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lads i honestly love buying stuff. online shopping is fun as hell. i love researching products for hours and discovering interesting stuff thats out there. then you get to own cool and useful things.

any wizards love online shopping here?
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sounds legit to me


I do the same thing, but I spend much of the time looking for a German manufactured equivalent. It is essentially the only nation I will buy anything from now, for so many reasons, primarily for quality. Often I am unable to find an equivalent, but delight in denying myself that product, knowing I am staying true to myself and the cosmos.


I hate it. I mean if I am looking for something very specific online shopping can make it easy, but it is so much more fun to browse a store and physically touch things. I can get a better idea for the specifications for an object than some stock image a chinese seller posted. The way some UI's are made are so atrocious, so bad and organizing and sorting, or you just end up going through pages and pages of these stock images. Its worse when its Amazon where they'll post them same item multiple times.


ovens take heeps amount of electricity so air fryers are a very nice alternative, makes my tempura crispy.


NEVER buy clothes online wizzars, unless if it is a simple tee. The foreign measurements fool me again and again

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 No.53500[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I honestly haven't put any effort in gardening this chili plant, I just placed the seeds in the pot with dirt and this how it turned out a few weeks later. It's pleasuring seeing it growing day by day and im looking forward eating the chilli once its red.
It has such incredible calmness to it..

What are the small things that gives you some joy in this 'life'?
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> to calm myself and relieve the loneliness

Check out Bonsai. It's the whole point of it and it looks beautiful.


> calm myself and relieve the loneliness

I think you're expecting too much out of gardening. Unless you have a shit ton of plants there's not really much to do.


Vulgar normalfart. Plants are the only friend a druid needs, and one is often enough.


ahh yes, the tidiness emits motivation and a mood of deep focus as well. Very comfy to sleep in a clean room.


idk looks kinda stupid

[Last 50 Posts]

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Anyone else just really like the feeling and use of a Mechanical Keyboard? Recently picked one up from my local Walmart for $70. Old Razer 2019 BlackWidow and it feels nice. Wondering if anyone else likes them too.
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There are a switches that are around the same noise level as membrain keyboards.

That said I love the clicky ones, so I can understand someone not really liking them, especially if they love silence.

Surprisingly it actually is.
Especially when you get into custom key and switch combinations and building and modifying keyboards.
There are also people who collect them.
For me it isn't quite to the level of a hobby, but I do like them quite a bit and would be happy to talk about them for hours.


I saw a keyboard the other day that looked like a type writer. Do you think something like that would be cool to own?


It wouldn't be to my personal taste.
Then again I don't exactly have fond memories of typewriters.
They are clunky cumbersom devices that make revision and word processing so difficult that it is sometimes better to just retype a whole page then try to fix a relatively small error.

I hated learning to type on them as a child.
So I have no fondness for typewriters and would not like to own something that reminds me of them.


finally got my split ergo mechanical and i can totally see how this is an addiction. im gonna buy the glove80 or make a dactyl manuform next, 4x6 just isnt enough and im already using home row mods and layers but its just not enough for certain rarely used charactrers like tilde grave and plus minus. but its really nice and i like being able to type with my arms wide apart, makes my dark computer room feel like a spaceship piloting room


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Post rare/interesting pdfs

Does anyone else have a huge library of pdfs that they have collected over the years?
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Anyone got that pdf of how to hang yourself? I think it was written by a jewish guy iirc; it was very interesting even if you're not suicidal.


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does someone have pdfs about hikikomori please?
also I would be glad if someone has pic related in pdf in french or english it doesn't matter


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Nothing really special


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thats not what I'm asking

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Are any wizards interested in astrology? I've recently got into it and become very passionate about it. It's definetely true, and i've also started to developing my own theories that i'm hopefully going to refine with time.
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Get the human design app from the play store. You shall see that this science is more than mere speculations based on archetypes and planet positions.


I think everyone should study their own birthchart, its a great source of information and wisdom. You can find the roots of 90% of your problems by studying it and every little detail about your own psyche.

But be careful, astrology is just tendencies (VERY strong tendencies), astrology is no joke. If you study it too much, it may cause some paranoia. Do not allow it to cause paranoia on yourself. Remember that you still in control of your own life and destiny, but the price is eternal vigilance.

Both the people say astrology is very real and people say its bullshit are correct. Its real but you also are free to become conscious and change the patterns that the stars impose on you.


the people who*


The only problem I had with Astrology is how people (mostly succubi) use it. One time some bitch wants me to get out of the room because she said I’m a Libra thus it’ll ruin the “energy channel” she’s creating if I’m nearby. Fuckin idiot


People aren't kidding when they call it 'racism for succubi'

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I invite all anonons interested in the occult to gather in this thread and learn the basics of magic. And if on the site there are more experienced people in this topic, please share their wisdom and help with neophytes and everyone
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Tree of life.
It's related to Jewish mystism/kabbalah.



You have forgotten the most important thing to say that the entire Western tradition in magic is built on this system. And this is the basis of all occultism, but there are other systems that copy it
Sorry for being a bit of a bore. It's just important to me, I spend a lot of time studying the Great Work
(and I'm still the author of the thread)


>You have forgotten the most important thing to say that the entire Western tradition in magic is built on this system
I haven't forgotten because that isn't even remotely true.
There is more to the various western traditions then the golden dawn style kabbalah inspired high ceremonial magic.
It is but one branch on a very big very old tree. It isn't the whole tree.


You shouldn’t speak so negatively about Zara, she gives basic understanding. What do you want to say under the big tree? I only know about two trees. Where can I read about this?


Schizo post aren't funny.

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 No.52132[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Bicycles ~ good for getting around short distances easily.
Or when the power goes out..
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>Why do mountain bicycles cost so much?
Are you asking or is that just the title to the video?


He's pretty good on the bicycle


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unfortunately it didn't take off
track bikes are pretty cool and i kind of wish i had one but i would literally never ride it. these look super cool though.


Are FWD (front wheel drive) bikes better to ride at a hill or something going up? Or is the experience just the same with RWD (rear wheel drive AKA common bikes)


>Are FWD (front wheel drive) bikes better to ride at a hill or something going up?
Not really.
Recline bikes and other such bikes that sometimes have drive trains in the front are more about the advantages of the unusual ride position for comfort and lower drag, and being able to use different muscle groups that have more endurance at the expense of less sprinting power.

It anecdotally makes climbing harder. Especially if you have to balance.

If you are taking about e-bikes, it doesn't matter.

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Currently I'm learning python and already know all the basic stuff.
How to advance and become pro in shortest period of time?

For now I use these project things:

Reading them try to comprehend and change them. Is there anything better to do?
pls share such similar free recourse to learn program or better
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Some engineering advice for you:

(1) Don't try to over-abstract your code. Write what you need and if a pattern emerges frequently then you can write a general abstraction.

(2) Don't bother trying to optimize your code. Work on building the project you want and optimize when you run into performance issues.

(3) Avoid using every language feature. Every additional feature you use imposes complexity and increases the cognitive load of working with your software. This is also true of frameworks.

(4) Object orientated programming is mostly bullshit and will make your program into spaghetti. There is one exception though: encapsulation. Use classes as if they were related functions and state. This lets you build parts of your project as components that only have to focus on only thing. Avoid using every feature of OO programming if you want a program that's actually maintainable.

(5) You need to write tests to verify that your code works. At the very minimum you need tests to check that a feature you write can be used. Call this an 'integration test' if you will.

(6) There are some ways of solving problems that will only be suitable for toy apps and make it impossible to re-use in professional software. As a noob you won't know what these are but expect there to be a long learning curve.

(7) If you're trying to debug a highly complex error and you're drowning in complexity start adding assert statements everywhere. E.g. your function takes n. Assert n is within the range you expect. Assert all different variables for sanity checks. It can drastically reduce the amount of time you spend trying to guess what's wrong.

(8) Python packaging isn't great. If you want to make things easier on yourself try to avoid packages that have C dependencies (they need complication) and use only packages that use the standard library. Don't bother with Python 2 support. For building your own packages I recommend you just put all your source files in one folder with one init file. Trying to over-complicate how you organize your project will lead to you losing to complexity.

(9) You need to get serious about continuous integration across different OSes and versions if you want to release something to actual users.
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Hey man, kind of in the same boat except I'm doing Ruby. If you want to become pro I'd try to use the best resources possible. They're probably books tbh. If you just jump around things on the internet you might not progress that much but a 400 page book is structured and edited for quality etc. You don't have to do it my way I'm just offering an opinion


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try leetcode and codeforce. This roadmap is organized in a way you learn techniques which you build up to solve more complexes problems. But the is a rule, after 30~60 minutes without solving yourself, read the solution and focus on similar problems which require that technique


a good post on wizchan? thats bullshit dont post here ever again


this seems very helpful, thank you

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 No.55235[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This year most of my plants (zucchinis, strawberries, cucumbers) got messed up with the heat waves, tomatoes are really the only thing I have left. I don't want summer to end, going back to eating store vegetables and fruit is soul crushing. Not much money so no fancy organic food.

Do you garden? How long? What plants?
How do you deal with having to go back to tasteless store vegetables during winter?
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greenhouse test. just to see how long it can extend growing season into winter. i want to see in parricular if it can keep my peppers alive. it sucks when perennial plants die from the cold


my peppers got some sort of pests burrowing through a couple of them. Probably because they're too mild. Apparently it's common to order pepper seeds for one species and receive seeds for a different species. That is what happened to me and I think they are anaheim instead of what I ordered. My cucumbers were similarly productive but succumbed to some sort of disease or virus. Eggplants grew a shit ton of leaves but few fruits and only a few got to eating size. I don't think we have enough light where they were.


Recently I've been doing a lot of clearing. I have been slashing down a bunch of native shrubs and trees that cover up spaces and many other plants that I've planted myself. I usually let them grow, especially ij spring, so that they create some microclimate during the harsh summer. Now that the days are getting shorter and the sun is less bright I can clear up these spaces, and open them up for the plants below. The leaves make for gold mulch and I can use the trunks and branches for firewood. Everythijg used to look so lush, now it looks a little empty in contrast.
I also want to bring in many new plants to fill up some of this space, as it turns there's a lot of it! I plan to bring some small trees and shrubs and hope that within the next 5 years they grow big and themselves cover the ground from the sun, as well as provide a lot of fruit.
I have also been broadcasting a lot of vine seeds, mostly curcubitae, such as pumpkin and luffa, but also others like passionfruit. I want lots of trees with vines hanging from them full of fruit, and pumpkin vines crawling along the ground.


well everything else has died from the cold but my peppers and everything inside the greenhouse are still alive, so i consider this a big success, even if it does eventually get too cold in a few weeks, it definitely extended the growing season and should let me start planting early also.


That time of year again. I really should have been out days ago, but the weather just will not co-operate! I can't really do anything until the weather stops swinging 10 fucking degrees in a single day!

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Im trying to make an imageboard for fun, i got fired from my job and have money for some months so before trying searching a new one ill try to make an imageboard as an small project.
I have little knowledge about coding so idk how this will turn out.
I made a draft using this >https://replit.com/talk/learn/How-to-make-a-imageboard/56787#make-your-own-php-imageboard
but idk how to continue.
How should i continue?
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how does one even install this? everytime i try I get errors and broken. Answer plz


any news?



i can only assume these two things going together means some sort of pedo shit going on


oh wait, I see it's a game, nevermind


>i can only assume these two things going together means some sort of pedo shit going on
What could this possibly mean?
It's an imageboard software running with PHP and Javascript. The "Install" is done through PHP once prerequisits are met and is done in order to create the appropriate databases and tie everything together without the operator needing to move things around or manually rename repeating assets when a new board is added.

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