1h30 of play on the game tho haha. I like it so far. in fact I am excited to see the rest of the story and roam the world to see all these cyberpunk world to discover!


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replaying fallout new vegas on xbox - i got four characters on the go

>Melee build - Legion faction loyalty and ending

>Energy weapons build - Brotherhood of Steel faction loyalty and House ending
>Guns (Rifle and Pistol) build - NCR faction loyalty and ending
>Explosives & SMG build - Powder Gang faction loyalty and independent ending


Great game! Be careful not to get too attached to your guns and items, combat doesn't matter that much. It's all about the story, the characters, and of course, the cyberpunk setting.


one thing I dont understand about fallout games is how bows and arrows or crossbows arent used more often

the oldest bows date back 10,000s of years and are still used today

surely after a nuclear apocalypse people would be using bows and arrows more?


Although the bow and arrow mechanics in TES:Oblivion are really bad so im glad in a way they didnt inflict that on us again in fallout 3 and new vegas


i guess the people in game prefer even the crappiest, most rusted pistol to a bow, and such guns were plentiful if i remember the lore correctly
though there are many meatheads who use melee weapons in the fallout world, but those are probably too dumb to use a bow


I suppose the lore supports the idea that there were just so many guns and ammunition lying around that bows are unnecessary, but since they have throwing spears, id assume bows were within the realms of feasibility.
Im just nit-picking. its a fun game


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I'll try not to…if I don't have gun I'll use close combat hehe


played a bit of deus ex hr today. I was tires/bored after 1h of playing (-⁠︵-⁠,⁠)


has anyone played the baten kaitos remasters?


no, the card system makes the combat intresting


ive played the first game in 2005 i only want to know whether the remastering job is worth it or if it's one of those half-assed ports


maybe watch a gameplay


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Started playing Prey.
The game mildly annoys me. It has potential for a decent movement system that lends it's self to run and gun gameplay but in the first 4 hours it positively refuses to give any decent guns and is downright miserly with ammo for the guns it does give you, so I end up having to use the wrench the vast majority of the time, which sucks because melee sucks in the game and without a lot of upgrades you aren't exactly a tank. I think the game thinks it's a survival horror game, but it doesn't have the vibes of or the gameplay of a survival horror game.
I don't feel scared or horrified. I feel annoyed that I never have decent fighting tools to really cut loose. Can't even conserve ammo with headshots. Head shots do the same damage as body shots because it's a psudo-rpg with set damage per a weapon and numbers floating over each hit marker telling you how much damage you are doing, which at this stage of the game isn't much.
It feels like a much lamer version of bioshock where they refuse to give you good guns and hold off giving you plasmids until 6 or 7 hours into the game.

Like I can see how the game could eventually get good if I had better gear, but the early game sucks ass. For fuck sake, I unlocks bullet time but have no bullets so I just wack things faster with my wrench. Shit is retarded.


Played a bit more. Unlocked even more movement tech and gun buffs.
Now running back and forth to the recycle machene to craft ammo to feed my shitty guns.

I am committing to playing this as a movement shooter even if the game apperently doesn't want me to.
Saving ammo by making my opening move throwing something heavy or explosive before long sliding in and activating bullet time to kill everything moving in the room. I am almost having fun now. Still need better guns and more ammo though.
Honestly just makes me miss the first two bio-shock games. I think I will play those again once I finish a full playthrough of Prey.


Quake Champions, No Mans Sky, Rust


Cool game with good potential, but almost all the time I was running around naked, dying, my ass is bombing.


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>my ass is bombing
ZOOMER detected


hey now, you were a zoomer once


OLD FAGGOT detected


oh snap!
imagine being a wizard's apprentice and talking to your wizard master like that


VF5 released on steam yesterday.
Been playing it since release.

While I greatly missed proper VF action, and appreciate finally having decent online play on PC, I am still kinda disapointed.
The single player modes are gone beside arcade and practice, meanwhile it's already a wait to find matches and pretty limited numbers of people online, both in ranked and in rooms.
Meaning that it likely won't be very long before the online mode is mostly dead exept for wantabe pros.

When a fighting game has a decent single player mode I can still play it for years even when the online is mostly dead.
Without a decent single player it's only a mater of time until the game is dead.

I hope that they include a robust single player mode to vf6 when it comes out.


Full price or wait till discount?


If you aren't already a vf super fan I would highly recommend just waiting until vf6 comes out.

The steam version is pretty stripped down for online and tournament play.
It quite literally is the E-sports version of the game.
So if you aren't already good at the game and ready to sweat hard with people who have a decade of experience, you are in for a bad time.

It doesn't have the expanded practice modes or single player to really get good at the game. If you aren't already experienced you are just going to constantly get bodied in the online modes until you get frustrated and quit.

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