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 No.41822[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

what language are you learning and what tools do you use to learn it?
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Just consume your usual japanese content, gather words and train it with anki. Guide (this channel has nice content on Japanese learning:

>logout from YouTube account

>clear cache
>click in a Japanese video
>repeat until your feed is flooded
>use auto generated subtitles
>click to auto translate auto generated subtitles (optional when don't understand nothing)
>some Japanese channels has English subtitles
That's how I watch Japanese content and it's enough to understand everything, no need in learning Japanese


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For maximum smoothness you can use a translator (picrel not fully translated) and after some time the auto translated and the English subtitle will get cached and automatically turn on when available. It's good enough to the point I lost the motivation to learn Japanese.



>what language are you learning
>what tools do you use to learn it
netflix,music and google translate
im now b2 and i consider myself pretty fluent this is the easiest and the most enjoyable way to learn languages


read the book, fluent forever by gabriel wyner(sp?) will help a lot.

different language require some different approach, you generally get good return on building vocabulary though.

biggest mistake people do trying to learn a language is they try to learn by latching onto their native language with those ideas, words, thoughts. you need to build an entirely new language from the ground up, that means not associating your new language words to your old language words, you need an intermediary, a translation and interpretation layer far more powerful for the mind, that is imagery and emotion. you need to build your language up from thinking the target language word, and first thing that comes into your mind are images, and not the translated meaning in your native tongue. that is the crux and major stumbling block/paradigm shift required to be proper successful and where most fail with their language learning.

find a movie you know really well, all the dialogue, get the sub and dub for it, play it in background or on another screen. listen to music in that target language, watch videos. have an actual physical good dictionary for that language next to you, do this as a habit you hear a word, you randomly open up and try find it, try find what it means.

language acquisition is making all these little easy habits that add up and require almost no effort, for years, culminating into almost effortless. or you can train hard all out for a couple weeks.months then forget about it and never pick it up again. i tried both, i made the mistakes, and learned, then got better. maybe this can help you if you try it. that book fluent forever check it out.

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any wizards into chess too?
it's quite interesting with its unlimited options. a way to escape the bitter reality, as well.
what's your elo rating?
your favorite openings with white and black pieces?
how much time do you dedicate for chess usually?
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play longer
i was 900 a year ago
but when i play longer (= think more) i'm 1000.
i'm likely 500 now.


Queen takes knight forcing rook takes queen. White rook takes black rook mate


idk if its right or wrong as I am new to chess and only 700 elo but what if bishop takes knight then if king moves then he loses the rook or if it captures the bishop then rook can move horizontally to g6 and then king will be in check then you can move your rook to g8 and then black's rook can only move horizontally as its own pawn is blocking it from moving vertically so it has to capture that rook which you can take with the pawn and promote it to queen.


Rg7, Qf6, Qg5 if king captures bishop idk the moves if king moves to the corner of the board

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I am new to the subject of visual art. I was struck by the intensity of the work of an artist called Ilya Repin. I don't know what it is about his work; it just captivates my imagination.

Post art which captivates your imagination.
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Since Ilya Repin and Roerich have already been mentioned, my other favourite artist of the twentieth century has to be Andrew Wyeth. His lonely and austere regional portrayals of early settler American life really strike a note with me.

Also, wonderful thread.


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Dungeon Synth Covers



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Started getting into this very recently after watching some videos about it on YouTube. I then bought some Sibley and Roger Tory field guides and a Nikon M5 Monarch Binos. Was wondering if there is anyone else who enjoys doing this as well. Seems like a friendly hobby for everyone and its gets you outside and "touching grass".
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thanks for the advice ill get a local field guide


I like staring at animals in general, but not too much, because i don't want to be rude.


I stare until they submit or confront me.


just get a sibley or peterson field guide that is located wherever you are.


I want to get more into this hobby. I want to try and start enjoying my life in isolation. I always felt too guilty to even try but I realize this is unhealthy and massively limiting. I felt like the only excuse I could give my parents was that I was too depressed to handle wage slaving, which is true, but if they see me enjoying myself doing things they won't believe I am too depressed to handle wage slaving and will start pressuring me to slave again. This happens any time I show any hints of life so I mostly just stay in my room all day, but this is no way to live. I want to go out and start camping, although I would sleep in my car I think and try and go on some hikes and find some birds. I would also like to get a canoe and go birding on water as that is a comfy way to do it, but they are expensive. Even building one myself would be expensive just because long pieces of wood are expensive and hard to find and I don't think I could do it without a table saw. I have a circular saw but for doing the gunwales it would be too difficult to slice all that length.


who wants to create a trading card game with me? I hope you know how to draw, I don't know how to draw, and we must design the cards too ahaha
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Use AI art like these guys: https://scryfall.com/sets/sld


You should make a card-based Choose Your Own Adventure instead.


>hey can you make this thing for me for no money while I take all the credit despite not really doing anything

I got my own projects I am working on.
Pay me or do it yourself.


Sure I'll trade credit card info with you guys. You first


That sounds like it could be an interesting idea.

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I want to read more comics/mangas where the main characters are outcasts/neets/autists with no social skills, which ones do you know?


Hellboy? He's not so much awkward as he is stoic and accepting of how he'll never fit in and find real love. not in the movies though


welcome to the nhk
steins gate (anime or vn better)
re zero
Hyouryuu Net Cafe (the mc is a normalfag but there are otaku loser characters in it)
Koroshiya (honestly a 10/10 mc is a bullied virgin who becomes a killing machine)
Ressentiment (mc is basically a wizard, he's never had a gf but basically wastes all his money on fucking prostitutes but ends up getting a vr waifu)
Ajin (mc is a typical loser who is only good at studying)
Dead Tube (mc is a loser virgin doesn't really care about that since he's a gore fetishist)
Holyland (hikkimori mc)
Mushoku tensei (mc is a virgin neet who gets reincarnated and is an actually good isekai)
Honestly most manga have pretty loserish main characters, you just have to look for seinen ones


Strongest Man Kurosawa
Onani Master Kurosawa, although the ending is a very normalfag
March Comes in Like a Lion
Koi Kaze (be warned it's about a brother-sister relationship with a large age gap but I found the protagonist very relatable)
Berserk to a large extent

also seconding recommendations for NHK and Ressentiment if you haven't read them, you need to.



Ongezellig if you don't mind dutch language.


Post documentaries here


old thread is past bump limit and is the very last thread on /hob/ right now so it should be gone once this thread is made
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I'm on the hunt for new documentaries to watch. I like the ones about about marginal, eccentric people. Here's a list of the ones I quite like in that niche. If you know any not on this list please let me know.

Realms of the Unreal
A documentary on Henry Darger, visionary artist, janitor, and novelist. 10/10

An intimate portrait of controversial cartoonist Robert Crumb and his traumatized family. 10/10

American Movie
Documentary about an aspiring filmmaker's attempts to finance his dream project by finally completing the low-budget horror film he abandoned years before. 10/10

Alone in the Wilderness (2004)
In 1968, one man films his attempt to build a cabin and live in the Alaskan wilderness. He goes weeks or months at a time without human contact. 7/10 I found this one a little tedious but I guess that's the point. Still, doesn't make for a very entertaining watch.

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Forgot about this one https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1633175/?ref_=tt_sims_tt_t_9
This documentary follows a group of homeless men who have combined bottle picking with the extreme sport of racing shopping carts. I remember I watched this one but didn't think much of it. It's on YT if you're interested


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As I prepare myself to sit down and read the rest of the first run of Uncanny X-Men (>>66822) I decided to watch a documentary on Chris Claremont. It's fitting as I'm at the later period of his writing for the series and went through all his major storylines at this point. If you like comics and have a fondness for the transitional period between bronze age and modern age in comics (for example if you know who Jim Shooter is) chances are you'll like this documentary.

It's a decent way to spend 70 minutes. I think it played a little too much on the safe side of things, not talking about anything as thoroughly as I would've liked, regardless, it's fun to hear the creators talking about a time nobody really gave a shit about comic books and they could do whatever they wanted and you as the reader knew this shit was totally within your domain before the money people and the cool kids came in and made it their own.

And you can watch it for free on this link. If you do let me know what you think. It would be nice if we had more than 2 posters on /hob/.



Big Al, one of the main guys featured in this documentary is now wheelchair bound. One might say fate has a twisted sense of humor.

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What are you watching/reading currently? I just started Babylon 5 and I'm enjoying it quite a bit.
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Princess kenny



Heinlein's setting indeed isn't a perfect equivalent of any political system seen as of now. Nonetheless, the book has similarities to Roman republicanism in the sense that military service is a duty of citizens (even if, in this case, citizenship is voluntarily applied for and so are the duties, which only makes the overall process less coercive) while social standing and political success is largely linked to performance in warfare. Originally, the various centuries that composed Roman class society in the Republic were divided on the basis of how many resources they could devote to warfare, with the lowest century being reserved for the proletarii, or those unable to pay for their own equipment. In a similar light, officeholders were expected to have accrued military victories (gloria) so as to make a winning bid for most positions. It is correct that Roman leadership positions lacked many prerogatives in the city of Rome (civilian life), most notably the capacity to indiscriminately command and issue death sentences, but that feature is also present in Starship Troopers. The armed forces are ruled by a code much stricter and with fewer guarantees than that which applies to civilians, further reflecting the separation between civil and military life.

On the other side, and in sharp contrast with fascism, the federation described in Starship Troopers operates a small government domestically—it is indicated that taxes are lower than in any other period of recent history—and maintains a clear-cut division between military and civil life. The latter is relevant since civil organizations do not seek to replicate their military counterparts unlike is the case in fascist régimes. Similarly to the Romans, the government maintains a military not because of a romantic exaltation of violence, but in response to factual threats to Earth that warrant a prepared military. The book even notes that the Mobile Infantry is the smallest army in proportion to the population it defends in human history and that unfit recruits are routinely discouraged from entering military service without a clear vocation in an attempt to earn their citizenship fast. Additionally, the federation lacks any staples of fascism such as cross-class state corporatism, a desire to eliminate or overhaul organized religion and functionally replace it with vitalism, or the presence of a Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


THE EXPANSE is gritty sci-fi.


i like this makes you seem smart


Ah, to be a sw geek in 2023. By now the truth about star wars has become inescapable. The whole thing is nothing but 3 dated ok movies and a whole lot of garbage.

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Anyone use one of these? Are the newer, bigger ones worth it if I have an old Kindle with a keyboard? Mostly want bigger size.
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>go tired of windows shopping

Well, I posted in the thread already but what I'd like to ask is:

I'm sick of lurking around wondering, is there a device with e-ink that is not android that has no restrictions and can read cbz (and has text to audio synthesis) of which is the size of a typical manga and costs a bit under or around 100 usd?

They have weird offbrand Chinese ones that show up then immediately get bought, then show up on another seller, unless on ali, so with how much of an unfortunate bum I am I figured I'd just go ahead and ask someone.

About hacking, I figure would hacking brick it? Won't android's, though recommended, try to control you and also have planned obsolescence in their software design, even hardware design?

I've already used calibre to make all books txt so I can read them on any shabby device and even have my pocketgo v1 reading to me (that's a gp2x sort of thing, for emulation of old consoles really but it has text reading capability and text to audio) randomly (sounds bad really but it's a cool device to me anyway and it can show the text of course though it's a bit small for even normal reading I'd figure) but honestly manga I've never had a convenient small device for as tablets look bad when cheap on their sides in portrait mode.

Well, my overall point is that I know nothing about the weird offbrand ones if they often have no actual title but have a familiar hardware design. Do they have stores? They claim to have real e-ink and can read cbz, some claim it, but I just don't know.

The two types I keep staring at are this one and preferably this one as they come up a lot and that second ones seems to claim cbz and the other generally does not claim to be able to do it. I take it they are both bad but still. I assume they are both terrible in some way? These two designs that have no specific title nor name?

Also I don't like the idea of a touch screen.

I'm thinking that the pocketbook might be my best option and lurked enough to see someone claim most can do cbz? I'm reading and pondering ereaders_101, the wiki link, right now. It mentions not cbz in it though is nice to see.
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>this one
>preferably this one
For got to link the sites, but it's whatever, one was >>59237 that image of which claims cbz. I wonder how bad they are?


I'm surprised the PineNote hasn't been brought up yet.



Pretension costs real money, I have a 2$ kindle (idk thrift store prices, even came with a case) and I still read far more books on my phone.
> But ereaders are even better than books.
How do you read like this? For me the serendipity of a bookshelf is something I need for most of kill-time reading.


Use one that reads pdf or txt and can be read offline.

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I'm currently writing a story, which I plan on turning into a visual novel/game later on. I intend to make all the music and do all the voice acting for both male and female characters. I've been engaging in some vocal training to increase the range of my voice, but obviously I gotta be consistent before I see any results since I started recently. I don't even a schedule yet, but that's not gonna be an issue for very long.

Do you have any dreams of singing or voice acting, anon? What are your thoughts on transforming your voice into an instrument? It's crazy what the human body can achieve with enough training.


Oh shit. Can someone move this thread? I think it's in the wrong board.

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