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 No.47407[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

do any wizards like tea? specifically loose leaf teas? if so, any specific blends or varieties you like/recommend?

i recently got into gongfu brewing and it's pretty much the only thing i've been thinking about these days. i found this hole in the wall tea shop in the chinatown in my city and purchased a shou pu'erh tea cake that i've been picking away at.
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As a wizcoded truvol crabpilled sigmacel, I decree that both coffee and tea, with any capacity of sweetness or dairy, is a worthy drink for a wizard who is thirsty.

Unless you use soy-based lighteners. Those turn your orbs in to little gemstones that resonate at a feminine frequency.


I've heard of that combination. I think it's pretty alright. Although, my chamomile is probably a year old or even older by now.

In other news, I've decided to try herbals from Celestial Seasonings. Their Raspberry Zinger and Country Peach Passion is pretty good. Their blueberry is very strong for one mug, and is okay if it's diluted a bit in a tea pot. It also smells like blueberry pancakes, for some reason. Their Orange and Spice is pretty smooth and has a delicate flavor. It's probably one of their best next to the Raspberry Zinger.

On actual tea, I still drink black teas like Earl Grey and Lady Grey if I find it. I like Lady Grey a lot more, but Earl Grey's still a great choice. I want to get into Moroccan mint tea, but I'll need fresh mint, which means growing some, since stores around me don't sell it. That's the only thing preventing me from making Moroccan mint tea, pretty much.


Yes, its possible to developed caffeine addiction, I had a huge caffeine addiction when I was young, I would get headaches if I didnt drink coffe and I had trouble to sleep. Its not that hard to lose the addiction, you just need to reduce the quantity of coffe that you drink. Also, avoid to drink coffe at night


I dont like to put sugar in my tea, but I do like tea with milk


I got for christmass a big 1.5l thermos and more often than not I start my day with making shitload of tea that I'll drink by evening. Highly recommend.

Lately I've also been experimenting with masala chai and I had a great time. I'm not a fan of just tea with milk, but this combo is delicious, definitely try it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fQAxZahx_U

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 No.64254[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Do you have any advice on how to grill? I want to try it this summer.


Do you have a chocolate cake recipe that works?


Sorry, all the cakes I bake are NEETs




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Anyone here interested in researching serial killers? I find some of their backstories and psychiatric evaluations really interesting…
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depends;is the rapist a muscular, hairy man or an androginous,boyish femboy?


Any… This is for my wizfriend btw.


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he is a gang leader(narco/los zetas) and not a serial killer, but he personally executed 320 hand-tied inmigrants so I guess he counts. (mexicans bitch about USA border but they themselves kill central american inmigrants like its nothing)


basically succubi love pisces


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Same with my mother.

I never really looked at it from the angle of a "confirmation bias". Not saying that you're necessarily wrong, but I just thought it was just a darker, realer form of drama shows for them.

Either way, can't be great for them to be watching murder/rape related "entertainment" all fucking day.

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 No.56871[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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what am i even supposed to do with programming

i learned a language (atleast, the fundamentals of how it works) and thought it was gonna be a great hobby for an autist like me and i could put all of my time into it, but i half assed what i finally wanted to do with it in the first place and now i cant even get the motivation to even do any more of it. 90% of the time youre just staring at documentation and googling stuff and i cant be bothered when i dont even know what i wanna do with it anymore.


you write programs

>what programs do i write?

you use your computer and when you notice a problem/inconvenience that you're having, you write a program to address it


what if you make 2 node types, one for hosted instance and one for central authority?


learn to draw pixels in a window and play with graphics algorithms anon, graphics can be amazing


learn 2 inject code so you can fix all of your favorite games

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Here we don't primarily talk about our personal experiences (there's /dep/ for that) but post informative and educational videos and share interesting articles and/ or books about the topics.

Also feel free to discuss whatever topic regarding both disciplines comes to mind, from certain mental illnesses to the general merit of psychology and psychiatry.
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most people here dont need therapy or drugs they need people to invest in them, connection in community, access to resources, positive experiences to change brain up. what else said in this thread about it only being a money making industry and for profit of death, that's spot on. i would have had so much better of a life, if i hadn't been forced onto these heavy drugs early on in puberty. for no good reason either, a form of child abuse only. acted as puberty blockers, messed up hormones, brain development overall. then they got their claws into me again in my 20's and their drugs did a lot of damage. had i been left to figure it out on my own, i would have been profoundly better off. maybe a really good therapist that was invested in helping people and not just a job, but they are so rare as to not even exist.

my 20's and part of 30's disappeared to being on those substances which are there to keep you sedated and pacified and contented with your lot in life. they didn't make things better for me, they made my life a lot worse and took from me the energy and motivation i needed to be able to work on some things. it also was an easy excuse in that, the idea there is something wrong with the person instead of looking and admitting ok society did fuck up as a whole here, and didn't give this particular individual a fair shot. it's all more bullshit to justify 'meritocracy' while making money off the pain and misery of people.


I have a suspicion that treatments like hypnosis are probably better than many "traditional" therapeutic techniques.
Not because I think hypnosis is some magic cure all or has special properties, but simply because it's results focused and goal oriented, unlike far too many forms of psychological therapy.


Be a child therapist kek


I find it alarming that people with sociopathy often find their way into careers at psychiatric hospitals. I find their position of authority to the public results in excessive usee of force that gives way to improper treatment regimens from excessive power, that include unwanted encounters, leucotomy, rape, beatinggs, notthing tredatmednt wise. I have concluded that terrorists often occupy wards as if it were wall street. With psyhs youu cry, with jews you lose. Never trust a ward or institutionaliization for thatt is exactly where the terrorism and genocide occur. Trolls not succubi with which to roll is a fundamental flaw with bad peers found here. If you need help, don't get committed. You get committed for your life being bullshit. Basically you get picks and cucks, not fucks and buckss when you are suicidal there. Use caution and probable techniques lie 4kcal, scaring, etc


I agree, its bullshit industry.

Lost 5 years listening to doctors and sitting in looney bins and noone got even close to my psychosys and alertness syndrome. Thank god they didnt prescribe me heavy drugs like to people itt but on the other hand nothing good happened too.

And Im still have to do this shit because of insane pressure from my parents(they think what doctors tell them). When I refused to take pills they went mad and thought Im in "crysis"(whatever it means) and threatened to put me into looney bin again.

Fuck this shit man.

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 No.33619[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Has anyone read 5e's fucking Ravenloft?
Just some of the horrid shit in it:
>Strahd's played off as what amounts to Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Angelus levels of edge, literally feels nothing and seemingly has no interests above the usual, though not for the same Bram Stoker's Dracula tier reasons, Literally just wants Tatanya as if a meaningless trophy on his belt
>These dumb faggots made it so that Strahd wants to turn whatsherface not into a vampire bride, or hell, even a true vampire, BUT VAMPIRE SPAWN (You know, sniveling wall crawling nosebleed assface monster vamps?)
>Tatanya's a nigger
>The reincarnation is a nigger
>Strahd's wives are niggers
>Nigger Mayor of a town surrounding the land
>Evil white "everything is fine man"
>Strahd's a Bisexual sodomite degenerate with two male consorts to boot
>Made Barovians "Diverse"
>Made Strahd's conquering of the land sound tyrannical as fuck and less just
>Made it so that Some have Barovians have souls and some don't because of 5e's ravenloft being in a private demiplane, stopping newborn bodies from getting souls, in a piss-poor attempt to mimick the Old demiplanes of dread thing where some residents are literally just NPCs made by the powers, even though this makes no sense to anyone who's had to deal with Gulthias in 3.5 and Ashradorn in the whole Soul font thing with the ban on unborn souls in lore, so these people should be getting souls, because otherwise the demiplane would have to deny all positive energy for this shit to even remotely work
>All done because they're too lazy to redo the demiplanes of dread just like before,
>Strahd now heals for 20 in his fast heal
>Mongrel Men are the results of Racemixing past the half-race stage suffer for it, check their description and it's fucking played off as a good thing despite them being ugly mutants beyond redemption in their racial descriptions, the self-unawareness is real

This is why warhammer roleplay and castle drachenfels will always be superior
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So yesterday we continued going deeper into dungeon number 182347819234. One of the characters got stabbed in the eye. Another guy had his hair melted. We found another secret door, and then another one. Investigated a statue, then a chest. Then another statue. One of the corridors had a trap in it. We disarmed it. Dispatched some monsters, I think it was Goblins (we began a new campaign, everybody is lvl 1 and 2). None of them had anything of value. They tried to flee but we shot them. Gruesome. Etc, Etc, Etc, Etc, Etc.

Seems like I’ve grown fond of disdaining this game. I only like it halfway through a session when I manage to immerse myself in that absurd situation. A bunch of mercenaries going down a cave just because it’s there. A monster under a flagstone spits acid in your friend’s face. There’s a room you can only access from the ceiling, and it’s an abandoned butcher’s shop. There are human carcasses pinned to the walls. Sausages made of human flash in a box, everything is rotten. Nothing quite makes sense, it’s dream world, it’s the escape through the absurd.

I keep saying to myself I’ll quit next week but I don’t. The GM and the other player are pretty committed to the game, it’s amazing. They never show up late, they never cancel, they’re reliable. If I quit I’ll never find people like that ever again to play with. I’ve been around in online rpg communities for many, many years now. Those guys are the crème de la crème. Believe me, I know. I can’t just ditch the game. So I go on. Dungeon number 182347819235. Oh no, some corrupted abomination lurking around the corner. Corner number 239572539820395. Secret door. It’s the 234235235th one. We kill whatever it was, it’s dead now. Some treasure. The mage will carry it, he won’t get encumbered and he won’t die in the front line too far for the others to loot his body. The duke is impressed with our efforts. Or was it the captain of the guard? Or was it the king? Someone important. Plot guy number 239485. You can create millions of corridors with the click of a button. Millions, billions of corridors. Castles and dungeons and inns, sprawling by the billions, enough to fill the entire universe several times. We keep going. Another character gets stabbed in the eye. He’s blind now, we’ll need a new character. Let’s get some horses. And a torch bearer.

It’s the Gm’s birthday. He bought himself another old module from the 80s as a birthday gift. He’ll appropriate the maps and Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


Wow anon, that's the kind of game I love most. Pure old-school dungeon crawl. I wish I could find people with that dedication.

>If I quit the game dies.

I wonder what you mean by this exactly. Because a game of this type is much easier to handle, both for GM and players, when it's played in an "open table" format, with a party leaving on expedition every week, composed of whoever is present. Instead of the typical format of "okay let's stop for today and continue from this point next week", which kinda forces the players to be present yet again next week.
In an open table format, you could skip sessions without problem for the rest of the group, since your characters would stay at the safe place from which all expeditions begin (the inn, your stronghold, whatever).


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Love? Well each person is different. To me it's a prison. I call it the 'prison of just enoughs'. Just enough fun to make you not quit. Just enough imagination required to make you dedicated. Just enough tactics to make you pay attention. Just enough for you to care. Just. And it has the odd property of eternally diminishing fun without ever reaching zero, again, just enough to make you show up session after session, month after month, year after year. To me it became this bizarre lingering experience, a looming haze perpetually distorting my days, folding my mind into moss infested corridors, lurking monsters and magic artifacts. I don't even consider quitting anymore because it's better than nothing, again, just enough to make it worth it.

What I mean by if I quit the game dies I mean exactly that. This group I'm in doesn't have the open table mindset and can't even consider bringing someone new in. They are extremely averse to change and newcomers. It's 3 people laser focused on churning fantasy dungeons, there's a rhythm, a comfort and a delicate dynamic we've built through countless hours of gaming together. A year ago when I tangentially suggested bringing in another player it was like I was asking them to commit murder, one of the guys even got offended, like I was trying to destroy a sacrosanct inner circle or something. I don't know, maybe I was. Fucking gamers. And so that's what it is. A prison of just 'enoughs' just for us 3 guys, which is fitting I suppose. Fucking gamers. Fucking troglodytes. Fucking dwarves and wizards and old relics. Next session is in a couple of days. I'll be there early to write the recap and organize the gear for the hirelings. One of them leveled up recently but lost a couple of fingers.


A lovely prison. Thanks for the reply.
So 1 GM and 2 players… indeed, it would probably mean the end if either of you quit.
Well, I hope you have fun next session, and make it to name level one day, if you guys haven't already.


NP, I was quite surprised someone decided to respond to this thread. And thanks, it's probably going to be fun. We have a party at name level working for a king but right now we're dungeon crawling with a thief focused chaotic party, little bit of an evil campaign of sorts.

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Any of you guys wargame? I've tried getting into old school ASL recently and am finding the pure infantry combat of early starter kits pretty underwhelming without the artillery and armor expansions


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I sometime wonder what historically-accurate Early Bronze Age Mesopotamian tabletop wargaming would be like.

Or even in video games, for that matter.


Does Settlers of Catan count? Probably not, right?


Define wargame. At various times I have played 40k, Battletech, Flames of War, and Warmahordes. As a kid I played Panzer Blitz and some other Avalon Hill games.


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I've been running some Chainmail battles with some guys.
It's fun!

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Thread for different sorts of art. Tell us what different type of art you make/follow.
>pic is glitchart made by me


lads i honestly love buying stuff. online shopping is fun as hell. i love researching products for hours and discovering interesting stuff thats out there. then you get to own cool and useful things.

any wizards love online shopping here?
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sounds legit to me


I do the same thing, but I spend much of the time looking for a German manufactured equivalent. It is essentially the only nation I will buy anything from now, for so many reasons, primarily for quality. Often I am unable to find an equivalent, but delight in denying myself that product, knowing I am staying true to myself and the cosmos.


I hate it. I mean if I am looking for something very specific online shopping can make it easy, but it is so much more fun to browse a store and physically touch things. I can get a better idea for the specifications for an object than some stock image a chinese seller posted. The way some UI's are made are so atrocious, so bad and organizing and sorting, or you just end up going through pages and pages of these stock images. Its worse when its Amazon where they'll post them same item multiple times.


ovens take heeps amount of electricity so air fryers are a very nice alternative, makes my tempura crispy.


NEVER buy clothes online wizzars, unless if it is a simple tee. The foreign measurements fool me again and again

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 No.53500[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

I honestly haven't put any effort in gardening this chili plant, I just placed the seeds in the pot with dirt and this how it turned out a few weeks later. It's pleasuring seeing it growing day by day and im looking forward eating the chilli once its red.
It has such incredible calmness to it..

What are the small things that gives you some joy in this 'life'?
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> to calm myself and relieve the loneliness

Check out Bonsai. It's the whole point of it and it looks beautiful.


> calm myself and relieve the loneliness

I think you're expecting too much out of gardening. Unless you have a shit ton of plants there's not really much to do.


Vulgar normalfart. Plants are the only friend a druid needs, and one is often enough.


ahh yes, the tidiness emits motivation and a mood of deep focus as well. Very comfy to sleep in a clean room.


idk looks kinda stupid

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