[–] No.64475
>>64466>50 years failure irreparable damagewhat is polio
what is small pox
what is hpv (and its related cancers)
what is hep b?
what is tetanus?
what is measles?
its clear you know neither anything about victorian or modern medicine.
matter of fact, can you tell me how its caused irreparable damage?
[–] No.64476
>>64466and no sophisticated was used to contrast it with victorian slugs with inaccurate theory, and blood letting with inaccurate theoru
[–] No.64477
shut the fuck up with this retarded vaccine and conspiracy and alt medicine bullshit, this thread is for plants and gardening you faggots
[–] No.64484>>64485
a problem i have when i grow leafy stuff like lettuce, broccoli, etc… is caterpillars. it is impossible to get those little bastards off once they hatch and spread. you come out one morning and poor plant is destroyed
i'm thinking by starting earlier in the year it can be avoided, but i dont think i started early enough this year. should have started indoors, instead i sowed last month and just let them sprout when they are ready but i dont think any cold will come so really it was a waste of time
i want to experiment and plant a bunch of things one year and find out which are pest free and hardy
[–] No.64485>>64486
>>64484I have yet to try this, but I heard use coffe grounds keep them away.
You need a lot of it though, mostly around your garden bed so it doesn't acidify your soil. Or you could add ome lime to balance that out.
You could go to your local cafeteria and ask them for their coffee grounds, they usually don't mind giving you their waste.
[–] No.64486>>64499
>>64485not sure if that will do anything, the caterpillars arrive via eggs laid by butterflies. unless the coffee grounds somehow turn the plant super acidic and the caterpillars cant eat it, idk
[–] No.64499
>>64486Well, the permaculture way would be to have native perennials that host parasitoid wasps and other predators, but that of course depends on how much space you have available. You can also try intercropping repelent plants like marigolds, or sacrificial plants that attract the caterpillars. Maybe a little house for geckos nearby.
There's also chickens, but they can wreck havoc in your garden too if you keep exposed soil or let them in with the seedlings. To avoid the scratching I usually cover the soil with rocks.
[–] No.65135>>65154
>>65133idk if you know or not, but that is called 'lucky bamboo', not actual bamboo. basically you water it and then let it dry out for a while, and fertilize every few months.
judging by the water spots on the leaves, and the gross looking exposed stems, i'm guessing you water it overhead. you should be watering it directly at the base. the water should never touch the stems, only the level where the roots are. either watering overhead or too much watering will cause the stems to rot
for the exposed stems-ends that look gross, but aren't causing the stem to die yet, you can mix some vinegar and water andf apply it, that or hydrogen peroxide. dont need to repeat this if you stop watering overhead
[–] No.65154>>65158
>>65135Thanks, I had no idea, I have an orb in the pot to water it directly but also sprayed the leaves, so that isn't necessary and hopefully it will recover from me stopping
[–] No.65158
>>65154you should remove all the dead sections also
[–] No.65166>>65167>>65168>>65173>>65247
Any tips for being a lazy gardener? I want to grow vegetables with the least amount of effort possible. I already have them in containers, I have a water irrigation system set up, I use weed-control fabric, and I use copper to ward off slugs.
Anything else anyone can think of?
[–] No.65167>>65246
>>65166Yes, take pictures to post itt. I like to look as wiz gardens.
[–] No.65168>>65246
>>65166Once you made your part, plants take care of themselves. You ought to weed them every third day or so, and check thay they're doing fine. Also throw your kitchen scraps but not too many, and try to cover them with dry leaves or dry grass. That'll keep the weeds at bay as well.
[–] No.65173>>65246
>>65166greenhouse ultimately would prevent a lot of things like caterpillars and birds
automated watering, if your current irrigation system allows it would help
to advise against something for the lazies, i will say hydroponics is a pain in the ass in my experience. just planting is annoying, the foam for pods are gone with each planting, the fertilizers cost money, moving it is an ordeal. just offering my insight from having a 108-plant system over the past year. NOT good for lazy people imo
[–] No.65238>>65240>>65246
if only I had the space for it, but I live with parents in a block in the living room.
[–] No.65246
>>65167Sorry, I don't like posting personal stuff online. Besides, my garden is a mess at the moment from building new boxes.
>>65168I'm going to throw grass on the potato containers to keep down the weeds there, but the other beds have weed fabric down so they should need any weeding.
>>65173I have a greenhouse, but again, it's currently a mess and I'm not using it for anything except seedlings this year. The containers I am building are going to have long poles at the corners so I can just throw a net over it to hopefully stop birds and insects. I looked into hydroponics a few years ago and like you said, it just looks like more effort than its worth.
>>65238Window boxes are a great way to start small. I have salad leaves and herbs growing from mine.
[–] No.65247>>65248
>>65166List of the best agrochemicals for the garden
-Diatomaceous earth, for example, is a broad spectrum product that is extremely effective against ants, worms, slugs, mites, among others, but most importantly it is very cheap. It is also relatively easy to obtain, the problem is that it is mixed with other compounds, which although they are still non-toxic, much more would have to be added. For example, for my pea crop I used less than a kilo. Just look at the costs of some poison for worms, some poison for ants, cockroaches, fleas, among others, and what's more, all these poisons can kill you, or the poor devil who fumigates, it will also be very expensive . Due to its minerals and the ph it has, it is also effective against fungi, but not so much.
-Copper oxychloride is also very effective, and cheap, technically it does not kill the fungus, but rather prevents the spores from reproducing, so if you apply it to the soil, and to the plants, you will not have any problem. Technically it is not organic, but it is not toxic.
-Deltamethrin: It is technically a synthetic pyrethrin that works against aphids, it is also very effective, and very cheap. It is not technically organic either, but in any case it also comes with natural pyrethrin but it is a little more expensive.
Alternatives to pyrethrin (Garlic pudding, tobacco tea, and anti-aphid cloth) These alternatives are either less effective but cheaper, or more effective and much more expensive, but they work if you have a greenhouse or plants at home.
-Plastic: Plastic ends up being cheaper than using fungicides, since it has an average life of about 5 years, some plastics can also be recycled.
[–] No.65248>>65261
>>65247DE is basically caltrops for insects, it stabs them all over and they 'bleed out', or so i understand. it doesn't affect soft tissue like our skin though and shouldn't affect worms or slugs
[–] No.65261
>>65248The diatom attacks the pores, it also hurts the insect, and in 8 hours they are already dead.
[–] No.65407
ate my first turnip ever
it was a round purple top variety, looked really cool. was easy to pull out. also had a ton of leaves. fed the leaves to the guinea pigs but they didn't seen to care for it. i will try the leaves next time, apparently they taste kind of like the turnip
i washed it off with the garden hose and then microwaved it and sprinkled some salt on it. it's kind of like a carrot and potato. but more creamy texture and not as starchy of mushy. also has a neat radish spicy flavor that isn't strong or overpowering
awesome plant to grow, had no problems whatsoever. at some point last winter i just threw seeds all around, and come spring they germinated and grew on their own all over. i am turnip pilled now, and i want to try all kinds of varieties
[–] No.65664>>65676
grew a nice cucumber and ate it, there are dozens more forming so ill take a pic next time
related to the cucumber, also have some cantaloupe or honeydew forming as well, but that will take some months
also some unknown pumpkin or squash. and also an unknown but native soecies of tiny cucurbit plant from my yard i potted, curious if it produces fruit
[–] No.65781
i believe the variety is called 'boston pickler'. i dont remember the name of the seeds though they resemble them>>65767
[–] No.65905
>>65897nice. judging from the loose soil, were they grown in pots?
[–] No.65906>>65909
>>65766I picked 3 giant cucumbers yesterday too. I hadn’t seen them underneath the plant, I’m lucky with cucumbers while my uncle can’t grow them. Plants are strange.
[–] No.65909
>>65906yeah same about finding big ones. they hide and get huge. i find the skin becomes very bitter and tough when they get big and yellow, but they peel fine and taste just the same inside, maybe even a bit sweeter actually. i don't mind the seeds also
[–] No.65921
man my melons got caterpillar bombed by the faggot butterflies. god fucking damn those bastards
i made sure to torture the bugs within and smear them onto the nearby fence to ward off future attacks. i cut around the bad parts of the melons, and then i just ate them unripe. they tasted vaguely like cucumber which makes sense, not bad at all
[–] No.65922
>>65897Damn you just put them in your kitchen sink like that? Aren't you afraid of like drainfly larvae getting into your drain or someshit?
[–] No.65931
>>65925no way im watching a video with a thumbnail like that, but i like that seed packet book binder thing he has on the table. sorting through seed packs and looking for stuff is aids
[–] No.65971>>65973
gardening is boring and takes forever. instead try fermenting foods like hummus or potatoes. it's faster and more fun.
[–] No.65973
>>65971to ferment something, you need to first have it. where do you suggest obtaining said potatoes?
this is not the "buy food from grocery thread because growing it yourself takes too long" thread
[–] No.66013
Planted 3 cucumbers and they are going crazy. Got to cut them back soon so they don't shade the rest of the plants. My mom made some pickles out of them and they were actually quite tasty. I hope she makes some more.
[–] No.66122>>66610
my expeirence so far growing some stuff this year:
kale, lettuce, cabbage, turnips, tomatoes cannot handle the caterpillars (confirming what i experienced last year), but planted early enough in the year they are ok
peppers are totally pest-free, but eventually after producing a lot they succomb to some kinda virus. very worthwhile regardless
swiss chard was completely pest-free, and has been growing for like 4 months now uninterrupted. i've been waiting for it to seed but it just likes making leaves
cucumbers are maniacs and only orange asian ladybugs really bother them, but they produce shit loads of cucumbers regardless. nothing has targetted the cucumbers themselves, even when in some parts they were growing on the ground. very awesome plant
honeydew/cantaloupe grows like a maniac and eventually produces dozens of fruits, but the caterpillars destroy them all. i had to wrap the young fruits once they were pollinated with pantyhose, and even then sometimes hte caterpillars find a way in. when i see damage, i just harvest it right away and eat it like a vegetable. so far nothing has managed to fully grow and ripen which is disappointing. same as cucumber the asian ladybugs target the leaves, but they are easy to pick off. might be worth growing in a greenhouse
onions and carrots did not even grow. disappointment
[–] No.66610
>>66122my peppers got some sort of pests burrowing through a couple of them. Probably because they're too mild. Apparently it's common to order pepper seeds for one species and receive seeds for a different species. That is what happened to me and I think they are anaheim instead of what I ordered. My cucumbers were similarly productive but succumbed to some sort of disease or virus. Eggplants grew a shit ton of leaves but few fruits and only a few got to eating size. I don't think we have enough light where they were.
[–] No.66612
Recently I've been doing a lot of clearing. I have been slashing down a bunch of native shrubs and trees that cover up spaces and many other plants that I've planted myself. I usually let them grow, especially ij spring, so that they create some microclimate during the harsh summer. Now that the days are getting shorter and the sun is less bright I can clear up these spaces, and open them up for the plants below. The leaves make for gold mulch and I can use the trunks and branches for firewood. Everythijg used to look so lush, now it looks a little empty in contrast.
I also want to bring in many new plants to fill up some of this space, as it turns there's a lot of it! I plan to bring some small trees and shrubs and hope that within the next 5 years they grow big and themselves cover the ground from the sun, as well as provide a lot of fruit.
I have also been broadcasting a lot of vine seeds, mostly curcubitae, such as pumpkin and luffa, but also others like passionfruit. I want lots of trees with vines hanging from them full of fruit, and pumpkin vines crawling along the ground.
[–] No.66818
>>66607well everything else has died from the cold but my peppers and everything inside the greenhouse are still alive, so i consider this a big success, even if it does eventually get too cold in a few weeks, it definitely extended the growing season and should let me start planting early also.
[–] No.67676
That time of year again. I really should have been out days ago, but the weather just will not co-operate! I can't really do anything until the weather stops swinging 10 fucking degrees in a single day!
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