I beat 3 games this week
>Prince of Persia (DOS)
It's great, I love this kind of game, I see it more as a puzzle/memorization game than an actual platforming game. A lot of people would say the trial and error part of the game is bad game design, and they may have a point, but I still loved the game and getting further each run felt rewarding. The time limit seems a bit restrictive a first but it pushes you to play better, and at the end of the day, it's not that bad, it only took me a couple of days to get used to it. Anyway, great game, the snes version has better graphics and more levels, but the DOS version felt smoother.
>Flashback (Genesis)
After PoP I wanted another game in this style so I decided to try Flashback, it's set in a cyberpunk future with very stylized graphics and even "fmv" cutscenes, which was huge back in the day, the game starts nice, with more focus on puzzle solving than platforming. But starting on level 3, the game just turns into screen after screen of enemies with little to no platforming or puzzles, I never considered combat the strong suit in this kind of game and I suffered through the last 3 levels (there are 5, so over half the game), enemies are annoying, they just move at very high speed towards you and since it takes forever to pull out your gun and shoot, you end up getting hit a lot and just dying trying to get away from them and even if you manage to shoot them, I played the game on hard which made every enemy a bullet sponge, real fun. I found the last level particularly frustrating when you had to deal with more than 1 enemy at the same time. It's a shame, feel like what creativity they had to make graphics and plot they lacked on level design, more style than substance, wouldn't recommended, at least not on hard.
>Dragon Quest (NES)
Dragon Warrior if we're going for the localization title. After Toriyama died a few days ago I felt compelled to play one of these games and since I had only played V I decided to start from the beginning. Now of course the game feels primitive being one of the first JRPGs, you only have 1 character, and there's basically no strategy (just leveling up until you're strong enough, getting the best gear and attacking enemies until they die) but I absolutely understand how important this game must've been, being a kid in the 80s and having a whole world to explore, discover secrets, finding new weapons and armor to equip yourself and killing more powerful enemies, while still being able to go to the first map and easily killing the monsters that used to give you trouble, it gives a sense of adventure you couldn't see in other games back in the day, unless you were playing wizardry or ultima on a computer, but I doubt a Japanese kid would even know those games existed. The game has none of the obtuse shit you usually see in old games, there's nothing that you couldn't figure out from the dialogue in the game, there are a bunch of remakes with QoL improvements but I wanted the original experience and I gotta say I enjoyed it (just had to speed up the emulator a bit on long grinding sessions).
>>61418I've also been thinking of playing Dragon Quest, namely DQ7 on the PSX. I had an old CD1 to CD2 save file that was at like +80 hours lol. Last year I figured I might as well start over from the beginning, and I made it to a very memorable point in the story… but I haven't played since then. As much as I love it, it is a very long game and it does get very tedious at times…
Finished AC4 Black Flag
The naval gameplay is fun for a short while and then it very quickly gets boring and tedious. Half of the main missions seem to be "follow this guy and stay within range" which is never, ever fun. There's a ton of collectathon grinds that add literally nothing to the experience beyond padding out playtimes, but thankfully you can skip it all.
If you like pirates and want a shortish 15 hour or so story (main missions only) then you might like it. If you have no interest in the theme/era, then don't even bother.
>>61423Yeah that pretty much sums it up. I played it until I fully upgraded my house and then I lost all interest. I should probably delete it because I have to admit to myself I don't care enough about the story or the gameplay to finish it.
>>61418I really hate your zoomer-tinted way of reviewing games.
"FMV"? Those are not "fmv" cutscenes. FMV cutscenes were their own special thing back in the day.
>>61430>zoomer-tintedwhat the fuck does that even mean
>>61419Maybe play one of the shorter games like V, I have the same problem with long games, I just lose interest
Yesterday I finished Phantasy Star 3 with my brother. It’s funny, I had the impression this is by far the worst of the first 3 Phantasy Star titles but reading my reviews for Phantasy Star 1 and 2, it seems like they’re not too far apart. The third one for sure has the most scattered art direction for the monsters. They’re all over the place and most look rushed to meet the deadline. They have no uniformity whatsoever, some look like crappy Dune character clones, others like wind up toys. Music is generally good and the idea of playing through several generations of the same family is pretty interesting, despite the fact the game stays pretty much the same no matter who you’re playing as. Plot for this one is about this big bad that made his way into the spaceships the Palmians used to escape the destruction of their planet thousands of years ago. The ship you’re in has been drifting in space for who knows how long because there’s no one left that knows how to pilot the thing. A classic Star Trek tale. There’s also a cyborg revolt and family feuds, all told in a rather disjointed manner. There are so many monster encounters and MacGuffin hunting inside labyrinths even if you’re trying to follow the plot you’ll forget what you’re doing most times.
The game looks OK and sounds good. Combat is the same old same old, not really a problem. The real problem with Phantasy Star 3 is the backtracking and the layout of dungeons. The amount of backtrack is truly mind boggling. It feels like the game is trying to defeat both your characters with the monsters and you personally with constant backtracking, furiously testing your patience every time you have to go somewhere. To make you more likely to quit, the dungeons are built to force you to zigzag towards your target, and the correct path always turns out to be the longest one.
So anyways, we cheated. One hit kill and invulnerability. The thing is, those two cheats only solve the heal items maintenance (as in, you don’t need any), leaving the most frustrating part of the gameplay intact so you can experience it in all its glory. All that said, this game does have a lurid charm to it and there are several cut scenes that punctuate the milestones in the plot rather well. So you keep going. We also used maps and a FAQ. There’s enough going back and forth as it is and wandering around lost in those huge maps was out of the question.
It probably took around 10 to 12 hours to complete this thing. It was worth it in a completionism sort of way, having played the first 2. Now the fourth one is the last of the ‘classic’ Phantasy Star titles before the franchise became an mmorpg thingie. I heard good things about 4, I’ll guess we’ll see.
I just played through Defense Grid: The Awakening. Out of the blue I felt like trying a tower defense game and after perusing the Steam list and doing a quick internet search this one looked like the one I would have the most fun with. There are so many tower defense games out there now but very few are strictly tower defense, usually they’re a mash of genres with stuff like resource gathering or base building and that sort of thing. Defense Grid wants nothing but to be a tower defense game and that’s what I was looking for.
The graphics have an alluring appeal to it, the towers and aliens have just the right amount of color, without becoming jarring or bleak. Music is OK, I didn’t pay much attention to it. Gameplay is very repetitive actually but in a relaxing sort of way which is a hard balance to achieve. I think the difficulty is a bit wonky though, where most of the stages (there are 20 of them) feel a little too easy and you can pretty much brute force your way to victory by spawning a huge amount of guns in the obviously right places. Then, by stage 17 or 18, the game sends wave after wave of very spongy enemies that can breeze through your defenses. The level called Waste Disposal took me about a dozen tries to get through and that’s when you begin to realize there’s very little room for error with this game. In fact your best bet is just spawning cannons, they’re relatively cheap and carry a heavy punch.
The most fun levels were the ones you get to shape the path the aliens take by placing towers in front of them in order to make a labyrinth to mow them down more effectively, but those are rather rare and far between. Most of the time the aliens are running through a predefined path and you just get to choose your weapon, usually the cannon or the meteor strike that is not that great but it has a great range, so it’s worth it. Enemy variety is minimal, but then again, you won’t be looking at them closely, it’s mostly a green crate looking thing with spiny legs attached to it. Some look like bugs and that’s about it.
I’m not sure how well I can judge Defense Grid given the only other tower defense game I’ve played is Plants VS Zombies but all in all I had a really good time with it. I know there’s a Defense Grid 2 so I guess I’ll be checking that one next.
Took me about 10 hours but I beat Lust From Beyond.
Couldn't find all the collectables and it has a second ending so I might play through it again using a collectables walkthrough, but that is for another time.
Controls were a bit clunky but overall I liked it. The other world was very cool looking and the puzzles were in that right spot between being too easy and not making sense to the point of frustration.
That said, for a game with so much, well you know, the character models seem almost intentionally unappealing. Actually digesting the plot overall it could be said that the game has a generally negative view of sex, somewhat like old horror movies. So while there is gratuitous sex and nudity it is almost universally depicted as a bad thing, disgusting, and leading closer to destruction. Which honestly I expected from playing lust for darkness.
Speaking of which the world building is much more fleshed out and the story overall feels very complete.
Not sure why but the load times are absurd. Like 2-4 minutes long for some reason. I hate the way most doors and draws work. The walking speed is too slow. The combat is clunky even for a horror game. Really I could come up with dozens of small little complaints that add up to make Lust kind of annoying and unpleasant.
While the aesthetics were good same with the sound, especially of Lusstgar (the other world), and the story held my interest. Unfortunately the game play and amateurish feel of the game really hold it back.
It just feels like the devs need to make a modern action game or something to pratice focusing on improving gameplay and game feel.
I mean they are great level designers. I didn't feel lost once despite how elaborate the layout of some levels could be. But moving around, interacting with things other than puzzles, interacting with inventory, and especially combat all are pretty bad and hold down the rest of the game. Also feels fucking weird not to be able to jump at all, but falling 15 feet is fine. Granted puzzles are directly built around you not being able to jump, but it still feels fucking weird.
*shrugs* I could be better but it just isn't.
3 out of 5 if I am being very generous.
>>61543This looks so odd. In one hand it looks like my type of game with the whole gothic Cthulhu look and atmosphere going for it but then they also included orgies and sadomaso stuff which puts me off. I guess this is the type of game I would have more fun just watching it instead of playing myself.
>>61551I'll give it a try, should I play the first one before that? I've heard mixed things about the combat but I can put it up with it if the atmosphere/characters/story are good enough.
>>61552you don't miss so much but you can play it before the second one
>>61550the brutal encounter rate for all the smt games is what turns a 5 hour journey into a 40 hour game. I still remember that miserable tower you were expected to climb at the ending.
Game: Zombie Exodus Safe Heaven
Genre: Text Based CYOA
The level of details and character creation is a nice touch. The only thing I can't over with is its unfinished structure. I don't think I'll be still alive when part IV comes out
Finished SMTV: Vengeance last night (new CoV route, chaos ending)
I liked the original SMTV a lot despite the shit performance on Switch, annoying level scaling and barebones story. This fixed pretty much all those issues. Characters get more screentime and development compared to the original where I remember them barely being a part of the story. Similar to Atlus's other rereleases there's a new succubus added but IMO she's integrated much more smoothly into the story than the succubi from some of the other SMT releases like SJ Redux or P5R.
Gameplaywise also there are a bunch of improvements, level scaling is much less overtuned, demons all have hardset passives which can be really powerful and are fun to build around, new bosses, new Omagatoki skills, and an entirely new 3rd map that replaces Chiyoda. I played on hard mode and the difficulty felt great, I had to retry a lot of bosses but I never felt the need to grind besides at the very end of the game for superbosses since sidequests generally give enough XP to be within a few levels of the boss.
I do wish they had done more to overhaul the last area of the game though, the route split happens really late and most of Taito feels the same besides some different bosses.
I'll probably come back to do the remaining superbosses and NG+ at some point, godborne seems like it could be fun since every enemy gets scaled to level 150
>>61710 now play this
>>61551 No.61810
>>61805the grid lock and slow movement filtered me hard, a shame, I quite like of the concept and aesthetics
>>61805this looks pretty cool, like a westernized yume nikkie clone
>>61944>game is nothing like yume nikkie in any way shape or form>but it's weird so it's a yume nikkie clone somehow*rolls eyes*
Played through VTBM for the first time the other day. Now I understand why people rate it so high. That gorgeous, thick atmosphere, that wonderful OST. The main story was pretty basic, the second half was extremely linear but up that was to be expected since I read beforehand that game's development wasn't finished. Last two missions were very frustrating, especially Ming Xiao and Sheriff fights.
But I loved it. Shame there will never be a game like that again. VTMB2 looks like gaynigger trash typical for modern games. Utterly despicable and disappointing.
>>61967>VTMB2 vtmb2 will be pozzed, woke shit in the game is unavoidable.
still didn't play vtmb but I plan to get it on steam when cheaper No.61969
>>61968Well, I certainly recommend playing it. Cured my gaming impotence for a couple of wonderful evenings.
>>61969whats the most comfy place you liked the most and stayed the most. I didn't play the game but the ocean house hotel looks comfy to me.
the ost are perfect. game with 90% of their music being good are rare
>>61970I liked the fact that all hubs and locations have different atmosphere about them. I liked the dark vibes of the Chinatown the most I think. Regarding the favorite one place I've gotta say I enjoyed just chilling at Vesuvius, it had a wonderful theme song which is now stuck in my head.
Also I was rather disturbed by Andrei's place. Fleshcrafted furniture and those two-legged manbeasts. It was certainly visceral and unique. Haven't felt that way since Silent Hill 3. Andrei in general was a pretty memorable character, shame he didn't play a bigger part in the story.
>>61967I still see VTMB2 as vaporware.
They have been trying to make the game for almost 20 years in one form or another and failed each and every time.
VtM in general is pretty shit and filled to the brim with SJWs who can only tolerate safe edgy. World of Darkness in general is dead to me and I doubt there will ever be a decent game based on any of the properties again.
>>61973Paradox jews just trying to milk the VTMB name while not giving a shit about the quality whatsoever. They gave it to a studio that has never developed RPGs cause they were very cheap to hire. It is a real shame though. Gaming in 2024 is just money grubbing and Paradox are the worst scum on par with EA and other parasites
>>61974>Gaming in 2024 is just money grubbing There are expeditions. While that is true of the major corpos, there are still decent mid sized studios and indies still putting out decent stuff.
I think most studios and game companies lose their way as soon as they get to a certain size and get taken over by business guys instead of people who give a shit about games being fun or providing value to their audience.
But thankfully there are still hundreds of small teams making good stuff so I always feel like I have way too much stuff to play. Which is a good problem to have. Makes ignoring the trash going on in AAA extremely easy.
>>61975>I think most studios and game companies lose their way as soon as they get to a certain size and get taken over by business guys instead of people who give a shit about gamesI agree 100%. when a small studio who made a good game, big companies want to buy them so they can milk money from it like a mad cow
>>61983I played it a bit and dropped it because i wasnt enjoying being in claustrophobic ugly apartment buildings
>>61983>it's like if they remade jacob's ladder or somethingOh god, please don't give the hacks in hollywood any ideas.
I got horror shivers just thinking about it.
>>61986if that kind of thing bothers you, you made the right call, it only gets worse after the apartment building
>>61983I tried playing it but it seemed a bit too hollywood for my liking. Original SH2 had way more unique soul. It is the main problem with remakes. They become soulless or at least get a different one.
Finished playing through Mouthwashing.
Was a lot more linear then I was expecting.
It was more a vehicle for the story then a game imo.
On the one had I feel like I probably missed a lot because there are a fuck ton of hidden achievements somehow, but on the other hand I don't really feel the urge to play it again.
Thank God I waited until Robocop Rogue City was less than a tenner, though even that was a bit too pricey for an incredibly bog-standard fps with handful of maps intersped with a few hub-maps and a couple of novel gimmicks like the ricochet shot and robocop marking enemies like in the film. The AI is retarded, enemies stand out in the open while you blast them and does not improve as you go through the game, so it's basically like a shooting gallery.
When you're not shooting people you're walking on foot to talk to people and issue parking tickets with tedious A-to-B sidequests.
The story was like an episode of a robocop cartoon, just constant referencing of the original two robocops, ridiculously blunt "satire" that makes you appreciate how well the over-the-top satire was done in the original film, cheap voice acting with many of the npcs voiced by a handful of people. Peter Weller gives the appropriate amount of effort for this.
It's not a bad game, just a low-budget one with a license. Modern day "gamers" are retards giving this 8s and 9s are out of their mind, this game is 5/10 which is an okay score because scores don't start at 7/10. If this game came out 10-15 years, it would warrant a higher score.
>>62207I agree with you on the rating inflation thing.
It's one of the reasons I prefer a "out of 5" scale for ratings with effort, and simple thumbs up thumbs down for low effort normies.
Because of gaming media being payed to inflate reviews, for most sites and review aggregators 7 is actually average and anything 5 and below is differing degrees of garbage.
So they functionally already have a 5 point scale.
Then again I fully admit I am very bias because I grew up watching X-Play as my primary source of game reviews during my formative years. They used a "out of 5" scale.
Played through one of the endings of MiSide
It's more feels than thrills for me.
For a horror game, besides a few jumpscares, most of the "horror" was just really sad. Like emotionally sad, not sad as in I was disappointed.
It's really good, but as with most of these types of games, I REALLY wish the movement speed was faster or I could run all the time instead of just scripted segments, because slow walk speed is and will always be something that irritates me.
It's frankly unbelievable that just 2 dudes pulled this game off. It's really well done, well polished, and unlike most horror games I have played, I didn't run into a single unintented glitch or bug meaning it's really well polished.
Oh, and for those wondering if it has any "adult content", the answer is no. Which actually relates to the subtext of certain aspects of the game as well as the themes in the plot.
Now to play it two more times to see the other endings and unlock more stuff.
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